Too short Intensity Theming

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Fēnix features
Chain lift hill
Vest restraint
Onride Video
 20  Rhuin Julien
 17  Leo Grimault
 13  Léo Teixeira Gouvea
 10  Coastergraph
 9  Benji Charly
 5  Léo Teixeira Gouvea
 4  Gaspard _r
 4  Gaël B.
Reviews  1178
  • Robin P.
    Robin P. 21 days ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short

    fenix is a really good wing coaster, its shot but there are no dead spots which is amazing. the theming is also super well done. fun inversions and a very forcefull helix. also very nice setting in the themed land its in.

  • George S.
    George S. 4 months ago

    Airtimes Theming Intensity Too short

    Fēnix is a fantastic addition to Toverland. The theming is beautifully immersive and the ride is smooth with an innovative layout. The helix is super intense and seemingly endless whilst riding. Fēnix is definitely too short, but it's a great B&M wing coaster.

  • Tino
    Tino 4 months ago

    Airtimes First Drop Theming Too short

    Its a really good Ride with good airtime and the Dive Loop, but it is too short.

  • John D.
    John D. 5 months ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short Intensity

    Would be a fantastic ride with great theming (especially the theming right before the lift hill), but it has 2 significant flaws: A. it's absolutely too short (which can be somewhat ignored if you're there on an empty day and can just re-ride without leaving the station). B: the positive g forces during the helix around the sky fly are simply too much of a good thing, it's always a 5 second grey out for me (regardless of seat) and was the only thing preventing me from staying in my seat for more than 3 re-rides. By the way, the left wing is noticeably better/more intense than the right wing.

  • Sarah Rafaèl
    Sarah Rafaèl 5 months ago

    Theming Smoothness Layout Too short

    This ride is glass smooth and very surprising. The feeling of flying is there. I also love the theming that reminds me of Wodan's and the soundtrack is epic. Beautiful machine.

  • Bishwadeep Das
    Bishwadeep Das 5 months ago

    Intensity Smoothness Layout Too short

    Very well-paced wing coaster. The helix is intense. All the elements flow nicely into each other. Rear wing rides were notably more forceful. Theming is quite nice. The whole Avalon area (in which the ride is located) is very photogenic, almost magical.

  • Le Riday
    Le Riday 6 months ago

    First Drop Theming Comfort Disappointing! Airtimes Intensity

    Je pense que l'on me l'a survendu, Flug der damonen etait mon premier wing et il etait tellement incroyable que je m'attendais a ce que les autres wings lui arrive tous a la cheville. ce n'etais pas le cas pour fenix.

  • Andy Aerts
    Andy Aerts 6 months ago

    Theming Intensity Layout

    A very intense wing coaster, the G-forces on this coaster are insane, mainly in the helix around Pixarus (wich looks incredible by the way). The first drop an zero g roll are also some very intense moments. The theming is also very good, everything just feels so magical and immersive. This coaster really brought Toverland to the next level.

  • Ross
    Ross 6 months ago

    Theming Capacity Rattle

    Best ride in toverland! Has a great airtime moment after the first drop. The helix is very intense with some grey out (although doesn't help that you will be blinded by the sun there too)!. The theming and queue is great. There is a noticable rattle but not that bad. The one thing this ride is missing is fly by elements and near misses, which put this behind the swarm at Thorpe park and x flight at great America for me, but above mandril mayhem at chessington

  • Alessio Romano
    Alessio Romano 6 months ago

    Theming Intensity Layout Rattle

    the best wing coaster i rode so far. Well theme station adn queque line,an intense ride with some great element like the final helix. i felt some rattle specially in the lasts row

  • Micha Tirion
    Micha Tirion 6 months ago

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Rattle Harness

    Short, intense wing coaster. I greyed out in the Helix. The airtime is nice and the inversions are forcefully. This ride goes for short and intense.

  • Coaster Nut
    Coaster Nut 6 months ago

    Intensity Smoothness Layout Too short Capacity

    I have a new favorite wing coaster. While most wingers feel like they are just gliding along, Fenix has really good pacing and intensity. If it were about 15 seconds longer, it'd be perfect.

  • Stefaan V.
    Stefaan V. 6 months ago

    First Drop Comfort Fun Too short

    Very smooth, too short but that is because it is so much fun.

  • Joe Aust
    Joe Aust 7 months ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short

    Solid wing coaster this, definitely the best I have ridden yet. Theming is incredible from the queue line to the station then the short preshow before the lift hill, a lot has gone into this ride. The dive loop is very tall which delivers great hangtime in the front and pulls you over at the back, the small bunny hop after gives some nice floater too. In my opinion I think the helix after the immelman is way too intense and will cause anyone to black out due to the speed it’s taken at and its sharp angle.

