Detailed user ratings
Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril features
Also in Disneyland Paris - Disneyland Park 4
Reviews 2168
Theming Inversions Headbanging Layout
The theming in the queue was great, on the ride itself it was oke. The coaster itself is fine, but I don't know what so special about it. If you are at Disneyland Paris you expect great rides, but this one is more for a medium sized park.
Rattle Headbanging Intensity
worst roller coaster in the world, why do you need an inversion? the tiny loop is way too intense
Discomfort Intensity
way too bumpy. also the only inversion there is the most tiny intense thing ever
Theming Headbanging Discomfort
This ride is average in my opinion, as the layout is not so inspiring and there is quite a rattle but not that much in the vertical loop - which was very intense. Overall, this deserves a 3 star rating.
Airtimes Pace Intensity Headbanging
Rode this in perfect conditions - pitch black in the rain. Ran insanely fast at the time (due to wheels warming ect. ect.) Would not be surprised if the loop pulled about 8g's at the time.
Theming Inversions Discomfort Airtimes
good theming. airtime is a bit much. the loop is crap.
Theming Nice surprise! Headbanging Disappointing!
Blew me away as a child to be honest (first outdoor inversions) - a great surprise. Was a little uncomfortable though.
Theming Nice surprise! Capacity
After hearing so many bad things about this ride, I was really surprised. You get some airtime on the drops and apart from one or two spots, the ride is pretty smooth. Especially if you sit in the middle row of the car. The loop is a nice bonus and the themig is really good.
Theming Fun Headbanging Discomfort Dead spots
The first minute of the ride is very dead, just a couple of small drops which is all very slow paced, the drop into the loop is quite fun and the loop is pretty intense due to the speed you’re going and the size of it. The helix straight after is also quite compact and intense. Other than that there’s just dead spots, the theming is amazing though especially throughout the queue line!
Theming Location Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Outch ! A beautiful ride that you absolutely have to see, but never ride ! Soooo painful
First Drop Duration Headbanging Discomfort
The attraction is very wild and rough. Overall it is a nice attraction but only to ride it once.
Airtimes Intensity Rattle Headbanging Pointless
i genuinely dont see the point in this. its trying to be a family coaster but it has a ridiculously intense inversion even for a thrill level coaster, let alone a family ride. its not gonna be appealing to teens and adults because its only one loop and its rattly when hyperspace mountain is like a 5 minute walk through the park. at least its a credit
Airtimes Theming Intensity Headbanging
Update March 2024: Nothing much to add. GoPros are allowed if chest mounted. Update July 2023: My opinion on this ride hasn't changed much today. I got three rides. Two in row 3 and and one in row 6. The airtime on the drops was great in both rows but a bit stronger in the back of course and it's really forceful. The airtime on the entrances to the following turns was great in row 3 and the loop was really intense in the back. Then comes the worst transition on the ride. It doesn't have any airtime and is extremely jerky. The helix is a bit jank but forceful. The entrance into the next brake run is great no matter where you are on the train. It's not ejector but it's a quick floajecter (made up word) pop. The hill that comes afterwards offers a really weak pop of airtime. Also brace yourself for the braking on the last two brake runs it is quite violent. This is such a weird coaster to see at a Disney park. A clone of a rare prototype looping Pinfari Zyklon model made by none other than Intamin. They sure have evolved since then, especially in their train design. These are cramped. Update February 2023: This ride is weird at a Disney park but I like how weird it is. I got three rides on this coaster this time: the first ride was in the middle and while it was smooth when there was straight track, the train sagged side to side on turns which was weird but my front rides were pretty smooth besides the brutal transitions on the two first turnarounds since they are taken with full force in the front row. The last mid course brake run still had some awesome airtime and the loop is definitely most intense in the front. My back rides were also good with some awesome airtime on the first two drops and the least brutal headbanging on the first turnarounds and while the loop isn't as intense as it is in the front, the airtime is still strong entering the final mid course brake run. Both my front and back rides were smooth and if my middle row ride hadn't been so weird, I would have upped my rating. Ride this if you can as I don't know how long it will stay at the park as it definately looks like it is at the end of its life. November 2022 update: I still think this coaster doesn't get nearly the credit it deserves. It was the first thrill coaster at the Disneyland Paris resort and now it's just forgotten about. It never had more than a 5min wait for me. This time I got a back row ride and I came off thinking this was better than Avengers Assemble: Flight Force as my last rides on this were extremely disappointing. The drops were thrilling, giving some great airtime. The loop was extremely intense and the following turns gave a great sense of speed and the hop into the last midcourse brakes gave some ejector airtime plus this coaster is quite smooth and the headbanging is non-existant in the back plus this coaster looks gorgeous at night. This, to me, is a front row ride for the intense loop and turns or a back row ride for the airtime on the drops. This was way better than the headbanging mess that Avengers was. Original review: This coaster is often forgotten about but really shouldn’t be. Every time I ride this it is basically a walk on. While yes, it does have some headbanging on the jerky transitions in the first half, the loop is the most intense inversion I have experienced and the following turns are also very intense. I also got some ejector airtime into the last mid course brake run. The ride is very short but all the better for it because if it was longer, it would take the elements with the speed as it does. While it looks like a Zyklon it is way more intense that the admittedly forceless Pinfari coasters though those have better drops. This coaster also has a great and detailed theme. Overall a good enough coaster that gets buried in the park’s lineup.
