Fun Temps mort
Arrow suspended, not much left, don't have much to say though
Vibrations Baffes Inconfort
"For the credit" they said. Dear god it was horrible.
Fun Débit Sans intérêt
Remember: Cedar Point is trusting the same company who made this to build a 420 ft. behemoth that has yet to reopen
Airtimes Fun Vibrations
How to be extremely old and not rough as hell: a guide for coasters. Step 1: - Give up
Airtimes Fun Temps mort
Thankfully it opened during Gemini season, also Blue usually wins
Airtimes Fun Temps mort
Practically the same as Blue but a bit worse and always loses
Inversions Situation Vibrations Baffes
I had to sing Arctic Monkeys to distract myself from all the headbanging I was getting
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Vibrations
First ride, slammed into the brakes full speed, what the hell man
First Drop Fun Intensité
OVERRATED!!!! still really damn good though
First Drop Inversions Fluidité Harnais
Underrated as hell, didn't expect to be that good before getting on, I was pleasantly surprised
Inversions Fun Baffes
Became a serial bug murderer from the front row but yeah it was pretty fun
Launch Vitesse Intensité Débit
I will never be the same again after riding this. (in a good way)
Airtimes Fun Chef d'oeuvre
God damn.... How is it possible for something to be this good...
First Drop Inversions Vibrations Harnais
I thought B&Ms were supposed to be smooth...
Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Théma Fiabilité
May be a bit short and have zero theming but it's still a gem of a ride. The winder & stall give crazy hangtime especially in the morning and the backwards ejector on the multi-pass launch is some of the strongest airtime I've experienced. Another positive note I have is that I have heard rumors that this may get updated theming. Moreover, this is probably one of the most unreliable rides I've ever seen.
Inversions Fun
This ride should get an award for "World's Goofiest First Drop" (still the ride kicks so much ass though)
Airtimes Fluidité
Nice ride and all but on the outerbank I hit my friend in the face and he still hates me for that
Airtimes First Drop Vitesse
first RMC, and this ride actually packs an enormous punch like goddamn those ejectors are wild
First Drop Inversions Fun Débit
This ride is made by Intamin but it has the layout of a Gerstlauer, weird crossover episode but yeah it's very fun. However the line was so damn long I had to charge my phone for the entire line
Inversions Launch Trop court
You want powerful launch and inversions nobody has ever heard of? Here you go.
Théma Situation Intensité Vibrations
What DarKoaster wishes it was.
First Drop Fluidité Trop court
the first drop is great but the best part has to be the view of all the alcohol from the top
Sans intérêt Intensité
if you want a better experience, just eat the candy that this ride is themed after and then go on Storm Runner
Inversions Hangtime Baffes
My anaconda don't. (does have some nice hangtime on the corkscrews though)
Airtimes Confort Fun Temps mort
Lapping this on a hot day and feeling all the air on your face (especially closer to the front) is refreshing as hell
I remember nothing, but it was pretty smooth so yeah
First Drop Fun Ejectors
RMC absolutely delivered I really can't think of a part of this ride where you're not getting airtime
Situation Layout Vibrations
All the bad things I can remember about this ride is bumping into my friend beside me every half a second from the rattle on the second half
First Drop Théma Baffes Temps mort
I hit my head so hard on the headrest coming out of the first loop that I saw Jesus for a split second
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
This ride feels like it's trying to kill you and I love it for that. The first coaster I've actually grayed out on... This coaster is like getting slapped in the face and feeling good about it.