Detailed user ratings
Cheetah Hunt features
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Also in Busch Gardens Tampa 14
Reviews 726
Fun Duration
I will never understand the hate for cheetah hunt. It’s such a fun and long ride with some decent moments of flejector. A must ride at Busch gardens
Fun Smoothness Harness
its fun. the gp like it I just wish we had taron instead of this.
Airtimes Hangtime Duration
This thing is very fun for what it is: a family thrill coaster. Don't go in expecting Maverick. But the launches are fun, the S-bend section is a highlight, you get some nice ejector cresting the windcatcher tower (although that's the only moment, as far as I remember), and the inversion has some very nice hangtime! I couldn't think of a better ride to be your first "upside-down" coaster, and even for thrill seekers this thing is still fun! I just wish the random straight section of track was something else, because going through that part always takes away my immersion!
Airtimes Launch Hangtime Dead spots
I went in honestly not knowing quite what to expect. Every other Intamin multi-launch coaster had gone into my top 10 at the time I rode it, but this one doesn't seem to get the hype of many of the others. And, while it wasn't quite as good as the others, it is still an amazing ride that does not disappoint. The first launch, while short, has good kick. The following banked turn is a bit of a dead spot though. The second launch doesn't have quite the kick of the first, but is still fun. I expected the second element (the half-top hat followed by a helix) to be a dead spot, but in the front of the train, the half-top hat gives very nice ejector airtime. In the back of the train, however, it is just mild floater. The second top hat also gives good ejector airtime in the front, which again becomes mild floater in the back. This is definitely a front-row ride. The corkscrew (seriously, RCDB calls this a heartline roll‽) results in (unexpected, to me) hangtime that I enjoyed very much. There's no headbanging for me, but if I mispredict what the train is going to do next, sometimes I can get mild neckchopping. This would definitely benefit from the newer OTSLB trains like on Pantheon. The tracking is not quite as smooth as the newer spine-style track that Intamin used on Intimidator 305/Project 305/Pantherian and Pantheon, but it doesn't cause any pain or detract from the ride experience. Some people complained about capacity, but during my visit, they were rolling the trains on every cycle. Granted, there were only running 2 trains with a only a single station, but if they could keep that up while running all 5 trains, this ought to result in quite good capacity.
Comfort Launch Duration Capacity
Really fun and beautiful ride. Love the launch up into the tower and the following segments as well. Nice twist with hangtime. Smooth and comfortable with cool layout through the safari area. Long, slow moving line but worth waiting for at least once.
Fun Masterpiece Smoothness Too short Capacity Reliability
This was a EXTREMELY fun coaster! Definitely a favorite! I love the roaring soundtrack that goes along with the launches, and I could imagine myself as a cheetah throughout the ride. The S bend was a beautiful surprise, as it was fun to let your arms hang and fly around. Good luck with the line! Well, if it's open.
Smoothness Duration Harness Disappointing! Dead spots
Seat hurts your balls, harness hurts your shoulders. Mostly forceless with some tiny airtime pockets and a cool water section (when the water is on). Usually the longest line in the park because of dreadfully slow ops. The inversion almost has hangtime when the ride is running sluggishly, which is kinda cool
Location Launch Fun Dead spots
This is one of the best family coasters. It has a really punch launch out the station which can take you by surprise and the 2nd launch is faster. This ride has a nice location by the water and the animals and is fun the whole way through and is great for someone’s first inversion. Cheetah hunt does have a lot of slow dead space but is still a great family coasters. Good luck with that line depending on which day you go.
Comfort Fun Layout Harness Disappointing! Dead spots
I love the first launch and it’s catchy
Location Launch Fun Harness Pointless Dead spots
This ride is criminally overrated. Anyone who says it is top 3 in BGT needs to go back. The crazy long and boring queue needs theming and why wait over an hour when you can ride kumba 5 times in that space of time is stupid. The only good part is the bit when you are moving over the water like a cheetah. It is long which is nice but a pretty pointless ride that was built for capacity but didn't exactly help that.
Launch Pace Fun Rattle Harness
This was my first coaster credit and i absolutely love this ride. The launches are punchy and there’s good forces in the valleys. The roll has good hangtime and the serpentine portion over the water is very fun and whippy. There’s some good airtime on the third launch hill and the wind catcher tower. The ride can have a rattle some days but be glass smooth others. The OTSRs are just pointless though.
