Detailed user ratings
Joker features
Also in Six Flags Discovery Kingdom 13
Reviews 161
Airtimes Smoothness Hangtime Reliability
Some of my favorite inversions from RMC. Keeps its speed well. Not always open but I think that's a park problem more than anything. Way stronger in the back row.
daniels opinion is wrong
Inversions Nice surprise! Smoothness Capacity
Idc what anyone else says this is a significantly better ride than Storm Chaser and Twisted Timbers. Incredibly fun, well flowing layout with some fantastic inversions. The airtime power and quantity might not be there compared to other RMCs, but man this ride is just so incredibly fun. Pretty solid length as well. Wish it was operated better, the usual slow loading of RMC combined with one train and Discovery Kingdom's disappointing ops makes me sad this ride isn't easier to get on for such a fun and likely rerideable ride.
Inversions Pace
It’s really a wonderful ride, no complaints at all. It’s exactly what you expect from RMC with all the wonderful zero-g airtime moments and twists. As for the operations, only one train was running with 5+ minute dispatches with a full park on a holiday so I was very happy to get my one ride in the back row. This ride deserves a better owner.
Airtimes Inversions Fun
For an RMC, definitely on the weaker side. It definitely lacks that killer layout that many have, but it is still a very fun ride. It has some nice inversions and still has some good airtime. The only problem I had were the 1 train ops. At the end of the day, any RMC is good.
Airtimes Inversions Layout
Like many RMCs it has a lot of airtime and a lot of inversions. Really overhated ride.
Airtimes Comfort Fun
Definetly one of the best coasters in california. Although it doesnt focus on airtime as much as other RMC's I still find the inversions very fun and the airtime moments delivers great ejector. The twisted first drop is also a very cool element.
Airtimes Inversions Smoothness Too short Lap Bar
Currently my #1 roller coaster. Has three world class inversions while still having great moments of airtime, especially in the back row. The first drop is insane in the back row due to the slight twist at the bottom, which is quite fun on an RMC. It also has a surprisingly quirky and unique fun-house style queue (for a Six Flags park). But a must admit that is disappointingly short layout, considering it is the same model as the extremely long Steel Vengeance. Also the lap bars are pretty restrictive. Overall, it is a great addition to a smaller Six Flags park!
First Drop Inversions
First drop is nuts and unexpected if it’s your first time. Great inversions, and airtimes throughout. Best ride in the park and may be a bit underrated.
First Drop Theming Inversions Too short Reliability
seriously one of the best first drops ever and i love the different colored tracks
Airtimes First Drop Comfort Dead spots Reliability
Not the worst RMC I have ridden but not the best it has some dead spots it has the ejector moments
Inversions Ejectors
This is a little different than your typical RMC, but it was way better than I expected.. This is more inversion focused, and those inversions are all spectacular. The airtime moments are all super powerful too. Easily the best coaster in the park and among the best I’ve ridden.
Airtimes Fun Capacity Reliability
This is a great RMC, really fun, but definitely, the worst I've ridden. I see why people call it the worst, I don't like it as much as any of the raptor prototypes, but I love this one regardless. Definitely the best ride in the park and has a ton of great moments and 3 killer inversions.
Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors Too short
Joker may be one of the worse RMC's, but i do believe it is better than the prototype raptors, and has incredible forces. This may be because when I rode Twisted Collosus while it was hailing, but Joker is right up there with that
Inversions Fun Duration Reliability
It's a good time, but it didn't give me as many big "wow" moments as other RMCs. Still, it's better than most coasters you'll ride. Worthy of its top 100 ranking on here. Very frustrating reliability. It was shut down when the park opened, and four hours later it finally opened but with only one train. I got only one ride because the wait time quickly ballooned to two hours.
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Dead spots Reliability
This is one of Discovery Kingdom’s best coasters, and far superior to its predecessor Roar. This is one of the smaller RMC remodels, but it packs a punch and is enjoyable throughout. There’s solid airtime, some intense moments, and a first drop that is pleasantly surprising. The worst part about this ride is the reliability. California has provision in place which only permits rides to a certain speed for safety reasons. When the track gets too much moisture (as it often does in the Bay Area), they have to close the ride. This happens a lot throughout the day, and it can be quite annoying to wait in line just for it to close down. That, and the fact that it doesn’t stack up to some of the other RMC’s, but a fun ride that I always enjoy.
