• Jacob James

    First Drop Situation Chef d'oeuvre Temps mort

    The setting by the lake is absolutely gorgeous and I love how it's built on the hillside. The airtime in the back row on the first drop is incredible, and the stall following the drop is the best inversion I've experienced. I love the way you float upside down. The outerbanked turnaround is another highlight of the ride; it's a very aggressive element with the sideways ejector and the transitions out of it. The next two airtime hills give solid airtime. This whole sequence of the ride is absolute perfection, but unfortunately the second half doesn't quite match this. It's still good, it just doesn't quite have the same intensity as the first few elements. Anyway, the second inversion slows the train down a lot so it gives good hangtime, and then the next airtime hill gives good airtime. Then it does some meandering (with a bit of airtime) before the third and final inversion which is nice and whippy. But the hill afterwards slows down the train a lot at the top, so you get a moment to catch your breath, and you only get weak floater in the back row. Then there's some s bends into the break run. Overall, it's still a phenomenal coaster, I just think that if it maintained the intensity of the first half it would be in contention for the best rmc. For this reason I prefer Helix as the best coaster in Sweden.

  • Jacob James

    First Drop Vitesse Fluidité Trop court

    My first dive coaster and it was pretty good. The first drop was good and my favourite part of the ride but the airtime wasn't very noticeable. I greyed out going into the immelman. The zero g roll was nice and floaty. The following hill gave a bit of airtime. The last inversion gave good hangtime. I know a lot of people have a problem with the vest restraints and while they do take away from the airtime a bit and are quite restrictive I actually find them quite comfortable and not painful. But I'm quite short so I can understand if they're a problem for you. Overall, I was excited for this ride and I think it met my expectations. I would use the word 'good' to sum up this coaster. Not mind blowing but you'll probably be satisfied with your ride on it.

  • Jacob James

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    This really is a masterpiece of a roller coaster. It has the best mix of airtime, positives and hangtime of any coaster I've ridden. Some of my favourite moments are the norweigan loop which is very intense, the inverted top hat which gives great hangtime especially in the back, the turn after the zero g roll which is very whippy, and my favourite, the two camelback which deliver fantastic ejector airtime. I know a lot of people criticise the launches for being forceless and have a lower opinion of the ride because of the launches, but I can look past them because the layout is incredible. Also while the launches are definitely not the most forceful by any means, I still felt some acceleration on both of the launches, so I actually thought they were alright. My favourite seat was the back because it was more intense and had stronger airtime. The front is still great and the first and last inversion give great hangtime there. Overall, Helix is the best roller coaster I've ridden so far.

  • Jacob James

    Théma Inversions Hangtime Baffes Harnais Inconfort

    I was right at the back and some parts caused headbanging, notably the cobra roll, the bottom of the first drop and some of the transitions between elements. Not to mention the awful trains. They are very hard to get into and then you have this bulky over the shoulder restraint. And my legs were extremely cramped. Although I would probably have a better opinion of all of this if I sat in the front row. Some positives are the heartline rolls are smooth and offer great hangtime, the corkscrews are whippy, the vertical loop is forceful and the following airtime hill gives decent floater airtime. The theming is good and it has the best soundtrack in the park. Overall, Colossus is well themed and has some good moments but the trains and roughness retracts it from being a great ride. But I think if it got new trains with lap bars and a full retracts it would be a much much better roller coaster.