Detailed user ratings
Diving Coaster: Vanish features
Also in Yokohama Cosmoworld 3
Reviews 68
You can get a bit of airtime on the first half-drop, but not much. You can see the fountain if you're in the back of the train, and the tunnel is pretty cool. Then, the final helix is way more intense than the rest of the ride; it's the first time I even came close to graying out. By far the least comfortable seats and harness of any coaster I've ever been on. It's so constricting you can't even turn your head to look at the views. It's not actually that rough, so, I think if the harness wasn't so big, you wouldn't actually headbang anyways. But, it is, so you do. However, the harness is actually really soft, so it doesn't hurt at all, which is better than most Arrow corkscrews. This isn't a GREAT ride, but I'm surprised it has quite the level of hate on here that it does.
Location Disappointing! Tear it down! Pointless
Location Harness Disappointing! Discomfort
Gimmicky. But my ride was fun because I had good company. Her excitement was contagious for this rather tame ride.
Location Capacity Harness Airtimes
終盤のヘリックスはそこそこですが、それ以外はエスカレーターに乗ってる方が楽しいです。 面白くないくせに「面白いですよ」という面構えで聳えているので、非コースターマニアの人が「なんだ、ジェットコースターってこんなもんか」と勘違いする懸念があります。そのような人はもうジェットコースターに乗らなくなるので、バニッシュ、および泉陽は滅ぼすべき巨悪だと思います。
Location Too short
Location Harness
Location Discomfort