Vitesse Fun Longueur
One of the best family coasters on the planet. It has some nice floater airtimes sprinkled throughout, but its pacing and duration is really impressive. Honestly, was very impressed.
Vitesse Layout Ejectors Inconfort Fiabilité
Ahh, the famous lightning rod. Everything that Ive ever heard about this ride was true. Lets start off with the positive. Lighting rod definitely has the best themed trains out of all the rmcs ive ridden. I rode it towards the start of and it was running pretty fast. The layout was fast paced and very snappy/violent. The famous quad down was excellent. The negative. Reliability, reliability, reliability. Lightning was down the first day I was there and was up for only half the second day. I was told by staff that lightning rod only had problems for one week this season(which was my week), but even though that may be the case, I still experienced its notorious unreliability. With that unreliability, I only managed 2 rides to judge this premier coaster. Outside of that, lightning rod had some rough spots that may start to surface more over the next 5 years. All in all, i wish I could ride this ride at its peak, but ill have to settle for 2 morning rides.
First Drop Fluidité
The first drop was pretty impressive. There were some nice inversions and i greyed out on a few of them. Pretty solid, for my first wing coaster. Just didnt have the length or quality of elements to make it elite.
Théma Longueur Temps mort Layout
It is literally a dark ride with 3 small dips. Not really much of a coaster. Theming is interesting though
Inversions Trop court
I came in having decent expectations. It was honestly just disappointing how short the ride is. Its honestly just 1 drop into 3 quick inversions. Like 20 seconds or less. Just not worth it.
Airtimes Fun
A pretty good wooden coaster. I was pretty impressed. If you ride it in the front row, you get floater airtime(my favorite), if you ride in the back you get ejector air time. But it was a pretty fun ride with nice airtime. Not too rough either.
Launch Fluidité Trop court Fiabilité
Superman is an interesting ride to judge. It is just a simple launch and fall. The launch is pretty gradual and is lackluster if you aren’t sitting in the front. The fall from the top of the tower is underwhelming and only gives a good view. MUST SIT IN FRONT! The Front gives the best ride and the wind gives the ride much more intensity. It is too short to be a good coaster and you are basically limited to the front for the a good ride.
Théma Fun Longueur Baffes Déception ! Inconfort
Ahh, where to begin. It’s so hard to review this ride. Parts of it are fun and other parts are pointless. Ignoring the head banging, if Dollywood put a little more time incorporating Mystery Mine’s full layout with theming, this would be a much better ride. It just roams around for parts of the ride until putting you back into the themed areas. With that being said, its a long ride and the theme parts are pretty good.
Longueur Temps mort
Its a family coaster, so im not gonna bash it too hard. But it was just slower than it needs to be. The main redeeming quality is its length.
For being a family suspended coasters, its pretty fun.
Its a kids coaster with a massive train. Not much to say.
Inconfort Sans intérêt
The ride did its job by spinning alot, but it was so freakin jerky. Every turn was unnatural and really uncomfortable. Plus the first half of the ride was pointless.
Inversions Fun Trop court
My first experience on an S&S freespin and it honestly was pretty fun. Just too short.
Airtimes Inversions Fun
For an RMC, definitely on the weaker side. It definitely lacks that killer layout that many have, but it is still a very fun ride. It has some nice inversions and still has some good airtime. The only problem I had were the 1 train ops. At the end of the day, any RMC is good.
Situation Intensité Fluidité
This coaster is a pretty smooth flying coaster. The view that you get while riding tatsu is unreal. The terrain and view on this ride allow you to feel an authentic flying experience. The ride is fun and has some intense elements, but is kind of short. The pretzel loop is insanely intense and you better brace yourself for it. Overall great coaster and just fun overall.
