Very rough and janky kiddie coaster, it's in a cute indoor theme park but the coaster isn't much. It does go a few laps, which is either good or bad depending on how much you can handle the roughness.
Trop court Inconfort
Winterberg has two mountain coasters right next to each other and both somehow manage to be terrible. This is the only single-rail alpine coaster I've ridden to date, and I sure hope the others aren't like this one. Per usual I never use the brakes (unless that would result in a collision with someone else) so you really have to brace yourself for the turns. It's also the shortest mountain coaster I've ever ridden. The Wiegand ones are always designed to accommodate people that never brake, but the Brandauer apparently don't do this.
Situation Trop court Déception ! Temps mort
Very weak alpine coaster. It's short and completely forceless, it doesn't have any good laterals, nor any airtime. Mechanical brakes also kick in way earlier than they should. Only part that's somewhat fun is the kreisel (Helix on alpine coaster) at the beginning. It does have a nice location close to the zipline, the herrlohblitz and of course the giant ski jump.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Situation
Not the longest alpine coaster in the world, but not the shortest. Just a good length. First half has a lot of good laterals, second half has a lot of airtime, especially right before the end there's a good drop that when going full speed gives good airtime.
Airtimes Situation Longueur Débit
Amazing alpine coaster. Using Google Earth I found out it has a height difference of ~165m, that's pretty big for an alpine coaster! The ride has 3 kreisels (helices on an alpine coaster) and a lot of jumps (airtime bumps on an alpine coaster) including some big ones. It has lots of airtime. The location is also stunning. There's one section where you cross over the lifthill on a bridge. Since the trees are cleared in that area you can look all the way down the mountain and it's an amazing view. Too bad the capacity is just bad like all alpine coasters. I guess proper theme parks and alpine coasters just don't mix very well.
Confort Trop court Temps mort
Meh. Not good, not bad. It's an old Vekoma with Sunkid trains. Those trains aren't perfect, but on this coaster they're pretty good. The ride still has some shakyness but overall it's pretty smooth. The layout just does nothing. It's completely forceless. Two bland corkscrews and two turnarounds. It's a nice touch that it goes two laps, which is very unusual for a thrill coaster (but completely understandable because it's just so short). However it takes forever to get from the brake run to the station and once again to the lifthill, so that kinda kills the flow of the ride. It's supposed to be the main thrill ride of the park, but in terms of coasters I think it's 3rd after Devil's Mine (in #2) and Trapper Slider (in #1).
First Drop Bonne suprise ! Ejectors
This might be the best Vekoma Junior in existence. To start the queue line is awesome, it's like a fun house. The ride itself is pretty shaky, but it is awesome. In the front row you get some good force on the upper helix. and some decent floater on the bunny hop after the second drop. But you NEED to ride in the back, the second drop is more fun in the back, but most importantly the first drop gives some of the most aggressive and violent ejector airtime I've ever experienced. It's awesome. It even goes three laps. It is kinda weird that it has a second lifthill though.
Longueur Vibrations Temps mort
This ride closes one hour earlier than the rest of the park (at 16:00 to be precise) so at the end it was only me and my family in the queue line for this coaster, but the operator told us we needed at least 18 people to ride it (probably because else it wouldn't make it over the hills, smh Zierer Tivoli designs). So we gathered some people from the area to ride with us which was pretty awesome. Ride itself wasn't very good, it's a standard Tivoli Large. Pretty rough, pretty janky, but it did go 3 laps so that was nice.
Inversions Launch Hangtime Vibrations Trop court
Although it's short, shaky and I did get stapled (disallowing me to enjoy the camelback), it's a still a good thrill coaster with a fun multi-pass launch and good hangtime on the inversions.
Théma Fun Trop court Débit
A good, but strange family coaster. Similar to the mirrored clone at BillyBird Park Hemelrijk, this ride features a lifthill, however you have to walk the stairs all the way to the top to board the ride. You exit at the bottom, and the trains go back up the lifthill empty, this unfortunately hurts the rerideability. The capacity isn't the greatest either. The ride itself is short but sweet featuring some airtime pops and mild positive Gs. Another big plus is the surrounding area. While the staircase for the one at BillyBird is just a bland tower, this one is a giant play structure with slides and several ways to climb up and down with a normal staircase in the center leading to the coaster. The entire surrounding area continues the theme of a medieval village centered around the big castle-themed play structure called 'Burg Arkan'. All in all a well themed family coaster.
Déception ! Sans intérêt
They literally bought a spinning coaster AND THEN TURNED OFF THE SPINNING. Also quite janky and rough. Fun ride nonetheless though, but I'm glad they're getting something (hopefully) better in 2024, rest in peace.
