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Inversions Harnais Vibrations Théma
In terms of B&M flourless coasters, this one’s not the best. It certainly has its problems, but it’s not a bad ride. I actually think it’s smoothed out quite a bit recently, to a point where I don’t really have an issue with it. The layout is pretty cool, and you’ll enjoy yourself for sure. I think the rattle on this thing is annoying, a huge con to be completely honest. Compared to Medusa at SFDK, this thing is deafening.
Lap Bar Launch Intensité
Hard to say a bad thing about this coaster. The 0-82 launch in just seconds is wild, and the intensity through to the end of the drop is definitely present. I also like that on this ride, unlike others of its kind, you go around the hill a little bit and the ride doesn’t just end. It’s enjoyable, it’s fast, and it towers over the park and Buena Park. Great coaster all the way around.
Layout Longueur Inconfort Sans intérêt
This is one of the most average rides I’ve ever been on. It’s long, which is nice, but ultimately it doesn’t do much for me. There’s no intensity, no good drops, nothing. But, it offers some great views from above the park and a nicely themed attraction area for the most part. Ride ops are horrendous, and you might wait 30 minutes for a line that should take 10-15. It takes up such a big footprint I think they could really put a better ride here. It’s not disastrous, but it’s not great by any stretch.
Bonne suprise ! Layout Trop court
The ride is actually pretty fun. It doesn’t look too enticing, but the spinning really adds to the coaster. Some of the bank turns and other elements are thrilling, and I think it does it’s job as a family coaster.
Situation Déception ! Inconfort
To say I was underwhelmed would be an understatement. This ride fits I the land, and it has a better layout than the traditional rides of its type. The worst part about this coaster is just how boring it is. To wait in line, and sit in cramped seats just for this ride is disappointing. Knotts is a great park with great attractions, but this is not one of them.
Intensité Fluidité Temps mort
This ride is just fine. It’s a 255 ft tall hyper coaster, so the views are pretty cool. The drop is just so lackluster, and the lack of inversions or real intense layout makes this one just a little boring. The best part of the ride is the helix at the end, which can make you blackout if you’re not expecting it.
Théma Situation Layout Vibrations Inconfort
Same thing as the left side, only this side is a little bit less enjoyable for me. It’s slower, but a bit less rough for it which is nice. Ultimately, I do enjoy speed and intensity a little bit more, and on this ride I’m willing to take a rougher ride for some tighter turns and quicker descent. Because it’s rough no matter which side you sit on, this one doesn’t really do it for me as much.
Lap Bar Launch Hangtime Trop court Débit
One of my favorites for sure, Full Throttle taps into every category of intensity that make the ride enjoyable. The launch is thrilling, the loop offers incredible hangtime that really live up to its accolades, and the mid course launch is a nice touch. The ride is just too short for me, and I think the wait times that are garnished for this thing make the ride less worth it. Ride ops are generally pretty decent, but when the line gets long it feels like forever because of the lack of cooling in the queue.
Longueur Temps mort
Probably one of the more classic coasters in the park, this ride goes out over the main entrance fountain and gives spectacular views in many areas. The loop is compact which adds a little intensity you wouldn’t expect from a ride like this. I wouldn’t say it’s great, but it has its charm. Boring to most enthusiasts, but something you should do once.
Situation Fun Débit Intensité
An SFMM classic, this ride is definitely enjoyable. The only Arrow bucket style I’ve ever ridden, and probably my only. These type of rides are going extinct, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a fun ride, but it doesn’t hit all the marks in terms of intensity or big drops. Lift hill at the end to get back to the station is kind of annoying too.
Théma Confort Layout Intensité
Worst part about this ride is the shallow drops. I don’t need inversions, hangtime, etc, but I do enjoy some good airtime and drops. This ride is definitely a family coaster, and the lack of intensity brings it down just a little too much. As a Disney fan, I do appreciate the theming and history of the ride, but as a coaster fan I can’t quite bring it up to that level.