  • StinnerMatjest
    StinnerMatjest 7 months ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short

    Positives: Intensity - Inversions - Layout - Smoothness - Theming | Negatives: Too short

  • Henry Schmidt
    Henry Schmidt 8 months ago

    Theming Inversions Smoothness Too short

    This is everything you want from a good rollercoaster: The theming in the queue is amazing, it is beautifully integrated into the area, it is smooth, the first drop and the airtime hill in the beginning are fun, it got some good inversions and there are some strong forces in the helix. There might be some crazier rollercoasters in the world but this one will please everyone for sure.

  • Håkon Hapnes Strand

    Intensity Smoothness Layout Too short

    Fēnix is a smooth wing coaster with a good layout. The first dive is fun and the forces on the banked turns are pretty intense. I just wish it was longer.

  • GLaDOS
    GLaDOS 8 months ago

    Airtimes Theming Intensity Too short

    Fenix is an intense ride, much more intense than I thought it would be. The first drop has nice hang time in all rows and the pullout has some force. The airtime hill throws you out of your seat and the Immelman is intense at the bottom and has a bit of hangtime in the middle rows. The helix has some crushing positive G forces to the point of being a near-greyout moment for me. The zero-G roll is whippy and the ending has a bit of airtime and positive G forces. Fenix is a bit on the shorter side but the elements it has are really good and it is really well paced. There is a dark ride section at the beginning and the queue and area are really well themed.

  • Freddieboy Tpptey
    Freddieboy Tpptey 8 months ago

    Nice surprise! Intensity Smoothness Too short

    Incredibly excellent thrill ride, in a beautiful area. Could dow ith some more classic Wing near misses, but I finally get why this model is well recieved. FAR more comfortable and smooth than Swarm and Mandrill. far more intense, far better layout. I think I finally get it.

  • Thomas C.
    Thomas C. 8 months ago

    Theming Comfort Masterpiece Too short

    The n°1 coaster in Toverland. Only one little way of imporvement : make the layout longer.

  • Robert A.
    Robert A. 8 months ago

    Airtimes Rattle Capacity Disappointing!

    The air hill was fun, but ran 1 train with a persistent rattle throughout the whole thing which considerably dropped my liking for this ride

  • Dan Booth
    Dan Booth 9 months ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness

    Like swarm but better in my opinion. Surprisingly intense and very smooth as expected with a recent B&M. Wish the ride was longer but that's because I enjoyed it so much!

  • Lucas Verrydt
    Lucas Verrydt 10 months ago

    Airtimes Theming Fun Too short

    Fantastic ride. One of the few wing coasters with some actual decent airtime. Also the helix can cause a grey out for some people. Also it's Toverland so the theming is outstanding in the queue and outside of it aswell.

  • hans im Glück
    hans im Glück 10 months ago

    First Drop Intensity Layout Too short

    Intense cool ride! Rather short, but otherwise greate. Intense but smooth.

  • Robin B.
    Robin B. 10 months ago

    Capacity Fun Smoothness

    It's pretty smooth, but that's too be expected from a new coaster (as of writing this) I like the first dive drop I guess it's a side dive? Not sure if that is what it is called, but I liked the coaster overall

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Theming Fun Intensity Too short

    This is a really fun roller coaster! Good forces, nice layout and very good theming. Can ride this all day long. You always walk of with a big smile.

  • Daan Bruins
    Daan Bruins 1 year ago

    Airtimes Theming Hangtime Too short Harness

    The vest restraints aren't too great and it is very short, but aside from that it's an amazing coaster with great theming in the queue line, solid inversions, good G's on the helix and nice floater on the camelback.

  • Ronald L.
    Ronald L. 1 year ago

    First Drop Comfort Intensity Too short

    Rode it 7 times today. Best seat is on the left wing, and in the front. Great ride! Very smooth, great operations. It's just a bit too short.

  • Jannik G.
    Jannik G. 1 year ago

    First Drop Theming Location Too short

    Fenix is a very good ride and has some intense forces. The first drop is very good and also the hangtime is fun. But what stands out the most in my opinion, is the incredible theming around it. The queue looks incredible and the location is also phenomenal. The biggest con is the ride length, it´s just way too short. Night rides on this thing are also very good. I still prefer Troy above Fenix due to its length and overall intensity

  • TwanTastic
    TwanTastic 1 year ago

    Comfort Pace Intensity Too short

    Right now this is my favorite wing coaster and I don't think that will change anytime soon with all the other wing coasters in Europe. It really is an intense ride, always smooth as usual for B&M and it is really comfortable. It also looks great from the outside and the theming is on point. It's a little short, but that doesn't matter much to me.