Fun Rattle Pointless Dead spots
This ride is incredibly mediocre. The ride has some nice pockets of force but then it has moments where it does absolutely nothing. It would be ranked higher, however the ride had a lot of neck banging which in my opinion really dampens the ride experience.
Launch Fun Duration Dead spots
very fun ride. good launches, the singular inversion on this coaster is quite great, and, despite the dead spots, it has some great speed to it during its more low to the ground sections.
Launch Layout Harness
Aside from the OSRs that this ride has, it is pretty fantastic. Despite only having 1 inversion, it is still quite enjoyable and quite long with three launches. It is a generally really fun coaster.
Inversions Launch Layout
cheetah hunt is very good for a family coaster and it has an inversion! very good for teenagers and kids.
Location Fun Smoothness Harness
Cheetah Hunt was my first 'extreme' coaster, and my second one with an inversion, beside Scorpion also at this park. all three launches are decent. the pace is very good except for the brake run near the end. the crow's nest gives amazing views of the park, especially since the train is moving slow. trenches fun and overall a good ride to crossover from family coasters to the more extreme rides
Location Launch Dead spots
Lives up to the name and (for the most part) feels like you are a cheetah on the hunt. Gives a great view of the park and is surrounded by a beautiful area. I don't really see the point of the launch that brings you to a high dead spot, except for the view it gives.
Location Launch
Better than maverick tbqh. Being so close to the ground and flying through ravines made it seem faster
Airtimes Fun Layout
I really loved this one. The triple launch throughout the duration was awesome and kept the pacing very random. I got a ton of airtime on a few of those hills after the launch while I was in the front row but overall I prefer riding the back row. You get a surprising amount of ejector on each drop when you sit in the back. The layout was also cool how it worked its way through the water and cave patterns. Those quick turns where you zig-zag through the water made this a perfectly named coaster since it really replicated how a cheetah hunts through the grass. 4/5 stars
Launch Fun Duration Capacity
I think this is a really good coaster for the whole family. The launches are all awesome and you can get some good airtime going into and dropping out of the big tree element. The journey over the Serengeti has some great moments, especially when it goes low to the ground and into the trenches. The water section is so cool whenever turned on and the hill after the last launch gives some solid airtime. Their operations are my biggest complaint however as this ride consistently gets hour plus waits.
Duration Tear it down! Pointless Dead spots
Overrated and boring coaster in an identity crisis. Do you want to be a thrill coaster with inversions? Do you want to be a graceful family coaster? Do you want to have both sides of the station open? Do you want the water pit to be on? So many unanswered questions from a ride that is still a 6/10.
Launch Fun Layout
Five stars cause my first time was by night, last row and it was just magic - total obscurity and discovering the layout as a surprise and let you go - the water part, the zigzag moment and the last launch were the best to feel - by day, I will give 4 stars - I don't enjoy so much the 8 element on the top after the second launch and the inversion is not so necessary - but the attraction is so good to ride - it's so long - and through the park, animal zones - it's a very good and pleasant experience
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Harness Dead spots
Cheetah Hunt is a good family coaster that has some really solid moments. The launches are punchy and quick and the wind catcher tower provides solid view at the top and solid airtime on the drop. The heartline roll is a nice inversion as well but the best moments are after the mid course. The quick turns over the water are nice and fun, but the camelback and twisted airtime after the third launch provide great airtime. My only complaint is the uncomfortable restraint which make a really awkward gut punch on the entry to the brake run and there are some sections that are dead. Overall a really nice and fun family coaster.
Launch Fun Smoothness Harness Dead spots
I have an Annual pass for busch and i do ride cheetah. Its a fun ride if you are new into roller coasters. But the way the harness is designed makes me sit in a awkward position. But other than that its a fun ride
Cheetah Hunt has always been pretty overrated in my opinion. It is fun, but very few elements are all that good given how long the ride is. I like the launches, water turns, and the airtime pop near the end. The windcatcher tower and heartline roll are decent. The whole ride is good but meandering and while it's somewhat scenic, it's an above average family coaster that kind of feels like it was supposed to be something more. Even if not, people treat it like it's more, but I think it's a 7/10 roller coaster. Very fun if it's open and has a manageable line, but definitely not as thrilling or interesting as Iron Gwazi or the B&Ms for me.
Location Launch Fun Pointless
Its a fun ride that is really smooth and pretty but it is honestly not that much of anything.
Theming Launch Smoothness
I love that the layout is so different than most steel coasters with 3 launches and lots of unexpected out of order maneuvers with good length. I found it to be smooth and the river section was so beautiful it made me wish the entire ride followed a river bed.