Intensité Fluidité Ejectors Trop court Débit Lap Bar
(Revised review) I’ve ridden this coaster in the past and I was fairly underwhelmed. But today just rode this coaster 4 times. Rode it in the back row. To say the least, it was a much better experience. Railblazer is a fast, intense layout with some inversions and ejector airtime. The ejectors definitely seemed to pop more and was much more intense. The ejectors were insane this time and definitely had you complete out of your seat.The theming is meh and my major flaw with the ride is how short it is. The ride is too short, but super fun none the less. The restraints also hurt the ride, by really limiting your airtime.
First Drop Fun Hangtime Trop court Théma
Honestly, I had some expectations for this ride, but thought it was just gonna be an above average roller coaster. Hangtime exceeded my expectations. The first drop was spectacular and the inversions were solid, there is also an intense airtime hill in the middle of the ride. Unfortunately the coaster is too short and doesn’t have much theming. But definitely a great ride for sure.
First Drop Intensité Trop court
This was my first dive coaster and I kinda got what i expected. I rode in the back on my first ride and thought it was just ok, than i rode it in the front and it was much better. The front really makes a difference. I thought that the first drop was pretty sweet and the inversions were pretty intense. I only thought it was too short and lacked theme for a park called SeaWorld.
Théma Launch Trop court Layout
The launches were nice, but the forces are just alright. Outside of a couple inversions, it’s your standard skyrocket model. Plus the last drop being heavily trimmed blows.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Théma
Its a great little ride at Seaworld. Definitely a nice surprise and definitely rides better than the povs. The airtimes are nice and its just overall pretty fun. My only gripe with the ride is they got lazy with the theming after the 1st half. I would definitely have loved it more with water and better theming on the ground.
First Drop Inversions Longueur
Honestly exceeded my expectations. I knew that this ride had a reputation for being a good B&M floorless, but it was still better than I thought. The first drop was pretty good and the 2nd inversion had crazy lateral airtime. The ride was pretty long and was good, but honestly lacked a good 2nd half layout to make it an elite coaster.
Intensité Hangtime Trop court Débit
I thought it was a cool little ride for a smaller SeaWorld park. I thought it packed a good punch for such a short ride and was pretty intense. I only wish the ride experience was longer and the capacity was increased.
Bonne suprise ! Temps mort
Nice surprise. Drops weren’t bad and the loop was pretty intense. Nice ride for what it is.
Inversions Intensité Théma
First things first, this coaster is a floorless and it is a parking lot coaster. Scream as a lot of inversions and it is just a decent coaster. Nothing special.
Inversions Intensité Trop court
I don’t know why, but this invert just didn’t do much. I rode it 2 years ago and I really enjoyed it. I rode it yesterday and it was just ok. It was a short ride with decent intensity, but I just felt like it didn’t do anything special.
Situation Sans intérêt Layout
Honestly just a pointless ride. I understand why this mine train exists, but it’s just a rough ride without offering much.
First Drop Intensité Longueur Baffes Inconfort
This ride actually surprised me. The intensity of this ride is pretty high and I loved it. The first drop was pretty forceful in the back and I greyed out for half of the ride. Really loved it. Unfortunately it is a bit rough, but it isn’t as bad as others make it out to be. Definitely really fun though. Would be 5 star if it was smooth.
Airtimes Inversions
It just didn’t do much for me. For some reason I don’t get the butterfly feeling on roller coasters anymore, and on this ride it was just airtime hill after airtime hill and I didn’t feel anything. If you still get that feeling, you will enjoy this ride. But I just prefer intensity over airtime at this point.
Fun Sans intérêt Temps mort
Unfortunately, there isn’t much to this ride. The layout just doesn’t do much and the launch is anything to really care about.
Airtimes Fun Longueur
Let’s get the negatives out of the way first. The ops are slow, and should be faster. Also I believe ghostrider is slightly overrated. Now for the pros. GhostRider has plenty of airtime and constant drops. It offers nice laterals as well as a long ride experience. The duration of the ride is very noticeable and very pleasing. Very fun coaster and definitely a must when you go to Knotts. Solid pacing as well. Not a top 25 coaster in the U.S, but definitely a must ride while in Southern California. One of the best woodies out there.