• Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Intensité Longueur Vibrations Débit Fiabilité

    As of my first rides on Boulder Dash, it is currently my second favorite wooden coaster. There are flaws, but it is still a great ride. Some of the issues reside before you even get on. First, the capacity could be good, but the lack of a second train makes it atrocious and the line can get pretty long. In line, there is a good chance the ride breaks down. It happened quite a few times during my visit, and the main reason is the lap bar getting stuck. Each time this happens, they have to call maintenance to eventually (after 10-20 minutes) release the restraint. Speaking of the restraints, they are the PTC lap bars, which I find under appreciated. I don’t know if it was just me, but these ones seemed to lower more than the usual PTC lap bars. First drop isn’t noteworthy, but the following elements provide amazing laterals that continues throughout the course. You get PINNED to your seat for quite a bit of time. After a few elements, the ride suddenly provides ejector at the apex of the hills. With the PTC lap bars, this airtime is elite and makes the ride world class. Some of these ejector moments also have those laterals, which causes a mix of two powerful forces and makes it really memorable. The turnaround itself doesn’t do nothing noteworthy, but the return run contains several hills of floater airtime. This whole ride is extremely long, which I value in a ride. It is element after element after element. That partially contributes to the capacity issue, but the ride itself gains a perk from it. The main takeaway from all of this is the roughness. The titan track given at the beginning and on one hill during the return run is smooth, but some parts can have a pretty nasty rattle. For the parts that don’t have too much with an issue, it feels like a charm. It makes it feel like a classic wooden coaster albeit with the incredible forces. The bad parts should be given titan track though. It’s uncomfortable and makes some parts of the ride worse. At least it’s better than the ending on Wildcat. Still, the layout is amazing and I enjoy the long, forceful experience despite the problems.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Fun Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    Wildcat has been heavily improved, but it still isn’t fully fixed from the Gravity Group retrack. Before getting on, the capacity feels atrocious. 14 people on one train ops. You can see another train, but it isn’t running. On a quiet Sunday, it was a 45 minute wait while the second longest wait I experienced was 15 minutes. The restraints aren’t terrible, but I vastly prefer PTC restraints for their increased room for airtime. First drop is rough but tolerable. First turnaround isn’t noteworthy, and neither are the following turnarounds. The retracted airtime hills provide some decent floater. At this point, the ride is a solid 3.5-4 stars thanks to the pretty smooth experience. The final third of the ride is entirely different. The final turnaround provokes a constant trend of jackhammering. On the final hills, it can get so bad to the point that it’s laughable. My 2 rides were in the last 2 rows and those were probably the roughest rows, but it’s still questionable that the whole ride was like this. With that being said, my first rides on wildcat were mostly good, but they still need to retrack the finale at some point.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Despite being the same model as Barnstormer, I remember liking this a lot more

  • Bubble Gaming

    Rode this at the age of 5. I hurt myself but other than that it was fine

  • Bubble Gaming

    I rode this when I was 5 and I remembered not liking it

  • Bubble Gaming

    It was a while ago when I rode it, but I remember liking it.

  • Bubble Gaming

    I got stapled, so I couldn’t really focus on the actual ride experience lol

  • Bubble Gaming

    I forgot I rode this. I think I liked it.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Intensité Hangtime Trop court Inconfort

    The award for the shortest complete coaster probably goes to this. Maybe I haven’t waited enough in it to think otherwise, but right now I believe it is. In theory, the capacity should be terrible considering there only being 12 people and one train, but it isn’t. The short ride, lack of seatbelts, and efficient ride ops cause the capacity to be decent. The restraints are also pretty good and allow for a bit of airtime room. The actual ride starts with a pretty mild launch up to a pretty steep climb up. The second launch is actually pretty good accelerating backwards. I got pushed into the restraint during it, which isn’t uncomfortable so it really just shows the force of the launch. The backwards section has decent laterals and give a nice view of the main drop. The final launch is also pretty good in the sense of speed. The main ascent is great. Decent laterals and the entire second half of the climb is ejector airtime. The heartline roll at 150 feet in the air is amazing for views and hang time. It feels like quite a long time to go through the element. Then there’s a 90 degree drop that is similar to the ascent but now facing down. The bottom of the drop is super forceful, so much so that it is painful. It pushes you into your seat in a weird and unnatural manner applying pain to your back. The non inverting loop isn’t anything noteworthy, it’s just there for the backwards part and to increase ride duration. The final ascent is just like the first one except you slow into it instead of speed up. Despite how much I’ve said about this, it’s a short ride. However, it’s probably the best way to fit a coaster in this plot of land. The back pain from that one element is the only other thing I find to be a negative, it really exemplified after 8 rides in one day because Boulder Dash was closed. Besides those 2 things, it manages to be a pretty complete ride from start to finish providing airtime, positives, laterals, and hang time with just lap bars.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Bonne suprise ! Ejectors Vibrations Débit

