• David Parrett

    This was a fun older ride that had a few pot holes/rough spots that hurt my neck. It needs some TLC from the park to really shine but it’s a great ride nonetheless.

  • David Parrett

    For those who love the feeling of being disoriented and sick to their stomach while on a ride, this one’s for you!

  • David Parrett

    Sin interés

    I’m only riding these clones to get coaster credits, which is sad and makes me want to rethink my life choices.

  • David Parrett

    Meh, another B&M looper that manages to flip us around hundreds of feet in the air and yet be completely forgettable.

  • David Parrett

    Superman has excellent theming and I love the narrow-gauge Intamin track that sort of makes the ride more visually impressive than the wide B&M track. It has lots of airtime hills and swoops around quite a bit with two well placed tunnels. The river view is amazing going up that slow lift hill. For comparisons, this is like a slightly smaller Millenium Force with the overbanked turn after the first drop and the big airtime hills at high speed. The problem is that Millenium Force (and I305) is much longer and taller and absolutely blows this thing out of the water with its epic scale. I like Superman but there’s just no way it’s in the same league as the Intamin gigas. This was on my bucket list since it was built in 2000 and I’m so glad to finally ride it a bunch of times.

  • David Parrett

    Wicked Cyclone was a solid ride and what struck me the most was how much it was trying to eject me out of my seat. It just doesn’t feel anywhere near as good as other RMCs I’ve been on. I much prefer Wildcat’s Revenge, Iron Gwazi, Arie Force One, Lightning Rod, and Hakugei to this. It sort of felt a bit too forced or crazy but lacked something in terms of timing.

  • sharklova

    Airtimes Velocidad Intensidad Capacidad

    Great ride that really whips you around and maintains its intensity throughout. Operations are quite inefficient since it is such a new coaster.

  • Henry Schmidt

    Intensidad Incomodidad

    This surprised me both positively and negatively. The positive surprise: This Ride was really high and intense, i didn't expect that, because this ride was made for kids. The negative surprise: It was rough as fuck and gave me backpain

  • Henry Schmidt

    Primera caída Inversiones Situación Torta Tematización

    Yes, there is some headbanging and yes, the ride does look bland visually, but i actually really enjoyed the drop, the loopings and especially the corkscrews. The location above the lake is pretty dope too.

  • Shawn Kaiser

    Capacidad Comodidad Suavidad Tematización ¡Decepción!

    Silver star, bien Que d’être impressionnant, est aussi une énorme déception pour ma part, de nombreux airtimes pas présent, je n’en ressentais pas énormément excepté pour le frein de millieu de parcours qui surprend bien ! Cependant la thématique dans l’attraction n’est pas trop présente à part dans la station et avant la montée cependant il est réellement smooth je le conseil mais en début de journée, histoire de vraiment bien se mettre dans le bain