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Valkyria features
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Also in Liseberg 14
Reviews 353
First Drop Smoothness Hangtime Too short Disappointing!
Bit to boring after the drop
First Drop Location Comfort
Valkyria is an excellent dive coaster, my favourite of the ones i've ridden and one of my favourite B&Ms. The view from the top of the lift is stunning and you get a nice panoramic look across Liseberg and beyond as you turn towards the drop. The hold is the perfect length and the drop itself is really floaty on the front and pretty whippy on the back, into the misty tunnel. The rest of the layout is excellent with a diverse mix of inversions, hangtime, some intense turns and a pop of airtime as you drop down to the left. Runs super smooth as it was one of the last coasters before B&M started having some rattle issues. I - contrary to popular opinion it seems - find the vests really comfortable and not at all restrictive, I much prefer them on this model over the classic OTSRs. Its very nicely themed as well with an awesome Imascore soundtrack. Great ride, an excellent fit in Liseberg's lineup and a fantastic joint-second fiddle to Helix
First Drop Comfort
short coaster but long for a dive coaster ..... but come on its a DIVE COASTER
First Drop Nice surprise! Intensity
What a surprise. By far Europe's best dive coaster (I've yet to ride the original Oblivion, but... you know). I came with low expectations, but it ended up being a very solid top 3 at the park. It was the first time a dive's first drop impressed me. With this coaster model, size does matter, man. The hanging, the views, the weightlessness drop and the foggy tunnel are great. By the way, I really appreciated that the valley on that tunnel kept the forces strong and sustained, unlike others such as Oblivion-The Black Hole or Krake. And that intensity was well mantained throughout the ride. Those positive G's were combined with some nice inverions (mediocre immelman and two great rolls), and there was also a quite decent airtime moment. It's maybe a short ride, but it's more than long enough for me, specially for a dive coaster. The station has nice theming as well. Oh, and the operations were great, specially that single rider queue. Best ones at the park. However, the obligation to pay for the ride lockers was insulting - I've never seen that in any other park in Europe, not even other rides at Liseberg have that.
First Drop Location Pace Harness
My favorite dive coaster because it's the one that checks all the important boxes - has a stunning view, drops into a tunnel, and doesn't have a mid-course brake run.
First Drop Nice surprise! Layout Too short
This was a short but sweet experience which exceeded my expectations, making it a very solid number 3 at Liseberg behind Balder and Helix.
First Drop Fun Smoothness Too short Harness
An excellent dive coaster. Just like many of the other B&M Dive Coasters it is a bit too short. Unfortunately it features vest restraints in combination with a stupid harness which is very phisically restricting during the ride. This could have been solved much better in my opinion. The drop is excellent and especially amazing in the front row. The following track is a lot of fun as well. It feels very smooth and makes the ride more interesting. Overall worth a ride but for me it could never compete with a regular rollercoaster, the concept is just inferior in general.
First Drop Hangtime Too short
For being my first B&M dive it was a bit underwhelming but I didn’t really expect much. Other than the first drop the ride is a bit tame. Although the hang time on the last inversion was a bit unexpected.
First Drop Too short
This ride is better than oblivion the black hole because it's taller and longer, but its lenght is still not enough to make it an epic one!
First Drop Comfort Smoothness Too short
Valkyria at Liseberg is quite mediocre, aside from the Vertical Drop it's not that much more than a crowd-pleaser. The best seat for me is 1-1 (Front left wing) as most of the turns puts the left side high in the air.
First Drop Theming Smoothness Too short
It its smooth and intense! But it too short!
First Drop Inversions Pace Too short
This coaster is perfection! It has all things I want in a good coaster. Exelent floaty drop, nice whippy inversions and exelent pacing. But it is to short.
First Drop Comfort Layout Too short
Valkyria is well deserving of it's high placing on lists of the best B&M dive coasters, whatever that is worth. Despite a short ride time I think Valkyria delivers a fun experience with a great first drop that must be experienced in the front. That feeling of vulnerability as the train goes over the edge is something else. With an immelmann, a corkscrew and a heartline roll also included it's clear B&M and Liseberg wanted to utilise the limited real estate to the max and I think they've done that.
First Drop Smoothness Hangtime Too short Disappointing! Intensity
I had high expectations to the ride and got very disappointed. I think that it is boring and it felt very very tame. The only fun thing about the ride is the drop. The first time I rode it I was thinking like, that was it? It nearly felt like a family coaster to me. Ok coaster. Some nice positive g-forces but still boring. It doesn’t feel as fast as it is. Cool music.
First Drop Inversions Comfort Too short
One of the many Dive Coasters by B&M, short but a very intense first drop and a lot of fun.
First Drop Layout
The first drop is very nice with some airtime. For a dive coaster It even has a small ride part after the drop and the zero-g roll is very fun especially in the left outer seat.
First Drop Pace Smoothness Too short
My first dive coaster and it was pretty good. The first drop was good and my favourite part of the ride but the airtime wasn't very noticeable. I greyed out going into the immelman. The zero g roll was nice and floaty. The following hill gave a bit of airtime. The last inversion gave good hangtime. I know a lot of people have a problem with the vest restraints and while they do take away from the airtime a bit and are quite restrictive I actually find them quite comfortable and not painful. But I'm quite short so I can understand if they're a problem for you. Overall, I was excited for this ride and I think it met my expectations. I would use the word 'good' to sum up this coaster. Not mind blowing but you'll probably be satisfied with your ride on it.