    The station makes it so that you can't choose your row. Because of that, it's a 50/50 chance that you're going to get a good ride with some pretty good airtime, or a rattly mess. The non-wheel seats offer a pretty good classic experience. The wheel seats make it not quite headache inducing, but pretty rough. This also gets one of the longest lines in the park. On busy days, it gets up to an hour wait for most of the day. Also, my last time I rode it, it overshot the station so we were able to ride it twice. Thankfully we were able to ride in a non wheel seat, otherwise I probably would've rated this worse.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Théma Fun Vibrations

    The statue out front is certainly something. The ride itself is fun for a family coaster. There is a small amount of laterals for most of the ride, but one moment jolts you into the right side of the train because of the profiling. Good laterals but it's painful. Even with that moment, it's a great way to build up to the big coasters.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Fun Baffes

    It really depends on where you sit for it to either be a good ride or a bad ride. First time I rode, it was an outside seat towards the front. That ride had pretty nasty headbanging on the zero-g roll and corkscrews. Second time I rode in the middle in an inside seat. This time, there was no headbanging and was pretty fun. This thing has hardly any force though. A little bit of hangtime, but not much else. Just make sure to ride in an inside seat, otherwise it will be rough and unenjoyable.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité Vibrations

    I genuinely had no expectations for this. I thought it would be a headbanging mess. First ride, I was desperately preparing for headbanging that… never appeared. There wasn’t headbanging. I even found it decently forceful! The second ride was rougher, enough to give me a mild headache. I still found it to be an underrated gem that doesn’t deserve a 6.3%.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Intensité Hangtime Débit Harnais

    I got a pretty good ride on Joker. Immediately, I flipped twice. There also was a lot of rocking around, including a part that I thought was going to flip me, but it didn’t. The ride itself I enjoyed, but after is where the problems shine. They only allow one train to load and unload at a time, so you have to wait for quite awhile until you get off. This is part of the capacity problem. The line before moved at a snail’s pace. The waiting also caused my hips to be in pain because of the vest restraint. It hurt, even after the ride. With the extra wait, I’m much more likely to get rerides on Joker at Great Adventure despite preferring the New England version.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Vibrations Inconfort

    My first ride in July wasn’t that good. It was pretty rough, and it earned only 2.5 stars. I decided to give it a second chance, and it only got worse. I knew old vekoma’s profiling was bad but not THAT bad. It was jackhammering me so much throughout the entire layout. I do want to point out 2 of the worst moments of roughness. First, the sidewinder. You can see the roughness from off ride. Not only do you have the lateral roughness, but now there’s aggressive shaking back and forth. Then, there’s the inline twists. These 2 are so rough that any form of enjoyment is quickly sealed. There are sudden jolts from side to side that are so abrupt, impactful, and painful. It has vest restraints, which are probably the only thing making this 1.5 stars instead of 0.5. The vest restraints are a step in the right direction, but it still is bad and I’m still concerned about riding SLCs with the old restraints.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre

    After nearly a year since first riding WiCy, as of writing this, it is still my #1. It truly is a one of a kind experience from start to finish, delivering airtime that is so strong that it’s painful. Some may criticize the restraints, but they don’t bother me. I’m small enough for the lap bar to be incapable of stapling me. The shin guards aren’t even noticeable during the ride. In the station, there’s fake newspaper articles about the cyclone the ride’s about. There’s also decent thematic elements incorporated into the ride, good for Six Flags standards. First drop is spectacular. Once reaching to the top of the ride, with flashback’s lift hill giving a scale for how high you are, you get whipped right down the drop in the back. This drop is one of the best for any coaster I’ve done. The zero g stall gives great hang time. You slowly roll into the inversion, stay for a little, then gradually roll out. To finish the “turnaround”, there’s a double down providing strong sustained ejector on both drops. Then comes possibly the best element, the sustained ejector hill. If it weren’t for El Toro, this would be my favorite airtime moment of any coaster. Another “turnaround” happens, this time containing an outward-banked airtime hill. You get ejected into the supports from the side. Then there’s 2 zero g rolls each containing a hint of hangtime and some more off axis airtime hills providing more sideways airtime. The ending continues the trend of ejector, with a hill and even the break run giving airtime. Wicked Cyclone is such a gem, there aren’t even dead spots. I will continue to have this as my #1 until something can be better than this masterpiece.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Fun Longueur Temps mort

