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Devil's Loop features
Onride Video
Reviews 297
Inversions Headbanging Discomfort Layout
Would be good if it wasn't old and if it had better restraints
Rattle Harness Discomfort
The loops remind me of a ride that used to be at our county fair every year, but at least that one was half-way smooth. This one is really rough and made even worse with the horrible restraints.
Inversions Harness Dead spots Reliability
I was genuinely scared to ride this thing. Just the weird restraints and the sound of the chain makes you uneasy. Not even mentioning that it broke down twice right before I wanted to get on. The loops are fine and forceful and it is not as rough as I expected it to be but apart from the loops it does absolutely nothing.
Inversions Discomfort Layout
Backwards is a really fun gimmick, although the ride itself is extremely rough and poorly profiled. The restraints too are particularly unforgiving, especially with the unpadded seats
Harness Disappointing! Dead spots
Unusual harness which is quite light for a looping coaster but ultimately ride doesn't do anything interesting. It's two loops and a forceless helix
Inversions Discomfort
Awful janky ride, made only slightly better by the back 4 person seats facing each other.
Intensity Dead spots
Seeing this awfull train and harnesses, I was expecting a fully painful ride. But I was very surprise by it's "confort". Two intense loops and nothing more.
Intensity Discomfort Layout
Probably one of the most illegal coasters I've ridden. One look at those wheel assemblies says enough. The layout is one of the worst I've ever seen, like who came up with those boring helices? Those helices are taken too slowly as well. The ride overall is rough and causes some headbanging. The only redeeming thing about this coaster are the two loops, which are actually pretty forceful which I can certainly enjoy.
Inversions Intensity Pointless Dead spots Layout
Lech coaster makes this family park worth visiting anyways, so I recommend riding this abomination despite the rating I gave it, because of this: the last carriage of the train has two backrow seats. Riding through the 2 loops sitting backwards was probably the most intense thing I've ever experienced in my life. It was very disorienting and I felt like I will throw up my entire stomach, not just it's content. Thankfully I did not feel sick after the train passed the loops but it was a very unique experience. After that it's a dead ride. Pointless, slow, stupid. I don't understand why they did not do anything more interesting after such an intense first section.
Inversions Discomfort
Way better than I expected. The loops are great but the rest is kinda pointless.
Fun Intensity Discomfort Dead spots Layout
Ride this coaster backwards was really great. Especially the first drop and those two loops. I enjoyed the forces more than on Vekoma's Boomerangs. But the rest of the coster - layout delivers nothing. So backwards is the best and only choice how to enjoy this coaster!
When riding forwards, this thing is actually quite fun. Backwards is terrible though.
Rattle Harness Dead spots
Nice for such an old coaster, but the second half is pointless!
Inversions Discomfort Pointless Layout
Apart from 2 loops and unique row where you are going backwards, there is nothing positive I can say about it. Boring, uncomfortable machine.
Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots Layout
This rather unusual coaster was a rather positive surprise: It looks quite rustic from the outside, but was running surprisingly well, there was no major rattle. The harnesses are quite weird because many people will have quite much space between this metal shoulder harness thing. Layout is, except of the first drop and the two nice loopings nothing special, but overall, this ride is alright because of its uniqueness.
Nice surprise! Fun Harness Discomfort Dead spots
The backwards row was what I did first and the twisty drop and the two loops you cannot see were fun! Rest of the ride was boring and facing forwards, the whole ride was less than mediocre. Harnesses are horribly uncomfortable. Similar to the rest of the park, these old rides received a beautiful theming overhaul though (ride is not called Tornado anymore).
The two backward seats are kinda fun! Was expecting pain, but it was rather comfortable.
Inversions Layout
Loops are nice but the rest of the layout is just pointless.
Nice surprise! Pointless
This old Soquet coaster has some really good and fun loopings (comparable in quality to the Schwarzkopf loopings). After that though, the ride only meanders around until it reaches the station.
Inversions Pointless
Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless
Tear it down!
Fun Harness Discomfort Pointless
Nice surprise! Headbanging
Inversions Harness Pointless
Duration Headbanging Harness Tear it down!
Tear it down!
Harness Pointless Layout
Inversions Comfort Pointless Dead spots
Discomfort Pointless Dead spots
Fun Rattle Discomfort Dead spots
Inversions Disappointing! Pointless Layout
Inversions Harness Pointless Layout