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    First Drop Theming Layout Too short Discomfort

    Fenix is super fun and has a great layout. The wing aspect can feel a little too uncomfortable and intense though. Maybe that's part of the fun, I'm not sure. Just wish it was smoother and longer I guess. The fact that all 4 seats (all the way left, middle left, middle right or all the way right) feels unique is very fun in a small park like this

  • Jesper Otten
    Jesper Otten 1 year ago

    First Drop Capacity Hangtime

    Fēnix is the best coaster of Toverland for me. It is a original concept and the ride is great

  • Maddie
    Maddie 1 year ago

    Intensity Too short

    Best wing coaster in Europe. That helix pulling 5G on a hot day is elite.

  • Ivan Claeys
    Ivan Claeys 1 year ago

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short

    Fénix is the best coaster of Toverland, and maybe of the Netherlands. I has a certain grandeur when you watch it, and you experience it when you're on it. If it wasn't so short it would be one of my favorite rides, no question about that. Fortunately it happens often that there isn't a waiting line (I could go three times on the first row, almost without waiting) which makes it possible to extend the time spended on Fénix. Top class coaster!

  • Jonathan de speler

    Theming Intensity Hangtime Too short

    You absolutely need to ride this oncce on the left side all the way in the back row. It is something different. You just get yanked over that drop and that airtime hill is also so good back there that you will probably get butterflies. After t he boring immelman you go into a helix that is just pure insanity. You will grey out every time there. The zero-G roll is also pretty good even though I'm not that big of a fan of them.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Pace Intensity Smoothness Too short

    The first drop gives really nice hangtime, and the transition from floajector to immelmann was absolute gold. The helix makes you grey out. It's a shame it is not that long.

  • CoaẞTR
    CoaẞTR 2 years ago

    Inversions Intensity Hangtime

    My favorite Ride in the Park. It's pretty Intense especially for a Wing Coaster, has long sustained floater on the first speedhill a hangtime-filled wing-over-drop, a nice zero-g-roll and forceful helixes.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Theming Intensity Harness

    Fēnix is a great wing coaster with a nice airtime hill full of sustained flojector, super forceful helix and a nicely themed queue, station and trains. Even though the vest restraints are quite tight, they don't stop me from getting airtime or hangtime. When it comes to shorter rides like Fēnix, I don't really mind as long as they pull good forces during their layouts which is what Fēnix does well.

  • Chermaine S.
    Chermaine S. 2 years ago

    Airtimes Theming Intensity

    Fenix has to be one the best themed coasters in The Netherlands, if not the best in my opinion. The queue is gorgeous and IMAscore did an amazing job with the soundtrack. Train design is also beautiful. The ride itself is amazing: Fenix is very smooth, offers some nice sustained floater airtime and that helix pulls some powerful positives, often giving me a grey-out. The zero-G roll gives some nice laterals. I really can't get enough of this ride, always love riding it a few times during my Toverland visits.

  • Drive Safely
    Drive Safely 2 years ago

    Theming Inversions Intensity Too short

    Fenix is, simply put, great. It’s got some wonderful theming in the queue, surrounding area, and even some on-ride. Despite its short length, the layout delivers some awesome inversions and intense moments, especially with the helix. It’s a perfect fit for the park and is a very good ride overall.

  • Coenkie
    Coenkie 2 years ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short

    This definitely is my favourite coasters. I really like the hangtime before the first drop, and the airtime on the hill after that. But the helix is definitely my favourite element of the coaster. It is really intense, but I didn’t grey-out like many people say they do. The rest of the layout is also very nice and smooth. It’s too bad that it’s so short.

  • Matt Burgess
    Matt Burgess 2 years ago

    Comfort Intensity Smoothness

    I don’t usually care for winged coasters too much but Fenix really packs a punch. It’s fast, it’s forceful, and the near misses are especially great when in the front row. Definitely worth queuing the extra few minutes for.

  • Joep van Baren
    Joep van Baren 2 years ago

    Theming Masterpiece Smoothness Too short

    I prefer the left side of the coaster, that way you get tilted over the track and into the half loop. For some reason I nearly always grey out at the beginning of the helix. Never really long wait times in Avalon. Curious what the new attractions to the area will do which are coming in 2023 and further. They should add theming in the first big black hall but I like it like this as well, the coaster is surprisingly silent. They added really cheap theming 2 years back but luckily removed it, it was so bad.