    Shredder was surprising yet disappointing simultaneously. The ride starts out with a turn into the lift hill. Just like Pandemonium at Six Flags New England, the lift hill is decently steep and is fun going backwards. It goes up the lift hill for a decent amount of time, keeping you facing down. After the lift, there are a few decently banked moments that are the best part of the ride. There are so many mid-course brakes on this. I still had to wait 40 minutes, but it made the capacity better compared to rides like the aforementioned Pandemonium at SFNE and Slime Streak in the same park. Sadly, the ride just spins a bit during these, and there are plenty of dead spots. The only good thing about the second half is the feeling of the ride never ending. You go to see if the ride is over, and there's still a few more elements. It doesn't feel under 2500 feet long. I just wished that they did more with the elements in the second half, and I wished that the ride would feel faster. The pacing really slows down by the end.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Launch Intensité Hangtime Vibrations Fiabilité

    It opened while I was in line for Timmy, so I couldn’t make it the 75th. I still was fortunate to ride it in the short time frame that it was open. I was there for over 6 hours, and it was open for one of those hours. Forwards launch already is pretty powerful for LSM standards. The two immelmanns were pretty whippy in the back. The rollover provided some great hangtime. Suddenly the turntable makes you go backwards and the launch almost is dangerous. You get yanked towards the seat in front of you. I definitely don’t recommend putting your hands up on the backwards launch in the back because you might smack the other seat. Everything mentioned before applies to the second half, except you don’t realize when each element will occur. The only problem is the roughness. Even when it’s only four years old, it has a noticeable rattle. Maybe the park isn’t good at maintenance. After all, Shellraiser was closed today and has been closed since October. Even with the roughness, Sandy is still a great ride that hopefully can get better maintained in the future.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Fun

    First impressions of this were all over the place. It could either be one of the better coasters at the park or worst case scenario, the worst coaster. I have a lot of issues with motion sickness. While I can tolerate spinning coasters, this introduced going 90 degrees. It ended up being the second best coaster in the park. (Shellraiser was closed) The launch immediately picks up the ride, and after a few launches, you reach the top speed. The ride can either spin a lot at parts or not spin. The spikes are pure fun. You can feel a bit of weightlessness on the top. If you’re facing down, it’s even better. You have a little lap bar as the only thing keeping you in. It creates more joy in the ride, as it’s straight down. The ride isn’t even too short, it’s a reasonable duration. Because of the other random kiddie coasters not included on Captain Coaster, this was my 75th credit. Sandy and Shellraiser were down at the time, so I’m not upset at my choice.

  • Bubble Gaming

    First Drop Vitesse Fun Débit

    I don’t know if it was just a crowded day, but I had to wait an hour for this. One train definitely slows down what would’ve been a 30 minute wait. The ride starts off with a drive tire lift, which is fairly unique for rides bigger than a kiddie coaster. Was the intention supposed to be a small kids coaster? 42 inches isn’t kiddie level. The first drop definitely is the best part of the ride. In the back there is some nice whip that even gives a small pop of airtime. There’s also a very minimalistic lap bar. After the drop, there are some small hills and turns. These don’t offer much forces, but it still makes the ride more fun. The reason for this is the pace. I’m surprised by the speed of this thing, pretty fast for a family coaster. The brakes then make a funny noise that can be heard from around the park. It doesn’t take points away, but after the ride ended my lap bar didn’t unlock and someone had to manually unlock the restraint.

  • Bubble Gaming


    My first review, I mentioned the lack of flips. This time, we got three and a bunch of intense rocking. Immediately after the lift were 2 of them, which caught me by surprise. At the end, our entire side of the train was laughing, which I guess fits the theme of the Joker. There’s also signs in line so decent for six flags standards.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    It’s 5 stars even with the roughness, that’s how good it is. The first drop is as good as people say, and “deathjector” is an accurate name. Even on the ride where I got stapled there was strong ejector, that’s how powerful it is. The turn after is intense but rough. Then, a nice little hill with some ejector, laterals, then the Rolling Thunder hill. I love the rolling thunder hill. There is sustained ejector on the entire hill. You then go through some rough but intense turns and that’s the ride. I will also mention the cable lift is fast enough to feel the speed. A retracking would do wonders to this ride.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Débit Hangtime Temps mort