Location Launch Fun
Though I love crazy forceful coasters, I am still a huge fan of ones that just bring you on a really fun journey; Cheetah Hunt is practically this perfected. Ripping through Busch Gardens' savanna right over the animal exhibits always puts a huge smile on my face. This ride is far from forceless, though. Those three launches pack a surprising punch, there are several moments of solid airtime, and the roll gives some really nice hangtime. Though it would of course benefit from lap bars, I'm short enough that the restraints didn't bother me at all, and I was actually able to ignore the shoulder straps for the most part. Don't go into Cheetah Hunt expecting mind-blowing elements; expect a one-of-a-kind adventure through one of the most gorgeous parks in the world. 9/10 - what is with that random support inside the gift shop
Airtimes Launch Fun Dead spots
The first half of the ride is great. There is solid airtime going down the first drop. It's very quick and low to the ground with lots of turns. The inversion is fun but seems pointless to have. Aside from the airtime hill there really isn't that much going on after the mid-course brake run. The ride dies out significantly. Because of this I'm giving the ride 4 stars instead of 5. It is still a great ride worth checking out.
Airtimes Launch Hangtime Harness
I definitely prefer the soft restraints like Maverick compare to these hard restraints, but it's still a fun ride. A surprising amount of airtime and the singular inversion gave hangtime. The launches are also good just like how I expected it to be.
Nice surprise! Comfort Launch
I thought this ride was amazing. The launch and boosts are quick and snappy but not too crazy. In some places it did feel a little dead but nothing that impacted my experience. I definitely would not call it a family ride but I do think most families and ride and enjoy it. The S-turns with the flowing river below was an amazing feeling. The heartline roll was well placed and very fitting. The only slightly confusing thing to me was the station situation and the lockers. They “require” you to put your items in lockers which were hidden away on the side (and not really needed). There are no cons for me with this ride. I wish I could go back and keep riding it.
Airtimes Launch Fun Harness
Really enjoyed this has a lot more spunk than a family coaster - I certainly wouldn't qualify it as such, but it's far more accessible than most of the other high-profile coasters at BGT. It felt like a highly subdued combination of Storm Runner and Maverick. The second and third launches are particularly enjoyable and the length of the ride gives you a good bang for your time if lines are long. I can see the Hagrid's comparisons as well, but the theming of that ride is so phenomenal and critical to the experience - it's hard to put Cheetah Hunt in the same class. Lastly, I'm not one to typically gripe about restraints, harnesses, lap bars, etc. but the harnesses really cut into my left shoulder when sitting on the left side of a car. Oddly, it didn't bother me at all when sitting on the right. All-in-all, a really solid Intamin launch coaster, but not an elite class Intamin launch coaster.
Theming Launch Fun Discomfort Lap Bar
Restraints will KILL your shoulders if you’re above average height. Great ride otherwise. Launches are fun, setting and theming are great and has some great airtime off the drop of the wind catcher tower
Location Launch Hangtime Capacity Dead spots
The launches have some good kick to them, you get some good hangtime before the MCBR and great airtime going over the airtime hill after the 3rd launch. They were only running one side of the station with 2 trains when i went during spring break so the line did move somewhat slow.
Location Launch Duration Dead spots Intensity
A pretty mild ride overall but along the way there is some decent launches, airtime moments and surprising transitions. Luckily it is a very long ride, has a good variety of elements and has a cool location. It’s fun but the intensity is severely lacking which is why I can’t rank it any higher.
Launch Fun Layout
This ride may not be as intense as Iron Gwazi, Skeikra, Montu, Kumba or Tigris, but cheetah hunt is one of my favorite coasters because of the pure fun you get out of this thing.
Location Launch Ejectors Capacity Reliability
Cheetah Hunt is an odd one, but a really fun one. You get awesome ejector airtime in the front, and it has three fantastic launches. Its location is one of the best of any coaster. Diving over and under bridges, past other rides, next to paths and over animal exhibits, the panoramic view atop the tower, and especially the canyon midride. It's not short of fun elements. The tower rise and drop give great airtime. There's sideways floater on the odd first hill, and the heartline roll gives away hang time. The turns in the canyon really whip you, and there's really good airtime on the return trip. The ride is oddly paced, switching from intense to meandering on a dime. Either way, it's incredibly fun for everyone, and a unique coaster that fits the park perfectly.
