• Blake S.

    Airtimes Fluidité Ejectors

    Awesome in the back for the drop, and very aggressive air all over the place. The inversions are floaty. Not a single dead spot. Short, but still complete. The ending feels like you are getting swiftly tossed about by waves, until you wash ashore.

  • Blake S.


    Rode in last car, front of it. The helices are drawn out, but the middle section is quite fun, with two pops of air. In the back, the yank over the hill gets it going, and then the smaller speed hill offers good thrill. I like that they send you through twice. That almost makes paying $20 worth it. Not really. I’m just happy it offers some thrill.

  • Blake S.

    Situation Fun

    Long ride, and though I got row 5 there was still some float to be had, if not a whole lot of whip. Smooth, and elements flow very nicely. The overbank adds some spice, and all the inversions are fun.

  • Blake S.

    Fun Layout Longueur

    It was already quite good in the early morning in row 7. Good pacing, some very good pops of air, and a long and varied layout. The first airtime hill is very good and sustained. Then in the front at night, it proved it was even better. It is a complete package of a woodie. Still runs pretty darn smooth.

  • Blake S.

    A few pops of air in the middle section. Not really rough in any painful way, just feels like a classic. I like the enclosed section. Decent length. Rode in the second from back. Restraints allow for some room.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Fun Longueur

    Thoroughly enjoyed my rides on this one. Pretty smooth overall. Preferred the back for the drop and getting yanked down off the turnarounds, particularly the first one, but the front offers good air as well. Some hills don't hit, but plenty of others give floater, and one or two give a brief pop of ejector. The straight speed hill between the first and second turnaround provides the best pop. About 3/4ths up the lift the chain speeds up (because the train behind you just parked in the station, perhaps?), providing a sweet kick in the back row as it almost feels like a mild launch, and then you get thrown over the drop. I found myself thinking it was like Phoenix, but bigger and without the buzz bars that crank up the fun factor.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Vibrations

    Rode row 3, back row, front row. The airtime, as expected, is great, and hits on every hill. It’s easy to compare to Wooden Warrior. I like the layout of this one more, it has more twists and is more interesting. The airtime feels about the same, good ejector. Still, I give WW the edge because it gets a little rattly at points, particularly the very end, just a bit more rattly than you would want. The restraints are comfortable.

  • Blake S.


    This one has some jank, but I would say it’s fun for the most part. That Z-Force dive is wild, really threw me from one side of the car to the other while riding in the back. More scary than most coasters for that reason. The clearances seemed low.

  • Blake S.

    First Drop Inversions Vibrations

    Front row center ride was fun. Drop was great, so were the first few inversions. The inclined loop is quite good with the short cars maintaining the speed. Back row left side featured a very noticeable rattle, it is seriously odd that it's already as bad as it is. The ride is short, but the elements it has are enjoyable, and it doesn't waste any track.

  • Blake S.

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité

    This was absolutely hauling in early 2024. The first few inversions are your typical fun B&M invert ones, but then the batwing is a killer moment of sustained intensity, and the final corkscrew is the whippiest on any B&M. I thought the train would come right off the track on the ending helix, it just ripped through it.

  • Blake S.

    Vibrations Inconfort

    Wow, what is the deal with the track on this ride? There is no doubt some lateral shaking and roughness, as I expected, but the vest restraints help. “Help” is the key word, because it doesn’t completely absolve it of being rough laterally. But what was surprising was how the train seemed to be rough on the track by lurching backwards and forwards. Super odd. The layout on this ride occasionally shines through, with the final barrel rolls being a good moment, with some whip. But if this is the second-best SLC in the country, I'm not sure I want to ride another (besides Wildwood's.)

  • Blake S.


    This was aggressive and intense, and I mostly liked it. A few typical janky Arrow transitions, of course, but none that really destroyed me. Some mild hangtime too in the non-loop inversions. The intensity was for real in those loops and a few turns. Rode near the middle. Favorite Arrow looper overall.

  • Blake S.

    First Drop Situation Trop court

    Good drop, and fun inversions. Everything else is meh, and there isn’t much else. Smooth, and a very good location. Not as good as Impulse or Rock Bottom Plunge, but a good fit for the park.

  • Blake S.

    Doing the inverting/flipping was fun, and executed better than I expected. Maybe because I was prepared for it to be not good. But I enjoyed the drive wheels spinning the car, found the turns to be fine, and I was OK with the restraint. I liked it more than a 4D freespin, but I'm not the biggest fan of those.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Intensité

    The 2023 experience on this ride is an improvement from the 2022 experience, at least in terms of painfulness. That is, there are still some patches that are a bit rough, but I didn't come off in pain after back-to-back rides like last year. The airtime this ride provides is out of this world when you're in certain rows. The large camelbacks are the airtime hills to which all other hills are compared to. The Magnum Magic Seat™ is an amazing spot for airtime, particularly the Rolling Thunder hill, which was easily one of the most intense airtime moments I've ever experienced, but of course doing the drop in the back is phenomenal also.

  • Blake S.