    The line moved pretty fast, compared to some other rides (cough Dark Knight cough). Out of the station is a little drop that was somewhat surprising and the main drop was a bit of a let down. I guess Batman gave me too high of expectations. Loop has hangtime, dive loop is eh, and zero-g roll is fun. This is because it’s a zero-g roll. Cobra roll is eh, and afterwards is a pretty apparent pothole. After the midcourse, there’s 2 corkscrews with hangtime and a bunch of dead spots.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Fun Vibrations

    Didn’t really notice the location too much but it’s essentially Canyon Blaster but better. Helix is immediately after the first lift hill and the ride is similar. Random forces for some strange reason and there’s a random ejector moment that I don’t know how it got there.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Fun Intensité Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    This is weird. Didn’t know what to expect going into the station, but it wasn’t too bad. The only time the vest doesn’t hurt is with the comically large bar. Lift hill gets to let you see the line that you just missed, and it was crowded when we went so there were a lot of people. Drop had a decent whip to it, not anything like Batman but still noticeable. The pretzel loop is weirdly intense, you’re dropping and inverting at the same time. The turns after make you notice how bumpy the ride is. Once you’re in the brakes, you’ll sit there in discomfort for a few minutes. The dispatches flat out suck. Weird but fun coaster.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Launch Intensité Vibrations Baffes Fiabilité

    “Arms down, head back, and hold on” then suddenly you start accelerating. This was my first hydraulic launch, and even in the middle you feel the power of that launch. You also get positives going up the tower, and the drop feels so long. Now for the problem that is really apparent, the rattle. This might be the worst ride to have a slight rattle, and in return there is a slight amount of headbanging. By slight amount I mean enough to give me pain in my ear. I’m not complaining too much about the short ride because it packs so much in it though. I will complain about the downtime. I was on it, then it closed. I was lucky to have it open five minutes later.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité

    The assigned seating makes for breaks this ride. The first time I rode, I was assigned towards the front. The drop had a little pop of air, the inversions were fun, and decent floater. Second time, I was assigned row 11. The drop WHIPPED you and the five loop after was also whippy. Then came the camelback, which gave great sustained ejector. After that, the zero g stall. Whippy from the back and also great hangtime. The turnarounds also were fantastic. Zero-g roll once again had whip, and the airtime hills towards the end still gave airtime. All this is talking about what’s considered a low-tier RMC, really showing how good they are. You also have to put your hands up. My sister didn’t and she was disappointed, so keep them in the air and you’ll have a great time.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Théma Vibrations Inconfort Lap Bar

    This ride has its fans. I’m not one of them. The lap bar stapled me, which hurt the whole ride. The turns aren’t that bad, but the drops were questionably rough. Good theming though.

  • Bubble Gaming

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité

    THIS is how you do a coaster without airtime. I don’t see why people complain about the cloning of this ride. Maybe this is the best one? Who knows? The theming is kind of weird with going through metal pipes. I saw this on Dark Knight too, so maybe I’m missing something about Batman? These metal pipes last what feels like forever until you get to the station. For some reason, the last 2 rows were the shortest lines, and this probably played a key role in my ride. The pre-drop is ridiculous, maybe the best one ever. After the drop, you get into a vertical loop that feels like any other B&M loop. The zero-g roll starts the crazy insanity. It’s ridiculously whippy, shocking considering I did Batman at New England and its zero-g roll wasn’t that whippy. You go into a second loop, just like the first one. After that, some decently fast turns, then 2 of the greatest inversions I’ve done. The corkscrews (they have another name that I’m not bothering to look up right now) are SO whippy. They STILL took me by surprise even after the previous zero-g roll. Also to mention that you retain the speed for the whole ride. The brake run is just what appears to be a storage area, so theming I guess? Coming from someone who has Great Escape as their home park, I which this was there, because it’s so good.

  • Bubble Gaming

    First Drop Confort Intensité Airtimes

    First, the station music is great. Doesn’t affect the actual ride and the ride op was talking half of the time but still enough to acknowledge it. The lap bar is super comfy, and unlike the kiddie coaster nearby there are no seatbelts. I don’t mind seatbelts but it’s kind of funny that they would put them on the kiddie coaster and not the 80 mph coaster. Pointing this out that I got a night ride, so clearly there’s a beautiful setting, I could only put 3 things in the pros. The actual ride has some decent intensity, especially on the helix, but there is one big problem. There is absolutely no airtime on this. I didn’t even get floater. I might’ve had a bad ride but I can only rank a ride meant for airtime that doesn’t have airtime so high.