Launch Fun Duration Dead spots
At the beginning it has a launch that is unexpected but really weak, but then it has a second + third LAUNCH THAT IS VERY FUN! Then it has a dead spot but it is really high up so it is kinda cool, but it has A FUN, FAMILY-THRILL LAYOUT!
Airtimes Layout Rattle Capacity Dead spots
I’ve done this twice. Last year went middle of the train and was underwhelmed, way worse than Hagrid’s or similar rides. Today we did the front row and the front row is a game changer, an absolute must. Made for a way better experience. Do front if you can and the wait is under 40 minutes, otherwise skip.
Launch Fun Duration Dead spots
Launched are pretty powerful and it actually has some good airtime! It's not the most intense or tame but it's super fun. The s-curve could give you a little more force too but it's a nice touch, and the one inversion is awesome
Hangtime Disappointing! Pointless Dead spots
Long but boring. I would call it a family coaster but because of the corkscrew its somthing between but also nothing awsome.
Launch Disappointing! Dead spots
i kinda expected more from this ride it was fun but it just felt like something was missing
Launch Fun Duration Intensity
One of my favorite family coasters. There’s nothing like taking a journey through the center of the park with a nice breeze going through your face. Great speed, long ride, launches are fun, setting is great, and even some surprising airtime on the windcatcher tower and last bunny hill. Very underrated.
Launch Pace Layout Theming Capacity Harness
Was fortunate to ride it during media night. Have many rides since. This was my first Intamin and launched coaster (besides Hulk). The second launch into the windcatcher tower is absolutely breathtaking and the perfect combination of intensity, excitement, fear and thrill. The ride is long and smooth. Please fill the water elements. Please run both stations/train minimum. Please get rid of whatever the hell that giant cage restraint thing is.
Launch Fun Smoothness
Went with the kids and this ride was super fun without being overwhelming for them. Long ride with some slow spots but I felt that it worked with the ride. Our first day they were running 4 trains and capacity was great but then next day only running 2 trains which made things much slower...
Smoothness Layout
Just an enjoyable ride, nothing too wild or intense. Like the snappy low to ground elements and this ride also lasts a long time. Fun family friendly ride!
Airtimes Launch Intensity Harness Dead spots
I thought cheetah hunt was so much fun and intense. I thought the three launches were intense. I also thought the heartline roll was unexpected. There were some dead spots on the ride but the launches make it up for it with the whippy curves. This coaster is not as intense as maverick but more fun.
Launch Harness
Get on the front. I think she would have loved it if she had ridden it when she was a kid. Not exciting. It wasn't as funny as I expected.
Fun Duration Dead spots
Cheetah hunt was a fun multi launch coaster with a nice long duration. Besides that it was a little underwhelming. It was a good ride overall and is definitely a crowd favorite at Busch Gardens as it consistently had the highest wait times.
Airtimes First Drop Launch Disappointing! Dead spots
This has a lot of meandering but some fine moments. The launches are fun, the pop into the big tower is great as is the drop but besides the s turns over the water it’s pretty weak. The inversion is pretty pointless and everything else is kinda dumb.
Launch Fun Duration Dead spots
A great long ride with almost everything you could wish for, very much feels like a cheetah hunt, the second launch is great, but the ride has a few dead spots with straighter track which is most likely to get around the animal enclosures and paths, with a few more airtime hills this would be incredible
Airtimes Fun Duration
This ride is an absolute blast. Beautiful theming and course layout around the cheetah exhibit. Intense launches combined with enjoyable airtime moments throughout. This was the only ride with a long line on the day I went, so best to ride earlier in the day!
First Drop Location Fun Dead spots
Although there is the occasional filler element, Cheetah Hunt provides a fun ride that has fun launches, airtime moments, a great first drop, and views of the park during a unique Windcatcher Tower.
Launch Smoothness Duration Disappointing! Dead spots
Had to ride this twice to get a good feel for it and though the second time was slightly more enjoyable, it left me wanting more as soon as it ended. Nice views and theming but I like ending a coaster with a grin on my face.. this one did not.
Fun Duration Dead spots
Cheetah Hunt is undeniably fun, but it just lacks enough substance for me to really think more of it. The ride has the illusion of a layout more dynamic than it actually is, with obvious moments that really just do nothing, but, this is offset by the wonderful surroundings, great senstaion of speed, and the occaisional pop of force that stands out more than it should. Cheetah Hunt does it's job very well as a family thrill ride, but naturally, my personal preference is for more intense and thrilling attractions.
Airtimes Fun Hangtime
Great coaster, nice few pops of airtimes and turns, nice mild coaster, great launches, solid coaster
Launch Harness Disappointing!