    Vitesse Fun Chef d'oeuvre

    Rode near front, near back, and middle. Impeccable pacing, excellent elements, and a complete ride. Your proximity to the front or back will give you more whip at the start/end out of inversions, most notably the stall being whippier in the back, and the underflip being whippier in the front. However, every seat is a good seat. It's hard to pick a standout moment because every element is very good, but the double down with laterals is the most unique sensation. I'm used to floaty zero-g rolls, but the final two on this thing go for whip as opposed to hangtime, and I'm all for it. The prelift is also on another level compared to other RMCs I've done. Also appreciated are the TWO separate handholds on the restraint, grab-handles and a loop, whereas most other RMCs have zero. This may not even be the park's best coaster, but it just might be a perfect roller coaster, if that makes sense.

  • Blake S.

    Vitesse Fun

    I know parks love to embellish their rides for marketing purposes, but I think this ride might be the most exaggerated I've seen. 4000 feet is a suspiciously round number, and I struggle to buy that this is 500 feet longer than Roar, 650 feet longer than Hershey's Comet, and 400 feet longer than SKYRUSH, for crying out loud. And 60 miles per hour? Did this operate with a launched lift hill in Massachusetts? Because that's the only way a train can reach that speed from a height of 98 feet. That's my nerd rant. Oh, you wanted to hear about the ride. It was good. Some good pops of air, a fun ending helix, and it keeps a pretty nice pace. Rode in row 5, which may have enhanced the smoothness but lessened the airtime.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Fun

    The airtime hills on this are all great, though the middle hill after the straightaway is the standout - great sustained ejector. The ending hills are an excellent finale, and I didn't mind the large spiraling turns, they contribute to the wonderful sense of speed that this ride has in spades. I am not a fan of the shin guards, as every rattle of the train caused discomfort. That drags this down slightly, but still a great ride.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    Ridiculous ride. An endurance test to be sure, seeming like it will never end while it somehow never lets up, nor becomes repetitive. Airtime in all sorts of places. The phenomenal first hills offer great sustained floater, and then there are stronger pops throughout the rest of the ride. The mixing of the airtime with laterals is incredible. The turns sometimes bank too little, sometimes too much, keeping you off balance. Pretty smooth on the whole too, though it still feels like a traditional woodie, truly out of control. Reminds me of Fury in that there isn’t one mind-blowing moment, just lots of excellent elements that flow well, but this is longer and even better paced.

  • Blake S.

    Fun Longueur Harnais Inconfort

    Unique ride with weird profiling. I love that they send you through twice, it really makes the ride feel complete. I appreciate the layout too, designed with negatives, positives, and laterals. But feeling those forces is a different story, because man, I hate these restraints. Vests and negative g's are already a bad combination, but the real kicker is what the otherwise-pointless knob on the bottom does to my crotch during every moment of negatives. I really want to see the ride which other reviewers see, since it's at basically my second home park, but I just haven't been able to. Still generally fun, thanks to the launches, but my hot take is that no ride is dragged down by its restraints quite like this one. Funny how the other compact, clonable, forwards-and-backwards launching coaster in the state has possibly my favorite restraints.

  • Blake S.

    The launch isn’t too forceful, but the speed is cool. It really isn’t anything too crazy - weird to say about a 400 foot tall ride - you just go very fast. Having OTSRs seems like overkill.

  • Blake S.

    Lap Bar Intensité Layout

    Surprisingly solid first half. Even if the drop, turnaround, and airtime hill would have all just been slightly better if B&M had designed it, they were all still good elements. I did get some floater over that hill in the fourth car. Then one of the worst MCBRs ever devised hits. The following turns are intense, in a mostly enjoyable way, but the pacing and lack of a standout element mean that I can't place it too high. Also, the final brakes had a weird, abrupt braking process that sent everyone lurching forward uncomfortably several times. That wasn't fun.

  • Blake S.

    This ride is more about the spectacle than the thrills, which is OK for a family park. Felt like a toned-down free spin.

  • Blake S.

    Vitesse Fun

    Very fun. The spinning was among the best I’ve experienced on a spinner, and the layout has a good pace and variety of elements. I like having the multi-car trains. It’s short, but I’d want one at my local family park.

  • Blake S.

    It’s a Zamperla mouse, not as good as the Mack mice. It runs a tad slower, so the turns aren’t anything wild. Not uncomfortable or forceless, though.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors

    Some RMCs apparently need a little time to warm up. My first two rides, in row 2, were lots of fun, but not quite mind-blowing. My car 5 ride later in the day, however, was. The ejector airtime is relentless, the zero-g rolls are blissfully floaty, and the stall is fun too. I love the off-axis moments of airtime especially. The drop was easily the best towards the back.

  • Blake S.

    Fun Layout

    Rode in row 3. I very much enjoyed the pacing of this ride, it doesn’t waste a foot of track. The zero-g roll stood out as the best inversion. The interlocking corkscrews are somehow taken a little more interestingly than most others, based on how they slide into them from a turn. I don’t recall noticing smoothness one way or the other.

  • Blake S.

    It's fine. It has no real forces, nor does it sustain speed. But that keeps it fun for families. Just a far cry from the other 20's woodie in the NYC region.

  • Blake S.

    First Drop Fun

    The first few elements are really good. It peters out over the course of the ride, and has a bit of a rattle. A good headlining attraction for the park.

  • Blake S.


    After getting around to a few more GCIs I get why some people talk down on this one. But I still have fun every time, and the first half of the layout does provide some decent forces. By the second half, there are no more forces, but the thrill of the race/duel is pretty fun. The more of your friends and family you have riding this thing, the more fun you have.