Location Fun Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
The same version of this coaster over at Tokyo Disneysea is much more comfortable than this one. It's fun but might leave you with a headache or neck pain.
it has the quality of a wild mouse and the looping bang the head.
Theming Headbanging Harness Discomfort
About as comfortable as a Boomerang but with Wild Mouse-tier laterals for some godforsaken reason. To paraphrase a quote from a Disney movie, "Anyone can cook except for whoever made this ride."
Theming Fun Harness
A fun ride with cool theming, but the uncomfortable restraints desperately need an update.
Theming Intensity Tear it down!
Buena pero traquetea muchísimo! Ese loop es criminal!
Theming Disappointing!
Haven't ridden this in 8 years, but from what I can remember, I came off this ride disappointed. It wasn't really that thrilling and the Indiana Jones theming was practically nonexistent.
Harness Discomfort Tear it down!
this coaster looks like it's obviously at the end of it's lifecycle... Uncomfortable ride... from start to finish... After 29 years, time to get something a little up to date that will not injure people please <3
Theming Headbanging
This ride was a walk on every single time using the single riders line. It's a fun wild mouse coaster with a looping. Theming is very nice, as always. Sadly the ride has some uncomfortable headbanging so just brace yourself for that. I hit my head pretty bad on first ride, second ride wasn't too bad. Definitely not Intamin's best work ^^;
Theming Headbanging Discomfort Dead spots
I rode this coaster twice during my visit: the first ride during noon was quite rough and I experienced quite some serious headbanging in the turns, while the second round was at about 8 pm shortly before closing time. This time, there was barely any headbanging and the ride felt faster - so I strongly recommend a night ride, the illuminated theming creates a nice atmosphere. The tight vertical loop is clearly the best part of the layout - it is taken very quickly while the rest of the layout is rather bland. Additionally, the trains are really uncomfortable and narrow.
Fun Rattle
I can kind of see how others hate it, but I personally don’t find it to be anything special, I just like it - it’s a nice ride.
First Drop Rattle Headbanging Reliability
Bonified funfair ride model, its first drop is quite fun if you ride it backrow but the rest of the ride is just about you trying to survive the trims and not get your head bashed to death by the OTR restraints
Theming Intensity Headbanging Layout
This ride is basically a wild mouse with a loop, so the layout isn´t anything special. The vertical loop is actually pretty intense and enjoyable. Some people complain about the theming but I think it´s pretty good. There´s some headbanging at the end of the ride, but I´m not that bothered by it.
Theming Intensity Layout
Love the temple theme, but the layout is a glorified pinfari, but the Loop and Helix have strong positives so It's worth the ride.
Absolutely horroble. I was impressed how much headbanging intamin managed to put into such a slow ride
Theming Layout
Its fine? Definitely not rough but just not a massively interesting ride.
Theming Headbanging Harness Pointless
Belongs at a fairground not a Disney Park. Needs to go as soon as possible
Intensity Rattle Headbanging Harness
Rough. The only good part is the intensity of the drop
Theming Headbanging Discomfort
The actual coaster is terrible, but the scenery around it is nice.
Theming Headbanging Layout
Capacity Headbanging Too short Discomfort
Theming Harness
Theming Inversions Headbanging Too short
Theming Rattle
Fun Discomfort Intensity
Theming Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Theming Nice surprise! Harness
First Drop Theming Inversions Discomfort Intensity
Theming Harness Pointless Dead spots
Theming Duration Rattle Headbanging
Theming Discomfort
Theming Fun Rattle Headbanging Discomfort