Théma Confort Fluidité Temps mort Intensité
The better space mountain between both coasts, yet still not the best coaster. It’s a fun ride, and it’s more enjoyable than it looks on paper, but the drops aren’t amazing. It’s older, and the dead spots are noticeable. The on-ride audio and space effects inside the ride building are what makes this ride better than it’s florida counterpart. That, and the trains are comfortable. Ride still holds up after 40 years.
Théma Fluidité Trop court Débit
This is one of Magic Kingdom’s better coasters, I would even venture to say it’s good moments are better than any other coaster in the park. It’s too short, and it’s good moments aren’t really long enough to thoroughly enjoy. The swinging of the cars is a nice touch, and a ride system I’ve never seen before. Smooth as butter, and the theming is of course spectacular. I’d say it’s not worth more than a 30 minute wait, and this ride garners long wait times. Usually around 75 minutes all day during the summer.
First Drop Fluidité Hangtime Trop court Débit
The first drop on this thing surprised me, and is one of the more intense drops that I’ve been on. The vertical drop coupled with the hang time towards the end really make for a fun experience. I wish the ride were longer, but being indoors I understand the duration. Ride ops can be slow, which makes for longer wait times. It’s smooth and comfortable, and thoroughly enjoyable.
Inversions Intensité Layout Baffes Inconfort
An Arrow looper, and a unique design through a canyon and inside a dome. Yes it’s fun, and tracing above the walkways of the Adventuredome is exciting, but the ride is pretty uncomfortable. The trains are tight, and unless you sit in an odd number row, you’re not getting much leg room. Wait times are low, and I think the long trains running two at a time makes for higher capacity. If it wasn’t for the location, this layout wouldn’t be much to write home about. The inversions are intense and fun, which makes for the best part of the ride.
Situation Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort
A lengthy kiddie, but not a great Arrow. Overall, the ride is pretty lame. Even for a kiddie coaster, it doesn’t offer much, and I think most kids can handle a lot more. The scenic trek through the hills of Valencia are a nice touch, but that’s about all this ride offers.
Inversions Vitesse Intensité Layout
The off-the-shelf Batman coaster that you see at most Six Flags parks. It’s a fun ride, it really has some great moments. It’s fast paced and intense, and I grey out on it depending on where I’m sitting. Either way, it’s an enjoyable experience. I really don’t think the head banging is all that bad, the worst part is probably just the generic layout.
Airtimes Intensité Longueur Débit
Can’t stress enough how slow the ride ops here are. They could be a lot faster, and the fact that they aren’t is disappointing. It’s a fun woodie that goes across much of the park, which is fun. The coaster is long, and the constant drops really keep you engaged the whole time. It’s rough, but it’s not unbearable.
Airtimes Situation Confort Débit
100 years old and this ride is still hitting all the right notes. It’s classic, it’s scenic, and it offers great airtimes and headchoppers that still get my adrenaline going every time. The first time I went to the Boardwalk I rode it 18 times with my friend, and that’s something I’ll remember forever. A must do if you’re in Santa Cruz.
Théma Layout Vibrations Inconfort
The first tubular steel coaster built in 1959 is exactly what you would expect. The updated trains don’t do much to help the bumpiness and uncomfortableness, but it’s a classic coaster with some great theming and views of Disneyland. It’s nostalgic, Harold the abominable snowman is updated, and the ride is enjoyable despite the roughness, and I hope they never get rid of it. The left side is definitely faster and sharper on the turns.
Théma Situation Inconfort Sans intérêt Layout
A better wild mouse coaster is really all this guy is. It’s a fun ride that offers great views of the pier, especially at night. The turns along the top part of the track are actually pretty cool, swinging out over the edge to give you the feeling that you might fall off. If you’ve ridden any other wild mouse, it’s the same as those but with some more theming to compliment the ride. Not a great attraction for tall people, and the ride vehicles were made for kids or something because these things never fit two people even remotely comfortably.
