• JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Situation Intensité Longueur Baffes Débit Inconfort

    Riddler's Revenge, arguably the best looper at SFMM, although I personally prefer Viper. Riddler's Revenge, has a strong presence in the park, towering over Wonder Woman Flight of Courage, and Batman, dominating the DC universe. The stats are very impressive as Riddler's Revenge is the worlds tallest and fastest stand up coaster. However thats where my first gripe comes in, the stand up gimmick. The seats on the trains are practically torture devices, crushing the genitals of any male human being which is a rather unpleasant and painful experience. This is a real shame as it has a great twister layout, filled with powerful inversions. However, if you can look past the uncomfort of Riddler's Revenge, it is a great ride with bits of theming scattered throughout its layout.

  • Nick V.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Temps mort

    BABY VOYAGE I have no clue how a park this small has a ride this good, but man this thing is a riot.

  • Nick V.

    Airtimes Confort

    I wasn't expecting this to be my favorite at the park and my new favorite hyper, yet here we are! The airtime is wonderful, with strong floater all over the layout. Still running very smooth. One thing I typically knock B&M's for is a weak layout after the midcourse, but Behemoth keeps the fun going with an intense helix and some good final airtime hills. Excellent ride!

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Inversions Intensité Longueur Vibrations Baffes Sans intérêt

    I'll get straight to the point, Scream is overhated. Sure, it may not be the best looper, not even the best in its own park, but it doesn't deserve all the slander it gets from so many enthusiasts. Scream does have a good layout and the intensity is definitely there. The loop is very powerful, corkscrews are snappy, and it has an amazing Zero G roll. However all of these intense inversions come at a price of smoothness. Scream is far from a smooth ride, it has a very prominent rattle and some rather rough valleys. The hard over the shoulder restraints bash your head throughout the ride if you are on the shorter side, and let me tell you its not a pleasent feeling. The location of the ride is also rather dull, plopped onto a parking lot with not even a pinch of effort to hide it. One last negative point is how Scream is basically useless in SFMM's line up. SFMM already has Viper and Riddler which are far better loopers than Scream, basically rendering it useless. Heck, Riddler basically has a near identical set of elements, but executes it much better than Scream. In conclusion, although it is over hated, it is far from a perfect ride, but still a fun one nevertheless.

  • Nick V.

    Vibrations Temps mort

    Jackhammer rough on the wooden track, smooth but forceless on the titan track. I wasn't expecting to have this negative a reaction to the ride, but man I really disliked this thing.

  • Nick V.

    Fun Layout Vibrations

    I did not like the park and will probably not be going back, but I'm glad I went to experience this. Very good airtime and laterals. A bit bumpy, but well-maintained enough to not detract from the ride too much. The small entry price for the park is worth the credit.

  • Josiah

    Airtimes Fun Longueur Vibrations

    Riding it at Holiwood Nights is the best coaster in the world.

  • Jeff Linatatay

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité

    It is currently ranked at my number 2 right behind ArieForce One, the first drop is the best in the world, the first cammelback is demented, and it pulls some great g’s although it does loose a lot of steam over the rides long duration, but pacing wasn’t an option in the cons.

  • Jeff Linatatay

    Airtimes Inversions Vitesse

    It is my number 1 coaster! It could be longer but it feelss long enough because every element is an absolute masterpiece, and the Outerbank is my favorite element on any coaster, and the quad down gave me genuine bruises! Plus the arcade roll is incredible! Best airtime on any coaster and the double up hits so hard!

  • Vt2

    First Drop Fun Fluidité

    This was my first Intamin coaster, and WOW, is it ever good! The lap restraints give a lot of freedom and the view of the park and the lake is BEAUTIFUL! The drop and the camelbacks give off decent airtime and I absolutely LOVE the speed maintained from drop to brake run. The airtime isn't AS powerful as on the other giga I've been on so far (Leviathan) but the overall enjoyment makes up for that. 10/10 coaster, doesn't deserve the hate that the coaster community throws at it