• Chermaine S.

    Débit Déception !

    Rode it once in December 2021 and I could barely remember anything about it so that really says something about how much Colorado Adventure impressed me. Then I rode it again a few times in 2022 and I'm still not impressed. It is pretty smooth and the section in the dark is really good, but the rest of the layout just doesn't do it for me. It's not bad or anything, it just feels a bit basic. I'd much rather ride Taron or F.L.Y. instead.

  • Chermaine S.

    Lap Bar Fluidité

    This one kinda surprised me in a positive way. Probably because I was so used to Vekoma SLCs. The lapbars are very comfortable and the ride is smooth. But other than that the layout is very basic and the ride just doesn't stand out in the park as Movie Park has better coasters than this one.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Fluidité

    For its age, it's a really good ride actually. Still runs butter smooth after all those years and it's a lot of fun to ride.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fluidité Lap Bar

    Here's your standard Vekoma Junior Coaster, nothing too special really. But can someone please tell me why this thing needs shin guards?

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Fluidité

    Nice Family Boomerang with a pretty forceful turn out of the station I must say. Rest of the layout is average, but still fun for what it is. Prefer this one over Light Explorers by a mile.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Débit

    I was expecting this one to be another very illegal ride at Legendia (the operators have to push the cars up onto the lifthill on this ride!), just like Devil's Loop, but Dream Hunters Society was actually quite fun! It is quite smooth and the drops are good. But the best thing about this ride is the airtime. Yes. This thing has AIRTIME. Like I actually got lifted out of my seat at one point during the ride, that was great! If only the capacity were a little better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Situation Fluidité Trop court

    Nice little Vekoma Family Boomerang that pulls some nice positives and is very smooth, but it's a little on the short side. An upside being the location: it is right next to Taron, one of the best coasters I've ever ridden. A downside: it is right next to Taron, so if you don't have the Raik credit already, go ride Taron instead.

  • Chermaine S.

    Situation Fluidité Layout

    The layout isn't that great but it's all about the surroundings with this one. I love the interaction with Hals-über-Kopf and the fact it goes through said coasters station building!

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Fluidité Débit Déception !

    Very smooth, but otherwise a little boring. It doesn't do anything in terms of forces, no airtime, capacity is absolutely atrocious just like all Gerstlauer Bobsleds and there are sooo many midcourses. They don't slow you down but they are just a plain boring section of straight track. Theming is nice though with a great soundtrack.

  • Chermaine S.

    Déception !

    I love spinning coasters but this one just didn't do it for me: I found Naga Bay to be pretty boring. The drops weren't that great and there is very little force on this ride. And the midcourses slow you down quite a bit.

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Layout

    I feel like the first drop backwards is very pointless: it doesn't do anything. The main drop with the splash is much better though, pretty much identical to SuperSplash at Plopsaland De Panne. What makes this ride better than SuperSplash though is that it doesn't take ages to get back to the station and the theming with the dolphins is much better than the almost nonexistent theming SuperSplash has.

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Inconfort

    Poseidon is an average water coaster: the layout isn't too bad but it is quite rough in some places, and with the lapbar touching your knees, they will hurt quite a bit. The final drop into the splash is enjoyable though.

  • Chermaine S.

    First Drop Layout

    Literally a drop and that's it. The drop is great though with the little hill. But afterwards it's just suuuuuch a long boatride back to the station. That's why I put layout as a con: the coaster part is too short while the boatride part is too long.

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Fun

    One of my favorite Mack powered coasters. It feels very fast and even has a little darkride section.

  • Chermaine S.


    Fun powered coaster, especially love the helix at the end which pulls some nice forces and if you're towards the back of the train, you get some great lateral hangtime at the end of the ride.

  • Chermaine S.

    Situation Fun

    Pretty fun powered coaster, only rode it once so can't remember too much about it but from what I can remember, it felt pretty fast and even got a little bit of airtime on some of the transitions. Also love this rides location above the lake.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Trop court Débit

    My first bobsled coaster and it was an okay ride. It's fun for what it does, it's just that it's really on the short side.

  • Chermaine S.

    Intensité Baffes Harnais Déception !

    I absolutely love Speed of Sound at Walibi Holland so I was hoping this would be about the same. Oh no, Cobra is WAY worse. It doesn't have the comfy vest restraints Speed of Sound has but instead has those hard over the shoulder restraints. The ride is pretty shaky which causes quite some headbanging. And as the train detaches from the two chain lifts, there is quite a lot of shaking, which hurts. Overall this coaster is just not very fun to ride. At least the looping pulls some nice forces in the back of the train.

  • Chermaine S.

    Débit Inconfort

    Calamity Mine is an okay Mine Train, little shaky but not too bad. Nothing too special though, just ride Kondaa instead.

  • Chermaine S.

    Intensité Inconfort Layout

    Probably one of the most illegal coasters I've ridden. One look at those wheel assemblies says enough. The layout is one of the worst I've ever seen, like who came up with those boring helices? Those helices are taken too slowly as well. The ride overall is rough and causes some headbanging. The only redeeming thing about this coaster are the two loops, which are actually pretty forceful which I can certainly enjoy.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inconfort Layout

    It's been a while but from what I can remember I did not enjoy this at all. Robin Hood was shaky, painful and uncomfortable and the layout was nothing special either, just a bunch of turns and drops. So glad it got the RMC treatment.

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Déception !

    Haven't ridden this in 8 years, but from what I can remember, I came off this ride disappointed. It wasn't really that thrilling and the Indiana Jones theming was practically nonexistent.

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Fluidité Longueur

    The perfect kiddie coaster. Glass smooth, great theming and while it may be a bit short, you get a 3-lap special to compensate! I had quite a lot of fun riding this one!

  • Chermaine S.

    Théma Fluidité

    This ride surprised me with how smooth it is! Most Zierers have a little rattle to them, but Tabalugas Achterbahn runs butter smooth. The theming in the dark section is also much better than De Wickiebaan at Plopsa Indoor Coevorden.

  • Chermaine S.

    Situation Fun

    This was surprisingly fun for a Zierer! The layout is great and the setting with the water and trees is really nice. Also it's a 3-lap special!

  • Chermaine S.


    I always enjoy a little ride on Donderstenen. The rides setting with the water and trees surrounding it is pretty nice and the layout is good for a Zierer.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Fluidité

    One of Zierers best kiddie coasters. It's butter smooth and the layout is fun.

  • Chermaine S.

    I was hoping for a better version of Donderstenen, but Wickiebaan left me a bit disappointed. Just a bunch of lights with very little theming otherwise. The layout is one of Zierers better ones though.

  • Chermaine S.


    Another standard Vekoma Junior Coaster and I had to wait around 20 minutes for this one. Spoiler alert: it wasn't worth it, only did it for the +1. It runs smooth though.

  • Chermaine S.

    Another standard Zierer. Really nothing special about this one. I do like that it features Duinrells mascot though.