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Possessed features
Reviews 226
Launch Fun Intensity
probably the better of the 2 intamin impulses i've been on
Launch Fun Duration Headbanging
My first Intamin Impulse coaster was a good fun. I liked the launches (5 bursts). It is like a giant swinging ship! I got a bit of headbanging on the twisted forward spike, but the ride was enjoyable. (2×)
Launch Fun Too short
This is fun. Definitely better than a pirate ship, those make me nauseous and this want able to. Decent launches, I like how they add some suspense for the first one. Backwards launches are also good. Not really much acceleration, but any acceleration on a backwards launch is good. The forward spike is mediocre. Yeah, there’s the twist. No, it doesn’t make it better. I preferred the backwards spike. The way you’re straight down for a few seconds is a fun experience. There’s no holding brake but honestly it didn’t really matter, it was still a fun ride. Really my problem is with the duration. It’s short and doesn’t really do enough to make it great. Other than that, it’s a good ride that I’m glad wasn’t removed.
This was weird. It felt like it launched but had a trimming break on the first boat out of the gate. I should have rode it again. Maybe it was just me.
Headbanging Too short
Probably the worst impulse I've been on. Some weird headbanging and the lack of a holding brake on the vertical spike removes the only interesting sensation.
Launch Fun Pointless
Possessed was my first impulse and I was rather perplexed by the model. The launches are quite fun and the twisted spike is very cool near the front, but I just don't really understand why this model exists. What is it exactly trying to achieve? It's not particularly intense, there isn't any airtime, all-in-all it's just weird. It's not bad by any means, it's just odd and feels more like a flat ride to me than a roller coaster. 7/10 - I'll complain about it here instead of under another coaster but why does Dorney have so many push gates instead of air gates in their stations? I have literally never seen that before
Launch Capacity
Pretty fun just like Wicked Twister once was. The launch and spikes are fun but it's not something I am dying to get back on.
Launch Fun Reliability
Makes me miss the era of impulse coasters being mainstream. Its very obvious now why the trend died off but its still fun to ride
Launch Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
How a ride without turns, manages to deliver headbanging is beyond me. It bounces, it shakes. And it hurts. If i was a local i would ride it once a visit just for the launch which is alright but god this ride is terrible.
Launch Fun
I was always scared of this ride because of the face-down feeling, but after I rode Phobia at Lake Compounce, it was nothing. Turns out there isn't any hangtime at all. Feels like Superman at SFGAdv, but without the hangtime. My middle brother who went with me got dizzy afterwards, though.
Hangtime Headbanging
This was one of the weaker impulse coasters I've ridden. For some reason, the launches felt rather tame, and there was headbanging every time the train came down from the spikes.
Fun Too short
It was definitely a fun and interesting sensation on each of the spikes. Was over really quick. Solid launch coaster.
Theme/Presentation: 2/10......Restraint: 7/10......Ascent/Launch: 6/10......Drop: 4/10......Speed: 7/10......Smoothness: 5/10......Air/Hang Time: 0/10......Elements: 3/10......Intensity: 7/10......Duration: 4/10......Overall: 45/100
Airtimes Launch Intensity
Possessed is a lot of fun with some solid intense launches that weren’t as good as on wicked twister but still not bad and the straight backwards spike was a lot better than I expected with some amazing sustained floater. The forwards twisted spike was also really cool and it’s just a fun launched coaster.
Launch Intensity Harness Discomfort Layout
The launches are fun and decently forceful and going into the spikes you pull some good G’s. Unfortunately the seat mold is really uncomfortable and the metal from the thing the seat belt buckles into hurts your arm that’s forced to rest against it. I had neither of these problems on wicked twister which is strange, and wicked twister just runs better than this overall. Decent supporting coaster but it can be a bit painful.
Launch Fun Too short
My first Intamin impulse so I don't have anything to compare it to. It is a bit derivative but the launch is very forceful and the ride is overall fun.
Nice surprise! Launch Too short
This ride is a bit short, but Possessed is still super underrated. Launch is powerful. It's just a nice, underrated impulse coaster that really does not deserve the hate.
Launch Intensity
Good forceful launch and fun spikes. You can sense the speed and height real well.
Launch Fun Intensity Headbanging
Very solid Intamin Impulse. The spikes are decent and give you some pretty good hang time at some points Overall there is a decent amount of headbanging but the intensity of the ride make up for it. I would rather ride Wicked Twister over at CP but still isn't a ride you should skip over when you visit Dorney Park.
Launch Capacity
My 3rd Impulse, just like with Wicked Twister, it doesn't really do much for me after the first launch. It is cool to watch though.
Hangtime Too short Pointless
It does its job, however, I still prefer Wicked Twister.
Launch Disappointing!
Nice surprise! Comfort Pace Capacity
Launch Too short
Launch Pace Fun Headbanging
Launch Fun Too short
Capacity Fun Intensity Reliability