  • Raf B.
    Raf B. 2 years ago

    First Drop Theming Fun Too short

    Short but sweet, is how I would describe this masterpiece by Toverland. While yes, this ride is defenitely on the short end of the spectrum, it offers great hangtime and headchopper throughout it's layout. This ride is very gracefull, but the intensity can get to you through some of the helixes as well as the bottom of the first drop. I love the modern wing-coaster first drops, because of the great hangtime it offers. This ride is just fun, that the best word to describe it. My father did get dizzy on it when we visited, but he gets dizzy very easily so that might just be him since I was completely fine, even after 7 rides, since the park was basicilly empty that day.

  • Koen
    Koen 2 years ago

    Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Too short

    It has the smoothness of a typical B&M coaster, yet does give some substantial forces in the hills and helix. It did suprise me. Especially the first hill after the first drop gives there nice g-forces when you duck under the bridge. Same for the helix, superb. Yes it is kind of short, but what do you expect from a parc that started out as a indoor playground not so long ago. There is a great potential here.

  • Anouk
    Anouk 2 years ago

    Theming Pace Layout Too short

    Okay, this season I do love Fenix... I do not know how my opinion changed (see underneath), this has been my 4th time in the park and 4th day riding Fenix, and this was the first day I actually did not get any discomfort on the ride! Rode it twice, loved it both. I did not include this ride in my tops before, but now I do.......... Last years review: Although i find the ride gorgeous to watch, I cannot get myself to like this coaster. It looks and sounds real smooth, but it shudders a bit an I found it was getting rougher each time I rode it in different seats.

  • Lukas 42
    Lukas 42 3 years ago

    Theming Masterpiece Intensity

    I absolutely adore this ride and could add many more pros to those three above! First of all, the theming of the area "Avalon" is really amazing, and this coaster has the most beautiful trains I've ever seen - how they shine in the sun, wow! Starting off with an impressing dive drop, the layout has everything from good coaster elements: some nice airtime, a helix with really high G-Forces and three inversions. This ride is quite intense, in the helix I experienced some mild greyouts, but in my opinion, it's still re-ridable due to its smoothness and overall high comfort. If you consider the development of this park from an indoor playground with a small kiddie coaster to a full-fledged amusement park with such a high-class-coaster like Fenix, this is really impressing - I am very curious what this park will look like in the future!

  • Joel Simon
    Joel Simon 3 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions Too short

    My first wing coaster ever. First of all it has great theming. The first drop with that inversion was pretty amazing, as well as the airtime hill after. The inversions and helixes following have some forces too. Its also a very smooth ride. I'd give the ride an intensity rating of 3.25/5 If you get the chance, do this ride at night

  • Heiko Hartmann
    Heiko Hartmann 3 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity

    An intense version of a Winged coaster, this may cause greyouts. Besides this, I like the scenery of the ride (over the sea) and the little pops of airtime. One of the thes best B&M winged coasters out there.

  • Theme Park Vex
    Theme Park Vex 3 years ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness Too short

    Great ride, with some nice theming. I would say it's pretty intense, compared with the other wing coasters i've ridden. But the ride is a bit on the short side.

  • David Čuban
    David Čuban 3 years ago

    Location Fun Smoothness

    The best Wing Coaster that I have ridden in one of the most beautiful park location in the world. Amazing soundtrack, theming, also good intensity and hangtime.

  • Bart R.
    Bart R. 3 years ago

    Theming Intensity Too short

    Definitely the most forceful wing coaster I have ridden. I gray out every time in the helix after the immelmann and the airtime hill is surprisingly strong. Beautiful theming and silky smooth. Even though it's a relatively long ride for a wing coaster, it still feels a bit short.

  • Marcel Königsmann

    Theming Smoothness

    Was my first Wing Coaster and i was suprised about the smooth an intense Ride!

  • Rik Steetsel
    Rik Steetsel 4 years ago

    Airtimes Theming Intensity Too short

    This is the second coaster on my top 20 from my home country the Netherlands. Fenix at Toverland is amazing with one of the best Qeue lines i've ever seen outside a disney park. This B&M wing coaster is the most intensive one i've done and ride amazing smooth. Only complainment is that the ride is too short and this Wing Coaster miss head/leg choppers, if this coaster had that then it had 5 stars from me. Numer 14 of my top 20 is also not bad anyway.

  • Flurin S.
    Flurin S. 4 years ago

    Airtimes Intensity Smoothness Too short

    Really intense for a wing coaster. Good airtime, Great positives and fun inversions however a bit short but not a dealbraker.