First Drop Theming Fun Harness
My first B&M coaster. I was excited for this and ot was pretty good. The drop was fun and the rest was ok as expected. The vest restraint was not good and it hurt a little. Good theming. Nice ride!
Harness Smoothness Layout
The best dive coaster I have ridden! Better than Baron, Krake and even Oblivion the black hole. I love the vests.
First Drop Disappointing! Dead spots
Very disappointing. Best drop in the park, then that’s it. Like most B&M dive coasters the drop is the only bit that stands out, then it just meanders around the layout. I really thought Liseberg would have higher standards.
First Drop Location Smoothness Too short Reliability
I had virtual queueing for Valkyria... and it broke down just before my time was up. Luckily it was back up and running in half an hour, and i got to ride it fast due to the single riders lane. The first drop is intense, and the mist effects work well. The views of Liseberg and Gothenburg all lit up at 10pm just before the drop are worth the ride, too!!
First Drop Layout Too short
Valkyria is a masterfully executed dive coaster and (so far) is the best example of how dives should be made. The brake on the drop hangs you over a bit more than other dive coasters, and the vest restraints allow you to lean forward a bit more than the traditional OTSRs. The drop gives great floater airtime, and the layout is very good for a dive. The standard Immelmann follows the drop, then a zero-g roll, helix and twisted airtime hill are after that. The zero-g roll is nice and floaty, the helix rather intense, and the twisted hill gives some airtime and whip. The last element before the brakes is a hangtime-filled zero-g roll just like Helix’s and is a great way to end out a short but sweet ride.
First Drop Comfort Too short
One of the first "Big" coasters I've been and that first drop was a rush, but it felt way to short. I was left asking "wait... is that all?" The Theming is on point as is the overall comfort of the ride.
Comfort Harness Intensity Too short
A brilliant dive coaster. Unlike what I've heard about Valravn, the vest restraints add to the experience of this ride. unlike older variations on B&Ms vest restraint, Valkyrias don't fully lock in one position, ther's just more resistance making them more difficult to move when locked. This adds to the experience specifically in the hangtime moments, both the heartline roll and hanging over the vertical drop. When you're held over the drop the vest slowly moves forward from your weight, forcing you to look at the hole. It's really effective. This is also the most forceful recently built B&M I've been on. The exit of the immelmann into the overbank under the lift is especially forceful.
First Drop Comfort Smoothness Too short
This is actually quite a bit of fun, but is the most unimpressive of the three major coasters here. The views in the front of Gothenburg and of course the vertical descent are great, the drop is surprisingly mild, though. Similar coasters in Europe (e.g. Krake) have made a better impression on me drop-wise. The track that follows flows well and is perfectly smooth, but does not evoke a desire for more re-rides. Maybe it is hard to describe what exactly made it feel mediocre, but I felt like it was. Still a quality line-up addition.
First Drop Theming Layout Too short
Fun to ride and fun to look at! Love the theming at the station and the colour of the track. You can get some nice views at the top.
First Drop Pace Duration
Valkyria is a refreshing take on the mini-dive coaster concept. A combination of a lengthened layout and consistent, surprisingly quick pacing leave it leagues ahead from the likes of Baron and Krake. The new B&M vest restraints without the tightening component that plague older B&M vest coasters mean freedom for riders on the first drop as well as buckets of hang time in the final roll over the river. Valkyria may not be Liseberg's best roller coaster; heck even the second best, but it's a significant mark on the future of mini dive coasters as well as the best thing to ever happen to the wretched Fairy Tale Castle that once stood in Valkyria's layout.
First Drop Comfort Smoothness Too short Intensity
I have to give it 5 out of 5 because I really enjoy dive coasters, although of course they're always too short! This is unique in that the lift hill start straight out the station.. no little corner or anything to prepare.. looks quite impressive sitting in the station seeing what you're about to go up. The theming is awesome! Love the cauldron type lights in the station. The restraints were actually more comfortable than expected and didnt take anything away from the ride. The first drop is awesome! And epic views! On the front row it seems to hang you pretty far over the edge.. and the drop into the mist is awesome as you can't see whats coming next. The pace is good, no midcourse breakrun so you're thrown into every element one after the other.. the banking over the river is awesome! Final inversion gives alot of hangtime.. its a super fun coaster, just over too quickly! 30 seconds of ride time probably not including the lift hill!.. Nice to see a single rider line.. although that also was advertised as a 60 min queue! (of course to be expected during its opening month though!) Solid coaster and a good addition to Liseberg.. :)
First Drop Theming Inversions Too short
First Drop Smoothness
First Drop Theming Inversions Harness
First Drop Fun Harness Too short
First Drop Comfort Fun Too short
First Drop Inversions Smoothness Harness
Airtimes Too short
First Drop Too short
First Drop Fun Smoothness Too short
Comfort Layout Duration
First Drop Smoothness Hangtime Intensity