• Dom W.

    Meh. It exists. Credit moment.

  • Dom W.

    Fun Smoothness Capacity

    Not the best bobsled ive done, but the smoothest. Amazing how knoebels revived this ride type. Capacity nightmare tho!! Awesome ride.

  • Dom W.

    Inversions Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    A really solid ride! Capacity is dog shit but it has a solid set of 4 inversions, great hangtime, and really fun! The helix is a bit shaky though, so be warned. Other than that it’s smooth. The lap bar does lower a bit during the ride but still really enjoyable!

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Layout

    Awesome laterals, awesome airtime, great operations. Really solid and great wooden coaster!

  • Bryce Blanch

    Theming Pace Duration Rattle Harness Discomfort

    This ride is very complicated, This ride was a bit overhyped in my mind but I still had a fun time. Reptilian is very long coaster that is also paced well. Seems perfect right, especially with the sprinkle of theming added in the queue in the brakes. But sadly this ride does have a lot of cons. Before you go up the lifthill I have somethings to say. The theming is amazing, it really imserifies you into the jungle expedition, however, the restraint is super awkward. Its a heavy metal bar that is very annoying, it's even more annoying if your sitting with someone because you sit on top of each other and the bar feels even heavier. You go up the lift hill and then go into a tiny turn, you meander for a bit and then meander more, and more, it's a lot of meandering. While your meandering everywhere, you also have a slight rattle, keep this in the back of your mind. You then actually start up the real ride and go into slightly intense turns. However, the rattle is so noticeable now its not even funny. You go into the brake run and the theming in the brakes is fun. Then you go into the brake run. It;s ok but I think that it could be better.

  • Dom W.

    Fun Capacity

    Line moved at a snails pace but it was fine i guess. Nothing much to say here.

  • Dom W.

    Location Rattle

    The setting is really nice under the trees in a rather unshaded part of the park. It’s a credit and that’s the only reason i rode it. It’s jerky and shakes around a bit more than the other versions of this ride, but i found the setting to be what made this ride :)

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Location

    Y’all need to stop bitching. It is not rough even in the very back, but I wouldn’t advise riding there. It’s boring back here, but up front you get 3 of the funniest ejector pops out there. In no way is it my favorite woodie and it’s not even close, but up front it’s solid. The trims suck and yadda yadda yeah yeah but seriously underrated. Sit up front for the best experience.

  • Bryce Blanch

    First Drop Nice surprise! Ejectors Dead spots

    OH MY LORDY LORD. I think this is the most intense wooden coaster in the park. This thing went at LIGHTNING SPEED during my visit. Me and my friend went into this thinking "IT's gonna be a gentle family coaster" We were looking at other people and laughed seeing their shocked faces, there hair was messed up and they were out of breath. Soon we were going to be laughed at. We went down the first drop and realized, this was not a family coaster. During the turnaround, we both agreed that that was way to intense, we went into some of the EJECTOR hills and then went into the second turnaround. The first 2 turnarounds are very slow but we thought it was ok, it made the ride less intense but it didin't matter too much. We went into some Strong floater hills and then when we entering the turnaround, we got sent to the left and bashed into eachother. I was shell shocked. The last hills were more floater hills but it didn't matter, the whole ride was so intense. So when you ride this, be ready.

  • Dom W.

    Launch Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    How a ride without turns, manages to deliver headbanging is beyond me. It bounces, it shakes. And it hurts. If i was a local i would ride it once a visit just for the launch which is alright but god this ride is terrible.