I think I need to ride this one again because it’s popularity has never matched my opinion of it. First launch starts off great but loses all force going up and unless you’re in the front you don’t get any pop. The heart line is forgettable and there should be more launches throughout
Inversions Launch Fun Dead spots
This ride is quite fun. What's weird is that about 80% of it seems just like meandering around and not really doing much yet the ride is still very fun for some reason. Also that inversion gives sick hangtime
Launch Fun Layout Reliability
A fun coaster for all ages! It is marketed as a family coaster but it provides some punchy launches and solid airtime moments, especially in the back. The layout is long and super creative. One of my favorite night rides I've ever done.
Launch Fun Smoothness Dead spots
This is a great ride. It is barely considered a family coaster, but really only is due to it not having anything too intense, other than the launches being decent. i gave it "dead spots" because before the 2nd launch the coaster kinda meanders around, and you lose all your speed on the tree top, which makes the pacing a bit wonky. I like the treetop element, but its kind of a dead spot. Either way this is a ride that is just good fun, definitely recommend.
Launch Fun Duration
Cheetah Hunt is a great coaster that blends family and thrill to perfection. The ride features several moments with good forces and airtime while still not going beyond the family coaster threshold. A perfect blend. The trains are comfortable and the ride itself has aged well. The location and duration make this a special ride. Flying over and diving into the Serengeti is so much fun. The first launch is quick and forceful. You lose some speed through the first turn, but this is supposed to be a little intro to what Cheetah Hunt offers. The second launch is one of the highlights of the ride to me. It's fast and forceful. You really feel it kick into gear. The first tall element gives a good pop on the way up in the back, followed by a nice panoramic view of the park, and then the main drop gives some sustained floater on the way down. The big twisted airtime hill doesn't offer much actual airtime but whips you side to side a little bit which is a lot of fun. You dive through a trench and then enter the first and only inversion on Cheetah Hunt. This heartline roll offers some good hangtime and is just a nice introduction to inversions for kids. You hit a brake run and dive to the right into what is my favorite section of the ride. You twist and turn through some rock work while only being feet above the water below. This section isn't always full of water but when it is this section gives you a special feeling. You begin your journey back to the station with a third and final launch. This launch is similar to the first in how it's quick and powerful but not sustained. One of the main highlights of the ride is right after this launch with an airtime hill. This is the strongest airtime moment on the ride as it slings you out of your seat. One last twisted airtime hill gives you a similar feel to the first with not much airtime but some good laterals. You dive into a trench and hit the brakes. Cheetah Hunt is a long ride with a great location and some solid elements. Great Ride.
Lap Bar Launch Fun Theming Dead spots
This was a really fun ride, although not the most intense coaster experience. I saw people of all ages, shapes and sizes go on this one, so its really family friendly, while not being underwhelming.
Airtimes Inversions Launch Theming
Cheetah Hunt is an amazing Intamin Launch Coaster. It has amazing ejector airtime, a corkscrew, and an awesome launch that will push you back to your seat.
Airtimes Location Fun Harness
I went in expecting a mediocre launch coaster like people made it out to be and this blew those expectations out of the water. The ride is long, has some pretty good airtime moments like the drop off of the windcatcher tower, the few twisted airtime hills and the hill after the third launch, and is overall a fun experience winding through the terrain. The restraints don’t cause a direct problem, but it would be nice to not have those hard plastic OTSRs. Go in expecting a family multi-launch like Hagrid’s or even Manta at SWSD, not a top-tier blitz like Velocicoaster or Maverick and you will come off with a smile on your face, but also disappointed that you’ll have to wait another hour and a half to ride it again.
Theming Nice surprise! Dead spots
This ride gets better every time. The more you ride the more you appreciate. Not ever worth the lines though.
First Drop Fun Duration Harness
Loved the airtime it provided. I got a night ride on this with fireworks, & it was awesome!
Nice surprise! Location Fun Harness
This is one hell of a ride. A lot more fun than I thought it would be. Some solid airtime on some hills, the first launch was amazing, and the whole ride was just pure enjoyment.
Nice surprise! Pace Layout
Really enjoyed this one. I haven't ridden anything else like it really and it gets points for that. Proper airtime in there as well which was a great surprise.
Airtimes Fun Duration Theming Harness
The layout is really good. I really like how slow the inversion is. There are really good airtime moments throughout, especially on the climb up to the top of the tower, the drop off the tower and the hill after the third launch.
