Detailed user ratings
Jimmy Neutron's Atomic Flyer features
Reviews 579
Fun Smoothness Too short Theming
A small but fun junior coaster, that is (surprisingly) very smooth. It's pretty short, but I think if Movie Park would just theme it, it would be a nice kiddie. For now, not too special.
Comfort Smoothness Too short Theming
Its a pretty alright family coaster with surprisingly comfy seats and its a very smooth ride. Contrary its very short and lacks any theming.
Fun Smoothness Capacity Dead spots
a kiddie inverted coaster,fun but very very waek
Comfort Fun Smoothness
Love this kind of coasters, gives you really a smooth flying feeling.
Smoothness Theming Disappointing! Pointless
I enjoy me some good family coasters but this one sucks. There is no intensity at all, it has almost no theming and there isn't a single reason to ride it, since the two modern family coasters in this park are superior in every way. Well atleast it is not trying to hurt me, unlike it's older brother...
Fun Smoothness Too short
Decent intro to inverted coasters for a younger audience.
Fun Smoothness Too short Theming
Very fun SFC, just very small and too short. It´s an incredibly smooth ride. There is barely theming, just like almost every attraction in the nickelodeon area, except studio tour and excalibur.
Lap Bar Fun Smoothness Too short
Very nice family coaster! The lap bars are truly amazing and they make for a very smooth ride.
Lap Bar Smoothness Too short Theming Capacity
Fun ride for the younger visitors, but really short, capacity is not that great either and there's absolutely no theming sadly. Could've been better!
Comfort Too short Layout
I thought that this would be a really cool family suspended coaster, but it just isn't. The first drop is oke and the helix are oke as well, but it feels so slow. I thought this thing was going 30km/h instead of 49km/h. I was just kind of disappointed.
Lap Bar Fun Theming
Don't have not much to say about this coaster but I wish it had more theming since its themed to Jimmy Neutron. they could have done soooo much with this IP!
Lap Bar Smoothness
This one kinda surprised me in a positive way. Probably because I was so used to Vekoma SLCs. The lapbars are very comfortable and the ride is smooth. But other than that the layout is very basic and the ride just doesn't stand out in the park as Movie Park has better coasters than this one.
Fun Theming
The park was extremely quiet, so they gave us to laps! It was better than expected, decent family ride, and trains are comfy with those lap bars, but it's very ugly. Why is a coaster like this, with a support mesh rather than footers, at a theme park? At least try to hide those "travelling supports" with some theming.
First Drop Fun Smoothness Too short Theming Capacity
The ride itself provides a smooth, and fun flying experience even for the youngest - in the last row, the first drop is quite fun. Unfortunately, lines are often quite long due to the single train and there is barely any theming - the station looks a little worn out and the ride itself seems like a travelling coaster. But for the target audience, it is alright!
Fun Theming
It felt faster than it looked offride. I prefer Dragon in Energylanda.
Lap Bar Comfort Layout Too short Dead spots
this kiddy coaster is pretty much like an inverted vekoma junior coaster,thats the way to describe it for me.but the ride overall was pretty fun and enjoyable as a vekoma suspended family goes.the layout is much better than the older ones altough its much shorter but for was still fun to ride and gave some good ride,its also pretty smooth,with lap bars,which makes this ride much better.hell,the location makes you feel taller beacuse of the cat walk here which for me is always fun to ride.altough,the layout was with some spots which i thought will gonna get some good ride,but just didnt and the ride is pretty short and i wish it was linger to give the train is full potential,overall the ride is fun and kids can enjoy it as their first suspended coaster.
Comfort Capacity Pointless
Smoothness Too short
Harness Theming Discomfort Pointless
Smoothness Too short Pointless
Smoothness Pointless
Nice surprise! Smoothness
Fun Rattle
Fun Too short Theming
Comfort Fun Smoothness Theming Capacity Pointless