• Keaton Knippel

    Airtimes Comodidad Fun

    This ride is just so good. It always puts a smile on my face, and it seems that the gp also loves it. It's a ride that everyone can enjoy, it's smooth as chocolate, and it deserves the hype

  • Steve Parrington

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad

    I had an absolutely great time on Hyperion, my first time it was warmed up and we rode at the back. The first coaster to make me swear in fear for many years. Just absolutely incredible airtime, then the turnaround is executed to perfection. The second half has a lot of whippy transitions that throw you about. Ultimately I prefer Zadra, but it was a close contest.

  • Steve Parrington

    Fun Intensidad Ejectors Demasiado corto

    An absolutely incredible ride, best on the back row, the first drop is sublime. My favourite element has to be the zero G stall. Only issue is it clearly could have gone on for longer, you always hit the brake run with a lot of force!

  • Dave Scott

    Rarely talked about ride. Much better than the Eurofighters that it seems to be compared to for no good reason. Very smooth transitions, forceful, good visuals. I guess it sits in the shadow of a lot of other very good rides.

  • Dave Scott

    Didn't particularly like this in 2006. Re-riding it in 2022has improved my view, the.millennium flyers are a big improvement. It's still a relatively uneventful twister so won't set the world on fire. But not bad for GCIs first effort.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Fun Suavidad Capacidad Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    This is absolutely a family coaster, but the location and the theming are what make it particularly special. The theming isn't super heavy, but it helps immerse you in the Harry Potter world.

  • Quentin Btq

    Tematización Incomodidad Sin interés Layout

    Tout simplement le pire coaster que j'ai pu rider a ce jour et après cette bouse nucléaire je me referais bien un tour de viking à EL...

  • Keaton Knippel


    Not a very enjoyable kiddie coaster. The ride felt like it was made out of paperclips.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Velocidad Layout

    Rode all over, including front and back. I think it’s better than Mystic Timbers. It was that good. Fantastic pacing, good pops of airtime in many places, including several moments of sustained ejector. Laterals and transitions all really popped. Pure fun the entire time.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Obra maestra Ejectors

    Just unbelievable on every single ride. Rode four times in row 8, twice in row 9, once in row 3. It was absolutely incredible. Every element is perfect. The wave turn is a phenomenal moment, the second off-axis hill is ridiculous, and then every hill after that is nuts. It hauls, never ever letting up. It was mostly smooth, save for one rough patch after the wave turn. The launch has some power, but mostly thrives on the sustained force of launching you up the hill. The quad down is for real.