The first drop is amazing and the rest of the layout is decent. One nice moment of hangtime, and another with good airtime. Rode in the back in 2024 and it seemed perfectly smooth to me
It's definitely more intense than people say, and that helix is spectacular. Front row is great. Very smooth, and also kinda floaty which is fun and different. Very fun overall, though nothing too special.
Launch is so damn good. Top hat is also great, especially in the back.
Not much going for it but it's not bad. Sit in the back for some nice pull through the loop and corkscrew.
If you want both forward-backward head banging as well as side to side, this is the ride for you.
Discovery kingdom badly needed a family coaster, and this was the perfect addition. It was my first of these types of spinners so I'm not yet jaded but I thought it was surprisingly fun and a little violent but in a good way during the second half
Only got 1 ride on this, and it was pretty fun. Didn't get too many flips and it can be quite violent at times so it's a hard one to rank and definitely needs more than 1 ride to properly review.
This was my first big coaster so I have an attachment to it in that way, but ignoring that it's still really good. Every inversion is excellent, it has a great first drop, and it's usually pretty smooth.
The park re-tracked Gold Striker before the 2022 season and the difference is very noticeable. It's much smoother now and has an awesome first drop, great transitions, pacing, small airtime moments, and more.
I thought this was very fun and underrated. The open and airy feel of it really add to it, and the launches and spikes are great too
This is the only dive coaster I've done so maybe that's why I like it so much. The drop is great, as well as the inversions. It is a little short though and could use more elements. Yukon Striker seems better in that way, although I haven't ridden it.
The launch and the height it reaches are incredible
Everybody knows what Steel Vengeance has to offer so I won't really go over the ride which is amazing. However, it is a little overrated and isn't even the best ride in the park, let alone the world. While there was a ton of airtime, those airtime moments honestly weren't as strong as I expected them to be. Overall tho, it's still pretty amazing
It's not a bad ride but being at Cedar Point means it gets completely outshined. It was a little rough and isn't as good as the floorless coasters that weren't originally standups, but it's still fun.
I love B&M inverts and this is my favorite so far. I got a front row ride and it was completely smooth, along with being incredibly intense (that last helix!!) and it has amazing snappy inversions.
It's very close to being 5 stars, but for me it's just quite not on the level of the very best coasters I've been on. It's still very good and quite intense, especially that first turn.
Maverick is currently my favorite coaster. Everything about it - the drop, quick transitions, airtime hills, and the launch - are executed perfectly. It's probably the most rounded coaster I've been on. It's really gonna be hard to beat this one for me. If there is one flaw it's the restraints, lap bars would elevate it to a whole other level. At least it's the soft OTSRs and not the hard intamin ones.
Magnum is absolutely incredible and very underrated. The airtime is very extreme, especially on the return section. I really don't remember it being rough or painful either. In my opinion this is a top 3 coaster at Cedar Point, and sometimes I can't decide between this and Steel Vengeance.
It's decent and I like the scenery it goes through. Ninja is just a little better
I think I just got a bad ride on it but I remember it being rough and not very thrilling
Very graceful and smooth. Doesn't have a ton of forces but there still are some pretty intense moments.
Fun airtime hill but there are definitely better arrow loopers
Nice location and a few good moments
Only rode it once and I remember it giving fun airtime but was also pretty rough where I sat
Generic wild mouse (which I kinda like to be honest)
It was fun and unique at first, but I remember that the more I rode it the worse and more uncomfortable it got.
It was fine but nothing special. Much prefer the Mack spinner I've been on
Pretty boring, don't remember getting much airtime or any other forces.
Not comfortable at all but felt like a classic and was surprisingly intense and fun
Surprisingly good ride with great forces through the loops and final helix