Fun Inconfort
I've never really been a super huge fan of these 4d freespins, but they are sort of fun. This one is the inferior one I've ridden and I much prefer the smaller layout like Tumbili at Kings Dominion.
Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
Wow. 10/10 coaster for me. I love ultra intense rides and I305 perfectly fits that description for me. Amazing. By far my favorite coaster and its really not even close. Its honestly crazy that this ride even exists.
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors
Wow. Skyrush is elite. The first drop is absolutely amazing, and the spaghetti bowl layout is ultra intense and it pulls crazy forces. Skyrush is one of the greatest coasters ive ever ridden, and I dont see that changing anytime soon.
Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors
Really really amazing coaster. The ejector is out of this world and by far the strongest ive ever experienced. The theming (although it doesn't make much sense) really is great also.
Inversions Launch Chef d'oeuvre Trop court
Absolutely amazing coaster, borderline elite in my opinion. The launch is absolutely amazing and by far the best one I've ever experienced, the inversions are elite, especially the flying snake dive. Super great coaster and it really packs in a punch with the short layout it has.
Launch Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors
Absolutely fantastic ride, I love the layout. I really have nothing bad to say about Pantheon.
Launch Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
Wow, Kingda Ka absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. After hearing how much hate the ride gets, I really didn't think much of it going in. But boy was I wrong. Kingda Ka was one of the greatest coasters I've ever experienced. While I will admit, it could be a little smoother, it was still a great ride. Im very sad to see it go.
Airtimes Intensité Layout
By far the best B&M Hyper I've ever ridden, the airtime is super strong, and I love that upwards helix before the MCBR. It really is forceful. The ending bunny hills are also great, they pack in small short bursts of airtime.
Airtimes Fluidité Layout
SUPER Smooth B&M Hyper with some VERY strong airtime moments, I really have nothing bad to say about Candymonium. I guess it is a little bit short but other then that its great. The layout is also rather unique for a B&M Hyper. Especially that outer bank coming out of the helix.
Inversions Layout Ejectors Inconfort
I was honestly pleasantly surprised by Jersey Devil! I really didn't think much of it going into it, but after getting off I realized that it was a really nice ride! The only downside in my opinion is the restraints, they can cause some discomfort throughout the ride, especially around the ending bunny hills.
Inversions Intensité Fluidité
Really great invert! Honestly one of my favorites. Its super smooth for its age and its honestly super forceful and intense. I love the Zero G Roll on this thing and every other element is super nice!
Airtimes Confort Longueur Temps mort
Unfortunately Apollos Chariot is the worst Hyper ive ridden, but by no means does that make it a bad ride. I really enjoyed Apollos and I thought it was really nice for what it is. Its super smooth and does have some nice pops of airtime throughout the layout. The location of Apollos is also very nice!
Airtimes First Drop Confort
Big fan of Griffon! I thought it to be a really nice and graceful experience, the drop gave some really nice floater and I really enjoyed it!
Inversions Intensité Layout Déception !
I really really enjoy inverted coasters, and I likely set me expectations to high for Batman. I really thought it was going to be this ultra intense experience similar to something like Alpengeist. When I got off the ride I felt slightly disappointed because it really wasn't as intense as I expected. But overall it was still a great ride and I really enjoyed it.
Inversions Bonne suprise ! Intensité Baffes
I never understood the hate for Green Lantern. I found it to be (for the most part) a really comfortable experience with some super strong forces that are only amplified because your standing up. Overall I think its a super solid coaster and I'm sad to see it go.
Inversions Intensité Fluidité
Overall a super nice floorless with a really unique layout. I really do enjoy this coaster.
Rock'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith - Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Andrew L. il y a 1 moisInversions Launch Fun Temps mort
Super nice coaster for a Disney ride, I rode it a very long time ago so I dont remember too much, but I remember really enjoying the theming and the launch. The inversions also packed a bit of a punch too.
Inversions Launch Intensité Vibrations Temps mort Lap Bar
I really love Flight Of Fear. I find it to be a rather underrated coaster and the layout had some super nice forces. The MCBR unfortunately trims to all hell, but other then that, its a super solid coaster.
Airtimes First Drop Inversions Temps mort
I honestly really enjoy Loch Ness Monster. I had a super fun ride on it, and It didn't feel rough at all. My only problem is that it has some pretty major dead spots throughout the layout.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Confort Trop court
Honestly a super good ride, the layout is actually super good and I was very surprised by it.
Airtimes Confort Fun
Fun little coaster! Im quite a fan of it
Airtimes Fun Layout Temps mort
Overall fun little woodie, its nothing to special but the moments it does give are quite fun!
Confort Fun Temps mort
Overall fun little classic! Gotta love the classic Schwarzkopf vertical loop.
Fun Vibrations Sans intérêt Layout
Not really a big fan of this coaster, it really doesn't do anything and I noticed its not riding smoothly this past season.
Intensité Harnais Inconfort
Not a big fan of these Sky Rocket 2s, especially not this one. I found the entire ride to be super uncomfortable. I do quite like the forces it pulls, but other then that its a super uncomfortable experience and I don't think I would ride this again any time soon.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Vibrations
I do really like this ride. A lot of people complain about the vibration/rattle and while I will admit its not good, I can still appreciate this ride for what it is.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Temps mort Layout
I actually enjoyed this more then I thought. It really doesn't do a whole lot, but I was pleasantly surprised by it!
Bonne suprise ! Fun
I actually enjoyed this ride more then I thought. I even enjoyed it more then the larger model over at Great Adventure. Its nothing amazing or anything, but its not a bad ride.
Situation Intensité Vibrations Baffes Inconfort
Ouch.... Tidal Wave is my most ridden coaster ever, I've been riding it for over 10 years and I must say its not getting better. Its always been rough but these past few years are really taking a toll on the poor thing. It is also a very old boomerang, technically the first in the U.S since the track arrived before Sea Serpent at Morey's Piers. But it was not constructed due to a major hurricane. I still can kinda appreciate this ride because I do love the intense boomerang layout, and it looks quite nice. Other then that, its really not holding up.