• Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors Temps mort

    How is this soooooo much better than Jersey Devil? Like this thing runs so much faster I genuinely want to know how. Anyway, this has great airtime moments (especially in the back) and some dead spots. Another stat pad (but good nonetheless) by Magic Mountain

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Inversions Vitesse Trop court

    Absolute breakneck pace throughout. Strong layout just wish there was more of it; maybe like one true camelback in there. The first drop is spectacular and the double barrel roll is so sick. Got to ride this 9 times in the pitch black in the span of an hour. Probably my favorite night ride I've experienced.

  • Jack Ledford

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Fun Launch

    That first drop is unreal in the back car. The spinning makes this so rerideable and leaves me so intrigued by Ride to Happiness. Some good airtime moments and hangtime on the loop, although the launches lowkey suck.

  • Jack Ledford

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Trop court

    Top 5 most intense coasters I've ridden. That inverted top hat feels illegal, especially backwards. Launch and spike are great supporting elements. Could use a few more of those though.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Situation Fluidité Temps mort

    The best B&M Hyper in North America. The 5-Second Floater Hill is one of my favorite rollercoaster elements period. Speed hill is also great and I love the setting. Got to ride this on an absolutely empty day and got on 6 times in an hour and a half. Some elements are misses but most are incredible.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fluidité Layout

    Two words for you: Buzz. Bars. They make this ride what it is. The freedom of that restraint is actually unmatched, and they allow for some of the best airtime moments out there. Even elements that offer mediocre forces become highlights on this since you have some much room between the restraint. Could benefit from some different types of elements but it's electric from start to finish. My 200th coaster holds a special place in my heart.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Fluidité Ejectors Layout

    If you're looking for airtime and basically only airtime, here you go. Anything that's not some sort of airtime hill on this ride is not that strong, but when those moments hit, they HIT. The triple camelback is a great moment, which some off-axis hills thrown in there to spice things up. Between this and I305, Kings Dominion boasts one of the best 1-2 Punches out there. My 150th coaster is one that entered my top 10 when I rode it and is still there 3.5 years later.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    Simply the best coaster ever built. There are maybe four rollercoasters worldwide I could understand you saying are better than this, but for my money, this beats them all. Extremely long ride, with a jaw dropping first third, solid middle third, and a masterful layout in the final third. No notes. My 100th coaster too so I have a special attatchment.

  • Jack Ledford

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    B&M's magnum opus. It's their best coaster and it's not even close. THIS is the perfect layout for a Giga: excellent first drop, keeps its lightning fast speed, stays low to the ground, forceful turnarounds, and enough airtime to please everyone. With B&M's perfect restraints and glass smooth track and train? C'mon man. Perfect. Sits safely in my top 5 for now.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Théma Launch

    My favorite coaster by Intamin. This thing starts off strong and literally gets better with ever single element culminating in my favorite inversion of all time: the Mosasaurus Roll. This has an excellent first half and an all time great second half. Couple that with some of the best theming out there? Cherry on top. Comfortably in my top 3.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Inversions Vitesse

    Pacing Pacing Pacing. That's what makes this ride. This is the only coaster I've even considered putting ahead of Steel Vengeance. It's not longer, doesn't have more airtime, but God does this thing MOVE. It legit doesn't feel like it slows down the whole way through. Taking those RMC Ejector moments at this pace is unreal, and I feel confident having it at my #2 Coaster

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Fluidité Layout

    One of my personal favorites. The second drop is the highlight of the first half, but let's be real: you don't ride this for the first half. You ride it for the ejector filled second half. I swear, you're out of your seat more than you're in it. Once you come out of that gorge, this thing tries to rip you in half. It's home to one of my favorite coaster memories too: riding this 3 times in a row in the pouring rain to end my 10 day New England road trip. The airtime combined with fighting for my life as rain pelted my face at 85mph was something else.

  • Jack Ledford

    Confort Fun Intensité Airtimes

    A really unique ride that pulls off being weird. Inversions offer good hangtime in some and can be downright forceful in others. Hope this opens back up soon. Could've used its speed from that height a little more and thrown in an extra airtime moment or two but it's still great.

