Airtimes Ejectors Inconfort
A good ride. It is getting more rough but it still packs a punch and it still has that airtime.
First Drop Lap Bar Fun Théma Débit
A great classic. It is great, bumpy fun and it is actually crazy how this ride is so good even though it is so rough. You will be laughing all the way through it’s strange but fun layout and get thrown side to side throughout it which is great. It is a weird hyper coaster which focuses more on lateral forces than airtime which is why some might not like it but I’m all for it! It’s quite a unique experience for Europe and more people should ride it for what it is.p instead of expecting insane airtimes (which isn’t really that bad at all e.g. the mid course gives good air) and that drop is one of the best out there! Shame it only runs one train though.
Airtimes Fun Longueur Inconfort
It is running great after the retracking! Fast with many laterals. Crazy how it still holds up as a good ride.
Airtimes Théma Lap Bar Vibrations Inversions
Sadly I only got one ride on Lost Gravity due to it closing shortly after, however the capacity can be not great on a very busy day but it was fine on the day I went. The drops were whippy and fun but I would prefer if it hung you upside down (like the swarm). Great ejector on the first airtime hill. Quirky non banked turnaround was strange but interesting, the theming is decent for this park but very similar to the Swarm’s. The colour scheme was great as well and the super comfortable trains were a plus. Overall, very good ride but the rattle and some parts hold it back from being amazing.
Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
The best in the U.K…… By Far
Théma Inversions Hangtime Vibrations
The ride experience is one of a kind and going through many inversions is exciting with the odd airtime hill. The 1st half is definitely better than the second as the final 3 inversions can get quite tight and uncomfortable. The many dive loops are fun and the hang time is brilliant on the 1st inversion. However, the ride has a massive rattle which can take away from the ride experience but it dosent take away from it much. Also the harness can get quite tight on your legs which can cause some issue during the 2nd lift hill. Restraints like Gold Rush’s could really make the ride better.
Airtimes Launch Fun Harnais Layout
Rita on the front row is class. You can really feel the speed and seeing the red track for the anticipation for the launch is great. The layout itself is quite short and takes a few fun turns which makes you embrace the wind blowing into your face. There is airtime during the twisted airtime hills and brake run but not much of it. The ride would also highly benefit from lap bars because the OTSRs are unnecessary and obstructing.
Airtimes Théma Vitesse
Insanity, Great Forces and airtime on the back and it has gotten more intense with age. The Theme is world class and certainly one of the best In the UK.
Vitesse Fun
Very fast for a powered coaster. Probably more intense than that forceless millennium as well
Inversions Vitesse Hangtime Baffes Harnais Inconfort
Last ride I had on Colossus was good. Smoother however still rough but it contains whippy inversions that throw you side to side. It is one of the most intense rides at Thorpe park. New wheels really help the ride flow around the track without much of a rattle and the airtime hill before the cobra roll and after the loop it flies through. Delivering good airtime similar to The Smiler’s hills at Alton Towers and not to forget the extremely fun end to the ride. The 5 Heartline rolls which never stop delivering. The severe issue which is the reason why it is 3/5 is the terrible trains which are outdated and uncomfortable. New trains and a new paint job would make it the best ride at Thorpe park. The lost city theme is cool too? .
Théma Launch Déception ! Temps mort
Xpress platform is a hit or miss. The themeing and launch are great but the rest of the ride dosent do much however, the compact layout is ok, going under other parts of track is cool however the pace is severely lacking.
Unique because it isn’t a pinfari therefore, it rides without brakes which means you go quite fast
Situation Vitesse Longueur
Very exciting and enjoyable, when you go to zip world, you will have to prebook this ride however. You get 3 rides in 1 which is good value. One tip to riding this coaster is to not brake due to it automatically doing it for you anyway and it slowing you down less so you can go much faster throughout the rest of the layout. The turns in the layout are not banked so it contains decent laterals similar to a wooden coaster and the mountainous terrain aspect adds to the whole experience. There is nothing wrong with this coaster for what it is. It contains fun, a very good pace and solid lateral force throughout some of its turns.
Théma Inversions Situation Layout
A solid coaster. One of the weaker coasters at Thorpe park but still decent. The ride itself has ok force and really whippy inversions and snappy turns but I can put help to feel that the ride can get a bit repetitive. There a two back to back zero g rolls and 2 back to back helixes which can get boring. In conclusion it is an enjoyable ride but the name always puts it down.