Théma Launch Trop court Inconfort Temps mort
This ride comes in an era where Universal really didn’t get the whole coaster thing, and it shows. The ride is very short, with minimal storytelling once it gets going. The ending comes about way too quickly, and it really throws the pacing off. You basically do the same layout twice, the second time backwards, which is kind of cool. Uncomfortable seats, some of the worst I’ve seen aside from Vekoma trains. I’ve heard the Orlando version is better, so I’ll have to make a trip out there to try it out someday. It’s a fun ride for a 15 minute wait or less.
Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Inconfort
This is one of the faster woodies I’ve ever ridden, and the speed run through the station is a nice touch. It’s fast and fun, which makes for a good ride experience. The absolute worst part about this ride is the rattle and discomfort. Honestly, without those things this coaster would be considerably higher on my list. It’s painful to ride, sometimes worse than the Matterhorn at Disneyland. The speed coupled with the discomfort makes it worse, hitting harder on the turns than some other uncomfortable coasters. It’s still enjoyable if you can get past the jerkiness, but it needs some TLC.
Situation Fluidité Longueur Temps mort
This is the only B&M standup I’ve ever ridden, but I had a great experience. I was expecting an uncomfortable experience, and based on what I had heard that would be the case. But, I was pleasantly surprised by the restraints. It’s smooth, it’s got a couple good inversions, and ultimately it’s a cool feeling to be standing up on a roller coaster. I think if it was just a little bit longer it might start to be uncomfortable, so the duration it is is just enough to be enjoyable.
Situation Launch Trop court Débit
The draw of the ride is the launch, and it packs a punch. The views at 415’ are great, if you were only up there for longer than two short seconds (try Lex Luther Drop of Doom). The 90° drop has just about no airtime and there’s not much to the ride after the 0-120 launch. Slow loader which creates super long lines.
Théma Launch Longueur Airtimes
Pleasantly surprised throughout my entire experience. Of course Disney, theming is second to none. The rich theming here is no exception. I was immersed in the story, and the ride was very well done. The uniqueness of the trains and the way they spin while moving through the track was awesome. The bank turns we’re surprisingly fun, I think it might’ve been nice to have just an inversion or two.
Théma Lap Bar Layout Inversions
This ride is one of Disney’s best coasters, and the theming is the icing on the cake. The restraints are comfortable, there’s plenty of leg room for tall guys like me, and it has a reridability factor that sometimes Disney coasters lack. Going backwards after the lift hill was exciting, and you surprisingly experience some gs on the helix inside the mountain. The drop midway through is not on par with RMC or some of those bigger thrills, but it does pack a bigger pinch than you might expect. I rode this coaster 3 times during my day in Animal Kingdom, and it didn’t disappoint.
Théma Confort Fluidité Intensité
This ride pleasantly surprised me. I was expecting a typical kiddie coaster, but Slinky Dog is definitely a family coaster, and one of the best Disney has to offer. Both the main hills offer great views of Hollywood Studios, and the mid course launch is a nice which keeps you engaged. I really liked this ride and would definitely ride again.
Rock'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith - Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Ethan Finn il y a 2 ansThéma Inversions Launch Temps mort
A coaster I was not expecting to like as much as I did. A vekoma LSM, this ride’s layout is a typical vekoma. Thoigh there are only two inversions, they’re pretty fun and you could grey out on the cork screw, especially if you sit in the back. I rode this ride both in the front, middle, and back, and you get the best views from the front, but the most intensity in the back. It rattles a little, but very good for Vekoma standards. Highly recommend you ride this if you’re at Disney.
Situation Layout Longueur Débit Temps mort
I just did this alpine coaster today, and it’s one of my favorites. The scenery through the lower smoky mountains is beautiful, and a lot of the turns and helixes offer great views overlooking the valley. The capacity isn’t great, you can expect to wait 30 minutes or so on average. Alpine coasters are always a lot of fun, and this one is no exception. It’s around 8 minutes, and it’s offers three lift hills. This is a must-do if you’re in headed to Dollywood, or just if you’re in the Tennessee area.