Tous les avis
Sans intérêt
Without the special effects this ride has little to offer.
Inversions Vitesse Baffes Inconfort
Enjoy riding due to it being the worlds first ‘10 looping’ coaster, each inversion is quite intense giving some good positive g’s and lots of hangtime on the 5 heart line rolls!! Unfortunately this ride is not smooth… you will get off with a big headache, it’s a really fun ride though other than the roughness.
Théma Fluidité Temps mort Intensité
A fun little family coaster with great theming and live actors!! Simple layout lacking intensity but is nice and smooth. I tend to take in all the effects while riding it!
Théma Vibrations Trop court Déception !
This ride is a very shaky one and has some major vibrations. It isn't long either, so it was very disappointing considering that we had of the longest queues that day. Probably the weakest coaster in the entire park.
Airtimes First Drop Vitesse Layout Intensité
The lift hill offers a great view, the First drop is great , but i thought it would be faster. The camelbacks give nice airtime, but nothing intense. I got to say it, the layout is pretty much the same over and over again. However, the nicest part is the drop after the block brake due to the strongest airtime moment of the entire coaster. Overall the #2 of the park and completely deserves a rating of 4.5 out of 5.
Théma Fun Vibrations
I don't remember much of this coaster, but I remember enjoying it way more than the new one, probably because i was younger and it was more extreme for me back then. And I really liked the theme of the coaster. Additionally, I remember that I always thought that I wasn't dark inside at all and you were clearly able to see the track in front of you and that it was a little shaky. But I, to this day, think that they should have left the original one.
Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Layout
I'm flashed. Incredible! Very comfortable, fast and a little bit of Ejector at the top of one hill. Although its very noisy from the outside, it isn't as loud while riding. A few vibrations, but because of the comfy seat and the surprising ride, i didn't notice or care much. VERY UNDERRATED BEST COASTER IN THE PARK BY FAR!
First Drop Fun Trop court
Great Coaster! Amazing First Drop, really smooth and nice view on top. But the coaster is not as intense and high as I thought. I love it, but it's unbelievably short.
Fluidité Hangtime Longueur
I felt like Goldilocks on this RMC. Twisted Cyclone was too short, Steel Vengeance was too long (and intense), Twisted Timbers was just the right length. The first hill is pretty special and the third row of hills came after I thought we were going to slow into the station...a nice surprise and what really separated this from Twisted Cyclone for me. A very repeatable ride...we hit it a few times. Back was better than front - but both are a blast.
Théma Harnais Hangtime Vibrations Débit
A well themed and fairly intense rollercoaster with three suprisingly punchy launches, one which launches you backwards up a half pipe which gives you a great quick pop of airtime. The second launch heading into the layout is quite intense. The heartline roll after the launch is incredibly fun giving some insane hangtime the second launch up into the upwards helix is quite punchy but the helix is ruined by a distinctive rattle which ruins the experience, it is particularly worse when going backwards down the helix. Rest of the ride is smooth as anything and is a perfect beginner coaster!!