  • Jack Ledford

    Intensité Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    Truly awful from start to finish. Zamperla absolutely failed in every facet with the Volare.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse Inconfort

    A polarizing coaster, and I love it. The first drop is one of the best out there, and the layout to follow is one with great pacing and strong airtime moments. I do prefer an inside seat so I can push down on the ground to combat that awful restraint, even if it's a less intense experience. However, now that they switched the restraint, I can only imagine how good a back row wing seat ride on this is now.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fluidité Temps mort

    A lot like Mako at SeaWorld Orlando, but I think this one runs a little worse. Can't beat that 5-Second Floater hill, especially as a guy who loves sustained airtime whether it's ejector or floater. That speed hill hits too, just like on Mako. A few elements miss, which holds it back.

  • Jack Ledford

    Inversions Launch Vitesse Trop court

    Love a good hydraulic launch. Easily the highlight of the ride. While the rest of the layout is a little forgettable, I appreciate its existence to help with the duration. Still though, that's its biggest flaw

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors Vibrations

    Features 4 of the greatest airtime moments, hell elements of any kind, on any coaster. The drop is my favorite airtime focused drop anywhere and the 2 camelbacks and the rolling thunder hill are some of the strongest negatives you'll find anywhere. It placed higher after my first rides in 2018 and has slipped since my 2022 rides where it was rougher. If I didn't actively dislike the second half of this ride for the roughness I could see it being top 5, maybe even top 3. However, the first half is probably my favorite stretch on any rollercoaster.

  • Jack Ledford

    Intensité Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    One of the worst coasters of all time. I don't understand how this doesn't get more hate. I'm sure it wasn't bad when it was still at Kentucky Kingdom as Chang because it has a good layout and is intense but goddamn is this thing rough now.

  • Jack Ledford

    First Drop Inversions Situation Harnais

    Easily the best dive coaster out there thanks to its extra height and complete layout. Most dive coasters feel like one trick ponies but this one notably does not. Lowkey intense in the vertical loop too. Only thing that holds it back is the vest restraints.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Vibrations

    A top 3 B&M Hyper in North America. Absolutely full of great floater airtime hills and just about nothing else. But, what it focuses on is great. I totally understand if this is your favorite in the park. A slight rattle but it doesn't bother me.

  • Jack Ledford

    Lap Bar Vitesse Longueur Airtimes

    Ever so slightly the best ride in the park. Has a great showcase in speed and smartly stays low to the ground. Ultra smooth too but could use a few more airtime moments.

  • Jack Ledford

    Intensité Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    Basically no redeeming qualities. My second least favorite coaster, only in front of its partner in crime across the midway. Volares are terrible, no matter which way you spin it.

  • Jack Ledford

    Layout Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    The worst coaster I've ever ridden, right behind its neighbor. Absolutely brutal from start to finish. And this is coming from someone who loves the SLC's layout and doesn't even rank most of them super low. But this one, God, this one is different.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Vitesse Layout Lap Bar

    One of the greatest layouts of all time cursed by a horrific restraint. With how much I love it now, I can't even imagine it with the t-bars it used to have. A coaster with a layout for the ages that have every force you could ever want.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Layout Longueur Temps mort

    Sure, its a middle of the road RMC (literally #8/15 in my RMC ranking), but a middle of the road RMC is still in my top 25. No moment stands out in my mind, but most of them are solid. A few slow spots, especially from my first ride which was at park open, but it speeds up later in the day.

  • Jack Ledford

    Vitesse Intensité Layout

    Absolute nuts. Its insane that this thing even exists. This is probably the only ride I've ever seen that is a good ride that has a shorter wait because it is simply too much for the general public. I grayed out every time I rode this, with a few blackouts in there too. Genuinely one of the craziest feelings on any experience of my life. The whippy transitions and sense of speed are big pros too.

  • Jack Ledford

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité Vibrations

    Underrated as hell and my personal favorite invert. This thing is absolutely massive for an invert and it benefits a lot from the extra speed it has. The midcourse brake run absolutely kills this thing, but its intensity and inversions make this a favorite of mine.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Temps mort

    While this does earn its nickname "InTRIMidator," the airtime moments and length make up for it. Probably a lower tier B&M Hyper but boy do I love B&M Hypers.

  • Jack Ledford

    Airtimes Fun Hangtime Launch

    A damn good MACK coaster with amazing hangtime. Wish it kept its pace better; you can thank the weak launches for that. The good airtime and great hangtime save this though. Jojo roll is a nice touch too.