Théma Fun Layout
Easily one of the best family coasters in Germany and a great stand-out attraction for Jaderpark. The theming in the queue line is fantastic. The capacity isn't too great, as they were only running two cars (which only seat 4 people each). Before you head up the main lifthill, you have short indoor section with an actual swing launch(!) followed by a fun pre-lift section. It doesn't do much in terms of forces, but it's very well themed and quirky. The main lifthill is also enclosed, which is pretty cool. The main portion of the ride itself offers great laterals as well as mild positive Gs. The only real airtime moment is the first drop, after that a couple of hills give weak negatives. Despite the 3 midcourses the ride actually keeps its speed pretty well. So despite not being the longest nor the smoothest coaster in the world, it's still an amazing family coaster that has definitely put Jaderpark on the map.
A fun Zierer Tivoli with some nice scenery. It's nothing too special but it's a fun family coaster. It's cool that you get 3 laps instead of 2 on this one too.
Temps mort
If 'cute' was an option, that would be the tag I'd give it, it's a little baby wild mouse. It is however, even for a kiddie coaster not that exciting, it feels just like a monorail. In fact it has so little kinetic energy it needs booster wheels to power it through the course, despite it pretty much never going up (aside from the lift hill).
Situation Fun
Short but sweet kiddie coaster, I love how it goes over the car ride, great ride operator too.
Situation Fun Trop court Débit
Decent family coaster in a nice location, bit short though and terrible throughput.
Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Fun
Gerstlauer Bobsleds are probably the best wild mouse model in existence, a very dynamic ride with lots of laterals and sudden drops!
First Drop Situation Fluidité Temps mort
It's honestly very impressive Gröna Lund managed to fit this ride into the existing park, because the layout is still pretty good! The first drop is easily the best part of the ride though, it has more air than you'd expect from an invert. It did feel like it was running pretty slow and didn't do much in terms of forces, but I did get an morning ride in cold weather in a middle row, so I guess a slow ride can be forgiven.
Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun
Surprisingly fun and intense kiddie coaster, it had some decently strong positives for its size and even some weak negatives, don't sleep on Flying Eagle!
First Drop Fun Longueur Temps mort
I am one of the few people that actually likes Wild Mouses (Mice?) and the Mack Large Park model is definitely one of the better ones. A zippy first drop and more dynamic layout than the rectangular shaped small park rides. This one does run very slow though, although I guess that's deliberate because of the young target audience.
Théma Bonne suprise ! Trop court
The dark ride section is good, but the coaster section and the dark ride section are both way too short, but combined they make for a solid experience.
Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Ejectors Lap Bar
Easily the best ride in the country and maybe even top 10 in the world, truly an RMC masterpiece. It has a great first drop, whippy inversions (don't forget about the 270 degree double-inverting stall) and a mix of floater, ejector and floajector airtime in one (although mostly ejector). Even the pre-drop is great and it's hypersmooth. The only negative would be the lap bars, which come down way too hard on your thighs, I kept my hands between the bar and my thighs to prevent pain, but overall still just an absolute masterpiece.
Inversions Bonne suprise ! Launch Trop court
A great thrill coaster for a small park like this, the launch is surprisingly zippy and the inversions are fun, there's also a bit of airtime on the camelback. It's obviously extremely short though.
Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun Trop court Temps mort
Great location, the ride itself is fun from what I remember (it was a long time ago), but nothing special. It's also quirky how there is a lifthill, but you don't take the lifthill to the top but you take the stairs.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Inconfort Temps mort
This is actually a very good Zyklon. It's not too rough, although the trim before the final turn is very jarring, but that's about it. It also has lapbars instead of shoulder restraints and the first drop even gives a little airtime in the back.
Situation Fun Temps mort
I rode it back when it was Halvar, it was a long time ago but I remember it being fun.
Situation Fun Trop court
A good fast alpine coaster on a hill. The fact that it's right next to a ropes course makes it extra cool. However, it doesn't have any jumps and it's very short.
Lap Bar Fun Fluidité Trop court
Very nice family coaster! The lap bars are truly amazing and they make for a very smooth ride.
Théma Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Trop court
A very good new addition to the park and incredible theming. The backwards portion is fun as well and I always like it when indoor coasters go outside for a short while, so as to kind of 'present' the ride instead of hiding it in a box. The coaster section is way too short though, I guess most of the budget went to the theming.
Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Fun Inconfort
Already a very good ride before it became Eurosat - CanCan Coaster, the soundtrack was great and it had a great layout, it was a bit shaky though.