• Quix

    Airtimes Fun Inconfort Lap Bar

    Miss this ride. If only their current owner wasn’t lazy and had the will to fix it.

  • Quix

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Trop court

    I have huge sentimental value for this ride. It’s the coaster that made me an enthusiast! Growing up in this area, it’s my home park and ridden it hundreds of times. As of today, I am approaching my second year operating it! The restraints are the best non-B&M restraint in my personal opinion, so much room for airtime. Phantom rides really smooth, but you get a slight shuffle when it’s going max speed because it still runs on the arrow looper chassis. With that said, every other section is smoother than every B&M I’ve done, it’s lowkey scary how smooth it can be. The ejector is among the best on a coaster, due to the restraints letting you feel it’s best potential. 232 feet, that’s the height of the second drop, which gives great floater oh the back cars. I’ve said so much good things to this point, why did I knock off half a star? The duration is not the best. If it had a couple more ejector hills, then maybe it’d be enough to bring it or five stars.

  • Quix

    Airtimes Intensité Longueur Vibrations

    This ride feels like it will never end, both the airtime and the ride itself. If I could give any con whatsoever, a couple of the valleys definitely have some mild jackhammering. But it’s nothing that ruins the ride, and HW probably have retracked some of it by now.

  • Quix

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Inconfort Layout Lap Bar

    This coaster definitely feels like it has had better days. If they retracked it and bought back the buzz bars, this would be one of the better coasters at the park. It’s very rough in some spots, especially the turnaround. But the airtime is some of the best out there.

  • Quix

    Longueur Inconfort Lap Bar

    This has the typical late 60s arrow mine train jank in the worst form possible. The one position lap bars, rough transitions, and lift hills make this a sketchy experience to say the least.

  • Quix

    Fun Longueur Harnais Temps mort

    This coaster is really tame, they let you bring your bags on the coaster and let them lay on the floor! With that said, the ride isn’t rough at all, and the back row can give you a great amount of swinging! It’s a family coaster, so it’s great for beginners! The journey through the trees and swinging around make this another great Arrow masterpiece.

  • Quix

    A raser !

    Probably the worst coaster I’ve done. It’s rough, janky, uncomfortable and headbanging!

  • Quix

    Débit Fun Chef d'oeuvre Temps mort

    There’s almost nothing wrong with this coaster. Glass smooth, the clamshell restraints are among the best in the industry and it’s a perfect duration. The only knack against the ride is that helix towards the end which is a slight dead spot, but the ride is good enough to look past it. The most intense B&M since the 90s, period.

  • Quix

    Airtimes Ejectors Longueur Débit Inconfort Lap Bar

    Steel Vengeance has been among my favorite coasters ever since I first rode it. Done it every year since it opened and it’s maintained its glory. However, the trains are the main killer of this coaster. The RMC restraints are among the worst I’ve experienced and it really punishes you on the ejector finale. With that said, it rides really smoothly, the duration is great and the airtime is unmatched.