  • Jannick S.
    Jannick S. 4 years ago

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Too short

    Fenix is a very good coaster and helps the Toverland to be more noticeable. It has surprisingly high positive and negative g-forces and it just looks gorgeous. Sadly it feels a bit short, even though it's longer than the other european wing coasters. Still a great ride, but not the best in the park in my opinion.

  • Battle Pro
    Battle Pro 5 years ago

    First Drop Theming Comfort Too short

    This is my number one coaster, the first drop and the theming are amazing!

  • Attractieparkfans

    Airtimes First Drop Theming Too short

    A good rollercoaster with great theming! Only a bit too short!

  • LinaExecutor
    LinaExecutor 5 years ago


    Best B&M Coaster, Route unfortunately short.

  • Halish R.
    Halish R. 5 years ago

    Airtimes Pace Intensity Harness Discomfort

    Very intense for a Wing Coaster but is also quite juddery

  • Mathis Gullon
    Mathis Gullon 5 years ago

    Airtimes Intensity Too short

    Fenix definitely stands out among European Wingcoasters. It is short, intense, and restless. Though horsecollars are still a bit tight, the upper part remains adjustable throughout the ride so you won't feel like you're blending with your seat - as you'll experience it yourself with that awesome airtime hill. Nothing much to underline for the cons side, except maybe some final landscaping touches. Avalon is a really beautiful setting for the coaster, enchanting in the best sense possible.

  • Etienne Sainton
    Etienne Sainton 6 years ago

    First Drop Nice surprise! Comfort Too short

    Could be more... Faster, longer and more intense. But still quite rare in Europe, well integrated, and a nice surprise from toverland.

  • Jeffrey Fastenaekels

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions Too short

    Great coaster. Firdt drop is great, best side left last cars.

  • Philippe-Minh N.
    Philippe-Minh N. 6 years ago

    First Drop Location Fun Too short

    Toverland's photogenic B&M provides a very enjoyable - albeit short - experience. The (now generic) dive drop has some nice hangtime, and the following airtime is pretty good too. Fenix's pacing arguably feels faster than the average Wing coaster and delivers cool laterals with the inversions along with some sustained G forces during the long helix. The ride's surroudings are superb and definitely enhance the overall experience. Impressive addition to Toverland's line-up!

  • Ángel L.
    Ángel L. 10 hours ago
  • Lex S.
    Lex S. 2 days ago
  • Anne van der Veer
  • Elias A.
    Elias A. 6 days ago
  • Arnaud Schmeltz
    Arnaud Schmeltz 16 days ago

    Theming Pace Smoothness Too short

  • Jertrude Jérémiades

    Airtimes First Drop Nice surprise! Too short

  • Ynyn Mérinos
    Ynyn Mérinos 20 days ago

    Airtimes Theming Intensity Too short Harness

  • Rasmus Madden
    Rasmus Madden 21 days ago
  • RankingTheRides NL
  • Stevan M.
    Stevan M. 21 days ago
  • Matt Green
    Matt Green 23 days ago
  • David Mischke
    David Mischke 26 days ago
  • Christopher TAVERNIER
  • Florian V.
    Florian V. 1 month ago
  • Camille P.
    Camille P. 1 month ago
  • Yaro M.
    Yaro M. 1 month ago
  • Thomas
    Thomas 1 month ago
  • Thijs Eijnde
    Thijs Eijnde 1 month ago
  • Tob Tob
    Tob Tob 1 month ago

    Comfort Masterpiece Smoothness

  • Louis B.
    Louis B. 1 month ago

    Theming Intensity Smoothness

  • Marius A.
    Marius A. 1 month ago
  • Vincent Gibilaro
    Vincent Gibilaro 1 month ago
  • Corentin Massé
    Corentin Massé 1 month ago
  • Tom Aigrisse
    Tom Aigrisse 1 month ago
  • Emma
    Emma 1 month ago
  • Raymon van Wanrooij
  • Kylian Palazzotto
  • Coralie Ntns
    Coralie Ntns 1 month ago
  • jessy dangeros
    jessy dangeros 1 month ago

    First Drop Comfort Intensity Too short

  • thijs de jonge
    thijs de jonge 1 month ago
  • Mathéo L.
    Mathéo L. 1 month ago
  • Corentin Degrève

    Theming Disappointing!

  • Caroline Davis
    Caroline Davis 2 months ago
  • Jude Lacek
    Jude Lacek 2 months ago
  • Chloé H.
    Chloé H. 2 months ago
  • Jordan B.
    Jordan B. 2 months ago

    Masterpiece Intensity Layout