Inversions Nice surprise! Hangtime Dead spots
A very underrated RMC. It is NOT the worst RMC coaster. It might meander around it’s track, but let’s put that aside, and enjoy the three inversions that it gives us. This is far from the worst. The airtime is not strong, but it still is a good ride nonetheless, along with B&M, RMC is my favorite manufacturer for coasters. Everybody in the coaster world claims this to be “the worst RMC”, and while it doesn’t pack a very powerful punch like Iron Gwazi and Steel Vengeance, it still is a great coaster, and this is not the monstrosity people make it out to be.
Inversions Pace Intensity
This is a near perfect little hybrid coaster. First time riders might get lulled into that short first hill, but don’t be fooled. You start with a quick, steep drop, and it really doesn’t let up much from start to finish. It’s smooth and one of the most comfortable coasters I’ve ever ridden, but it still maintains a good level of intensity. There’s also a solid helping of ejectors throughout the ride. Aside from the very front, the middle of the train is surprisingly where you get the best ride. I can’t think of another coaster that delivers this much in the middle. The very front car is amazing, because they don’t put anything in front of you to hold onto, and you are more engaged with the track than most coasters. Overall, good enough for 5 stars and my number 7 coaster overall.
A little smaller and probably less aggressive than other RMCs, but it still packs a punch and has great airtime and inversions.
Airtimes Layout Dead spots
Many people say this is the worst RMC, and while I have not ridden enough of them to make that judgement, it is the weakest RMC I've ridden to date. The layout is unique in that they had a relatively small space to work with, and the elements are very compact. There is airtime, but it is honestly weak for RMC standards. This is a result of the ride's biggest flaw, which is its poor pacing. Even the first few elements felt noticeably slow, and it kept its mediocre pace constant throughout the layout. That being said, it's still a fantastic ride and #1 at the park. It is unique in the lineup, and is much better than the GCI that it was converted from. (p.s. This was my 100th credit!)
Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Too short
While some of the criticism of this ride is deserved, this ride definitely gets way more hate than it deserves. While it may be a bit on the shorter side compared to its other RMC siblings, the hangtime moments/inversions are out of this world, and are definitely what set this ride apart from the other RMCs out there. In addition, you also get plenty of signature RMC ejector airtime if the hangtime wasn't enough for you. Well paced, unique, and just plain fun, Joker is definitely one worth paying the price of admission for.
Inversions Nice surprise! Fun
Massively "over-hated" coaster—likely due to its proximity to Twisted Colossus. It may not be quite as good as Twisted Colossus—one of the best coasters in the country—but Joker has a ton to admire regardless. Much like Maverick, it features a compact course packed with unique and interesting elements with pacing that doesn't really let up. It won't blow your socks off with intensity, but it will give you one of the most enjoyable rides on the west coast.
Airtimes Inversions Smoothness Harness
So Joker often gets considered one of the worst RMC's and yeah, that's partially true. But in a way, it's over hated. The word "worst" often comes with a bad connation, which isnt fair considering Joker still gives a great ride. Anyways, after listening to the weird clown laughing in the queue, you board into the typical RMC trains and get rolling through this fun prelift section. Then you crest the lifthill as you look down at a steep twisting drop in front of the entrance. After the insane ejector air on that drop, go into this weird inversion that gives pretty great hangtime. Go around a turn, and Boom! Another cool inversion! This next part is kinda dead though as you just go around an overbanked turn but then you get air on the next hill! Go get some more air in the double down and go into another overbank. The final inversion is low to the ground and is my personal favorite. Then one more airtime hill and hit the brakes. Back into the station with the clown laughing! Joker i wouldn't consider as good as Twisted Colossus because there just is a little more dead moments and the overbanks don't do too much for me. Overall, still a great ride and by far the best ride in Northern California.
First Drop Intensity Smoothness Theming
Airtimes Inversions Smoothness
Airtimes Inversions Dead spots
Airtimes Smoothness Layout Pointless
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Capacity