Théma Fun Temps mort Layout
A really immersive ride experience. The ride is themed very well but the ride itself isn’t that great. It’s just a family coaster. But the part where you have to escape the canteen after it got overran is great as there is scare actors in there. The pace of the coaster is very good but a little underbanked.
First Drop Théma Fluidité Harnais
Brilliant, the best at Thorpe park for sure. You will get a great ride experience whichever row you pick and the dive drop will always be on of the best drops to experience. The theme is great and the music played is perfect for the area. The incline loop is one of the most forceful elements on the Swarm. As you are dragged across endless track through the element. Feeling the g force through it. The heart line roll over the station is very good due to the hang time and the duration of this element. Overall this ride is the best in London.
Théma Fluidité Longueur Déception ! Temps mort
A classic for sure. And a must do ride to do in chessington. I had one ride on Vampire and it was a unique experience. It was very long and quite smooth for an old ride (comparable to Nemesis). The themeing is great inside the building due to the darkness and ambience leading up to the ride. There was some nice touches in the station (E.G, a statue and light effects). However, the ride experience was fairly tame but enjoyable, this could be because of some dead spots and the many chainlifts which are used. The drop into the tunnel was nice but i was expecting it to be more intense than it was due to the povs flying through the banked drop. Overall, it was a unique experience however not a very thrilling one compared to other attractions.
Théma Fun Ejectors Inconfort
A well paced, fun wild mouse with great on ride interactions with themeing like headchoppers. With a loose restraint, you almost come flying out of your seat and slipping beneath the restraint on some of the drops and hills. However, the ride is very uncomfortable due to the tight turns.
Fun Layout Longueur Débit
Best Maurer spinner by far and the best ride in the park, the ride is best when you have uneven balance as it contains insane spinning, the layout is drawn out, long and exciting and quite unpredictable if you can’t see the track!
Launch Temps mort Layout Fiabilité
It’s alright, it does its place in this dreary park which can’t seem to keep their rides open throughout the day. Decent launch, couple forceful banked turns but a couple of dead spots and the layout as a whole isn’t great. Only got 1 ride on it as well.
Not really a rollercoaster But it is not bad
Inversions Fun Hangtime Vibrations
Quite undderated tbh! Obviously not great but you cannot get any better in this park atm due to rides being down for maintenance all the time as finances are struggling, quite enjoyable as there is 0 head banging and the rattle dosent bother me. I find the trains quite unique and free despite them looking like a glorified saw trap. This creates decent hang time on the inversions and an overall fun ride if you can laugh off the rattle and how strange it is. It is almost so bad it is good!
First Drop Inversions Hangtime Harnais Déception ! Inconfort
The restraint ruins this ride due to their being much more comfortable restraints from this ride type before. There is no need to have a OTS and lap bar which dosent make the ride very enjoyable. Only got to ride once but there was some good hang time and the first drop is very whippy but overall the restraints are completely unnecessary. Also the way you hold onto the restraints is ridiculous ?
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Longueur
Icon is a special ride that can deliver everything you want in a coaster in one. The airtime is really strong in the 2nd half and the duration is just perfect. The launches are not amazing but the 2nd one gives some good forces. Great hangtime and whip on the inversions and transitions. Really good headchoppers and it uses it’s space amazingly.
Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Harnais
A fantastic coaster, intensity levels are insane and the inversions are so intense you can black out. The capacity is also good as they were running 4 trains when we were there. For it being a travelling coaster this good, it is a masterpiece.
Airtimes Fun Inconfort
This is the smooth side but gives a less amount of airtime. I now prefer the red side
Fun Fluidité Layout Trop court
Galactica is an incredible experience. Some great forces when you are on your back and the ride area as a whole is great. This ride certainly is a whole package and is one of the most fun experiences in the UK.
Vitesse Fun Ejectors Trop court
Fun with a good lap bar and great pace, some of the turns are taken at whippy speeds and are oddly shaped leading to some surprising ejector and what more do you want from a ride like this?
Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Vibrations
Underrated, Grand National is the best wooden coaster in bpb and one of the best in Europe!! The first drop delivers a lot of ejector and the fast, unbanked turns give some amazing laterals. The ride hauls through the layout.
Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Vibrations
Underrated, Grand National is the best wooden coaster in bpb and one of the best in Europe!! The first drop delivers a lot of ejector and the fast, unbanked turns give some amazing laterals. The ride hauls through the layout.