Comfort Smoothness Duration
Now I love that ride, it might be not the most forceful but its very fun. The ride has a very cool layout with a lot of variation (like that launch into that kinda tree element, the small whippy curves in the trench, the nice hangtime in the barrel roll and the three inversion. Its also a pretty long ride Also the ride is extremely smooth and seating is very comfortable with lapbars. The station also looks very cool
Launch Fun Layout
One of the most over-hated rides I know of, its a really fun experience that provides some good if not overly strong forces throughout a fantastic layout filled with interactions. The restraints aren't fantastic but by no means ruin the experience.
Location Launch Dead spots
7.6 out of 10. great speed at times, the layout has great points and then low points, overall good coaster, not one that I will go out my way to ride. But with the 2020 RMC coaster coming will try it again.
First Drop Duration Harness Disappointing! Dead spots
Admittedly, I used to loathe this ride very much. This is because I thought it was very overrated for a long time; I still do, but to a lesser extent. Cheetah Hunt is a pretty good launch coaster, albeit lacking the snappy transitions, wild airtime and insane G’s of its Ohioan cousin (Maverick, my 3rd favorite coaster). The first boost of acceleration into that overbanked turn is nothing much, merely a slight kick to start things off. The dive into the second launch provides some laterals and then you are pushed back into your seat, only to be lifted out of it at the top of that figure-8 hill. I remembered floater airtime being there, but I got some pretty substantially sustained airtime at that part of Cheetah Hunt to my surprise. The winding part at the top of the hill gives a nice panoramic view of Busch Garden Tampa, but you are lifted out of your seat once more as the train dives into a trench. An awkward straight section ensues as Cheetah Hunt clears the railroad tracks, followed by a gently twisting airtime hill over the skyride. The heartline roll provides a split second of hangtime, but it is interrupted by a mid course brake run. You’re whipped to the side as the train dives into the quarry that Rhino Rally — As a young one, this was my favorite ride at Busch Gardens; it was a jeep tour ride with an awesome collapsing bridge scene and enjoyable narrative — used to travel through. After some trim brakes and a sharp turn, Cheetah Hunt zigzags between the rocks in a thrilling series of back-and-forth S-curves — my personal favorite moment on the ride — and curves around into the third and final launch. The Maverick-esque airtime hill immediately following it provides a great pop of ejector airtime, followed up by another awkward section — a series of S-curve hills with no reminiscence of force, airtime or whip whatsoever. And at long last, Cheetah Hunt ends with a hop into the final brake run. All in all, Cheetah Hunt is a very solid ride. It straddles the line between a family-thrill coaster and an all-out thrill machine carefully, meaning that this coaster has much inconsistence in its layout — some moments, like the rise up the first hill with sustained floater airtime, heartline roll, S-curves in the rockwork and sharp airtime hill after the third launch are flat-out awesome, and more what you’d expect from an amazing ride like Maverick or Storm Runner — however, other parts of Cheetah Hunt appear much more tailored to the families; some that come to mind are the figure-8 element at the top of the first hill, the pointless meandering sections just before the second launch and final brake run, as well as the gently twisted hill that hops over the skyride. Cheetah Hunt is definitely far from being a bad coaster; however, when one inevitably associates it with top-tier Intamin rides like Maverick, Storm Runner, Skyrush and Intimidator 305, it pales in comparison.
Nice surprise! Launch Fun
This ride took me by surprise the most at BGT. The restraints aren't as big of a problem like some people say because this ride is more relaxed and graceful than its older brother up in Sandusky, which desperately needed soft vests. The launches are fun and decently forceful, the figure eight thing after the second launch gives a great view of the park, and it's really smooth.
Location Harness
Oh, I want to like Cheetah Hunt more than I do. As a concept, it is kind of clever but unless you are listening to the nerdy explanation in the cattle-pen queue line you'll miss that. Multiple high powered launches are always a good thing, and Intamin are never shy of putting force into their coasters. The awful restraints and vibration spoil unfortunately detract from the rest of the circuit.
Location Launch Fun Harness Inversions
Cheetah hunt is super fun, and a great addition to the park.. really love the launches (although the first one is a bit pointless), the second one up the hill into the figure 8 is fun, and the 3rd one gives some good airtime.. love the s-turns super low to the ground and the water.. Although personally I think overall it would be a much better coaster without the heartline roll.. really don't like that element in that coaster, uncomfortable .. and also the restraints I find pretty uncomfortable.
Capacity Nice surprise! Comfort Dead spots