• L B

    Théma Launch Fun

    This coaster is the perfect ride, and the best ride WDW Orlando has ever contrived. Note that I did not call it the perfect coaster--many others are contenders for that title. But for a family ride it 100% fits the bill. The theming is immaculate in queue, and carries over on ride. The cinematic elements while riding truly add to the overall experience. The music selection is excellent--we got "I Ran" and the guitar solo hit at just the right spot, it was as if the ride was built around the song. And that helix around the moon is *chef's kiss* perfection, by far my favorite portion of the ride, woth the backwards launch being a very close second. Disney really stepped it up with this one and saved a dying park (Epcot). This is the ride that Space Mountain always wanted to be. The reridability on this thing is also excellent, seeing that you can get a different song each time, but you will not be sad if you get the same one. My husband who isn't a coaster fan loved this one, it was his favorite ride after a 3-day amusement park trip. I still find myself thinking about this ride from time to time and I can't wait to go to Epcot just for a chance to reride it. Overall, a great ride using the best Marvel IP (Guardians), with fun elements (rotating cars), and an excellent soundtrack.

  • L B

    Théma Longueur

    BTMR is such a fun family coaster--my whole family enjoyed it. The line theming and continued theming on the ride make it extra fun. It truly is a runaway train. We ride it twice, once during the day, and again at night, and both situations afford it different fun elements. It also has a great layout, winding and diving around itself. It has two lift hills that give it two fun drops. The end is a bit anticlimactic, but for a Disney coaster it scratches this thrill seeker's itch.

  • L B

    Théma Trop court

    Tron falls far short of expectations. The launch, unique restraints, and indoor/outdoor elements make this a fun ride, but overall it felt lackluster. I doubt the re-ridability of this coaster. The best part, in my opinion, is the queue and theming. Walking over the bridge where the launch sequence takes place was my favorite part, and I enjoyed the lighting and theming elements throughout. But with how hyped up I was from the theming in line, I felt like the ride disappointed. It also goes without saying that it is far, far too short.

  • L B

    Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    I remember as a kid desperately wanting to ride Space Mountain. I was finally big enough at 10 years old, and begged my parents all day to let me go ride it. When we finally got there the park was closing and they weren't letting anyone else in line. Fast forward to my first trip to WDW as an adult and when we arrived to the Magic Kingdom we made a beeline for Space Mountain. Ah, the anticipation. I would finally ride the ride. We got in line, were ushered to the left (Alpha track) and made it on. What an utter disappointment this ride was. Without any nostalgia attached to riding Space Mountain, there was absolutely nothing to enjoy. It is slow, janky, rickety, an absolute headbanger...my local park has a better wooden kiddie coaster than Space Mountain. I will never understand, outside the nostalgic value of re-riding one's first "real" roller coaster, why people enjoy this ride so much. But I could say the same for most of the options at The Magic Kingdom...Space Mountain was just the biggest let down at the park.

  • L B

    Baffes Inconfort Temps mort

    I think this may be then worst coaster ever created. All the fun elements are gimmicks (like the underwater tunnel) but it's an absolute headbanger. I've learned to learn forward, not back, to avoid getting a migraine. It's still a roller coaster, I'll ride it if others I'm with want to, but I don't seek it out. This thing simply runs on nostalgia and I'm not here for it.

  • L B

    Launch Fun

    This was my first coaster, and the coaster that launched my love of thrill rides. I remember my legs dangling in anticipation of that first launch. I rode it before they added the second launch out of the volcano and wish I could have come back to ride this thing again before it went defunct. I'm glad KD is making good on it's plot of land and hope that whatever they are putting there does right by the Volcano's legacy.

  • L B

    The best part is seeing little kids' faces light up on this thing. It's absolutely adorable. Sometimes my slightly older children ride it for shits & giggles.

  • L B

    Not bad for what it is. I love the feeling that you'll fall off around each turn, and it gives you two quick drops. Other than that, it is just a wild mouse.

  • L B

    Débit Temps mort Intensité

    What is there to say? It's the less exciting side to a mid-low grade coaster. Some days I get more airtime on the Woodstock Express.

  • L B


    Honestly, for a Kiddie coaster, this is not a bad attempt. I know there are many at these parks, but thry are actually fun. My heavy adult ass got airtime riding with my kid. It's like a mini racer 75. A good intro to the big-kid coasters for little thrill seekers.

  • L B

    Fluidité Déception ! Inconfort

    Extremely uncomfortable when you are the person sitting in the front as the restraints digs into your abdomen. The ride is smooth but it is extremely tame. The best part is being able to see the progress they are making on the new coaster being built on the old Volcano plot.

  • L B

    Théma Vibrations Temps mort Intensité

    Look, this is a classic KD ride. It's worth riding it once, even if you never ride it again. It's been around as long as I remember, and I can't imagine they are getting rid of it anytime soon. They recently retracked a significant portion of the ride and decreased the rattle significantly. The grizzly roar as you leave the station fills me with nostalgia everyone I ride it.

  • L B

    Situation Fun Longueur Temps mort

    A fun, classic coaster. Very reridable, I never pass it up. I'm surprised at what a solid ride this is for a relocated coaster. If you're at KD, make sure you cross it off your list. Will it blow you away? No. But it's a hell of a lot better than the anaconda.

  • L B

    Lap Bar Launch Débit Déception ! Temps mort

    Mediocre at best. Without the special effects this ride has very little special about it. The launch is mid, and it does have the deluxe sequence but I do not enjoy helices as an element. I'm vocal on coasters, but with this one i just sit quietly until the ride is over.

  • L B

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    This coaster gets better with every ride. The barrel roll drop is such a unique experience and really sets the pace for the rest of the ride. It also has an incredible second half that really keeps up the pace of the first...as most have stated the camelback are just plain fun. I never ride this coaster just once, we always get back in line and ride it again! An absolute must ride when you get the chance.

  • L B

    Harnais Intensité Longueur

    What a speed demon. P305 does nit disappoint. Between the restraints, the layout, and the incredible whippy transitions, p305 is an absolute beast of a coaster. The speed does not let up and it is extremely rerideable. I do not experience the grey/blackouts that other riders do, though I have on occasion seen stars. If I did, though, I doubt I would be riding it again. Last time I rode it front row and it did not disappoint.