• B West


    I love animal abuse

  • B West

    Intensité Baffes Harnais Sans intérêt

    Somehow better than Nighthawk

  • B West

    Inversions Ejectors Hangtime Trop court

    Ayyyy Ton', da kids wanna ride da Express coasta! Dey even named it afta you Ton'! Ain't dat somethin'!?

  • B West

    Airtimes Situation Layout Vibrations Inconfort Lap Bar

    This thing has 2 really good airtime moments on the return run but is awful everywhere else. No wonder TT2 is having issues with wheels when this thing tracks worse than a drunk driver on the NJ Turnpike

  • B West

    Hangtime Intensité

    Got sent around over 5 times because the ride op was hyping up a kid who was riding his first coaster which was neat. The ride itself is pretty bad

  • B West

    Inversions Fluidité Trop court

    Lots of fun for the plot of land they had to work with. I enjoyed this ride a lot for what it is

  • B West

    Ejectors A raser !

    This thing sucks lmfao

  • B West

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Inversions Déception ! Sans intérêt

    Not really great but I giggled

  • B West

    Airtimes Confort Fun A raser !

    Really fun coaster. They don't build em like they used to. A little over hyped but definitely worth your time if you ever find yourself in NYC

  • B West

    Théma Vibrations Inconfort Layout

    It really is a shame that Iron Menace is as bad as it is. It feels like a 8-10 year old coaster and I rode it less than a week after media day. The theme, presentation, and vibes of the entire area of the ride are really well done. I love the music and ambiance building up to entering the ride’s queue. I wish the first room you entered in the queue passed through a second time. Because after the introduction of the McTavish Steel Mill you are sent into an absolute abomination of an un-shaded queue line. There are zero trees, zero shade and zero relief from the sun in the queue of the ride. There seems to be a “ghost hunting” theme but it is not explained very well at all. There’s a fake youtube channel that has an Instagram account you can follow in line which I would assume explains more lore, but no one in the queue is going to look up that account. There’s a van with ghost hunting equipment in it before you climb the stairs and that’s about it. Once you’re at the top of the stairs you merge with the fast lane losers and are grouped into the next train. If you ask for a row and it is available the operator will honor your request. The station has awesome style, light fixtures, and overall is themed very well for Cedar Fair. The station is on par with the theming you would see on Copperhead Strike or something in Jungle Xpedition. There is audio on the lift hill as the spirits of the abandoned mill “take over” your ride vehicle and send you on your way. A steam whistle from old steel mills blows and you drop right after (It is also the exact same whistle sound from Billy Joel’s “Allentown”’s opening, so it's probably the same generic sound). The drop in the back row is good, it has good whip and is the best part of the ride because it is all downhill from there. The valley of the drop has some decent positives overshadowed by the shuffle you feel beneath you. The immelmann is very mediocre and does not pull many forces. Once you pull out of it, the valley between that and the zero G roll is an unacceptable level of roughness for a brand new coaster. The zero G roll is very boring and once again does not pull many forces. The inclined loop had potential entering it until the descent began and the entire train shuffled the whole way down until we entered the final corkscrew. From the corkscrew until the brake run it vibrates like a massage chair until you hit one of the absolute worst moments on a B&M coaster as your head slams side to side before flattening out into the final brake run. Old-school B&M OTSR’s would have made that transition miserable. Overall, Iron Menace is a very mediocre ride. It will definitely bring in crowds to the park and that’s why this coaster was built. The park itself should be very proud of themselves for how this coaster is presented. It is a shame that B&M gave the park such a low quality product, because before the valley of the first drop, the ride is an 8/10. After hitting the brakes, it is a 2/10. If I were a park executive I would never want to work with a company that provides such a terrible opening day product again.

  • B West

    Airtimes Confort Trop court

    I really like this ride. Probably my 3rd favorite in the park. The trains are comfortable, lap bars give room every time somehow, and the drop track is great. I just wish the outdoor bit did a little more but the indoor section rocks

  • B West

    Fun Fluidité Trop court Airtimes

    Somehow in my top 5 coasters on property. Tons of fun from a lifelong Toy Story fan.

  • B West

    Harnais Inconfort A raser ! Temps mort

    The only good part about this ride is riding millennium flyer trains without a seatbelt

  • B West

    Inversions Situation Fun Inconfort

    Its an old Arrow so its jank but its also really cool and fun

  • B West

    Fun Débit Layout

    Just sort of meanders around and isn't worth more than a 20 minute wait

  • B West

    Inversions Intensité Longueur Temps mort Layout

    This ride is awesome and is a blueprint on what B&M should do on their inverts in the modern era of coasters. It has a lot of filler but I can forgive that for the intensity of the rest of the ride

  • B West

    First Drop Débit Fun Trop court Temps mort

    My phone autocorrects this ride to "Shakira" every time I try and type Shakira

  • B West

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Vibrations

    This ride is everything B&M does right with their coasters. They make this and pump out nothing but junk for years to come afterwards. Its a shame this ride's life will come to an end soon but I will enjoy it until then

  • B West

    Longueur A raser ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    Overrated and boring coaster in an identity crisis. Do you want to be a thrill coaster with inversions? Do you want to be a graceful family coaster? Do you want to have both sides of the station open? Do you want the water pit to be on? So many unanswered questions from a ride that is still a 6/10.

  • B West

    Hangtime Débit Harnais

    Feels like they took Sky Rocket and Kennywood and refined it and made it super fun! Premier seem like they know what they're doing

  • B West

    Fun Débit Temps mort Layout

    Cool concept, bad execution.

  • B West

    Inversions Théma Inconfort

    my legs are too long for this ride to fit my knees into the train and it hurt bc of that :(

  • B West

    Trop court

    If you're not with friends please don't ride kids coasters by yourself. You look like a weirdo.

  • B West

    A raser !

    wild mouse

  • B West

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun Fiabilité

    I still don't know which side is what but it's still a fun coaster

  • B West

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun Fiabilité

    The Andrew Tate side of Space Mountain. I still don't know which side is what but it's still a fun coaster

  • B West

    Théma Situation Temps mort

    I like trains

  • B West

    Fluidité Débit Déception ! Sans intérêt

    Really bad for a Disney coaster. Like, REALLY bad.

  • B West
  • B West

    Débit Launch Inconfort

    I don't like Aerosmith and I'd rather live in the timeline where this ride gets rethemed to Hannah Montana in 2006