Detailed user ratings
Kondaa features
Onride Video
Also in Walibi Belgium 15
Reviews 1834
Airtimes Theming Ejectors Dead spots
Kondaa is a sublime mega coaster. It's smooth with regular strong ejectors. The ride area is immersive. The only downside is the non-inverting cobra roll is a little forceless and there's a minor rattle during the 1st drop valley. However, it's almost perfect.
Airtimes Pace Intensity
Great pacing, intensity and ejector and an awesome coaster
Lap Bar Layout Ejectors Disappointing! Dead spots
I liked Kondaa for what it's worth, but I wouldn't call it a modern masterpiece by any means.
Airtimes Pace Smoothness
A really fun airtime machine that maintains its speed throughout. It is super smooth and very re-rideable. The layout has such a nice flow to it. I love the first airtime hill, and the bunny hills at the end deliver one of my favorite finales.
Airtimes First Drop Duration
I love the ride, the theming is a bit less but it is there and the capacity is ok, really love the station!
Airtimes First Drop
Its my favorite ride. The waiting time is 40 min and the staff is nice.
Capacity Lap Bar Comfort
The first time i have ridden this was so terrifying it was so good and it had a lot of airtime the first drop is insane and the last section with al the little airtime hills is so Fun this was also my first big intamin with the "new" lap bars
Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors
You like airtime on a coaster? Go ride Kondaa, it delivers the best Airtime I have ever experienced. Every single element on this coaster whips you out of your seat from the first drop to the bunny hops at the end. It has no inversions but the cobra roll does feel like one and I also like the outer bank at the end. It's just the perfect ride for Airtime-Enthusiasts and it, unlike other extreme coasters, doesn't neclect theming! There is nothing to look at while riding of course but the entrance and the plaza look amazing which does make up for that.
Airtimes Pace Ejectors
Masterclass coaster. No drawbacks. Even the non-inverting cobra roll can give good floater airtime once the ride has warmed up.
First Drop Intensity Ejectors
I frist rode this coaster during an halloween night, after a pretty long queue, and it was still worth the wait! the speed on this thing is absolutely insane! The layout is filled with plenty of Ejectors and the non-inverting cobra roll is actually a pretty good element. The Trains are the best looking ones out there ( in my opinion ).
Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors
I rode it during a hot day and it was absolutely hauling! No dead spots in the layout, even the cobra gave decent floater, not to mention the ejector throughout the rest of the layout! Pacing was just off the wall and I think it was overshooting the final brake run every now and then.
Airtimes First Drop
Very good, especially in the back and obviously in the afternoon (otherwise it loses a lot). The first drop is the best moment of the ride. It's an airtime focused ride but it doesn't get too repetitive, the layout is quite various, and it's worthy a spot in my top 5.
Airtimes Theming Ejectors
Kondaa is a great coaster, but it's just a level behind the coasters in my top 5, such as Untamed. It does have some great airtime, especially later in the day when the floater on the first two hills turns into ejector, but even though it has one of the greatest starts of any coaster and a relentless ending, it takes its foot off the gas in the middle of the ride. I don't mind the non-inverting cobra roll, as it's visually stunning both on and off-ride and the airtime hill after that has nice airtime. The turns and overbank that follow don't do much but the ending picks things back up with a few quick directionnal changes and airtime pops. The last hill is just weird though. It throws you to the side but doesn't deliver much, if any airtime. Also beware of the lap bars. They unlock extremely fast and can hurt your face if you're leaning forwards or your arms if you don't cross them. It's a great coaster despite its few small flaws that ranks at number 6 out of any coaster I've ridden. It's smooth, has great airtime and awesome theming (and humour). Update August 2024: My latest rides on Kondaa really changed my opinion on Kondaa. Everything seemed to hit harder and be better than what I remembered. The airtime was world class, the pacing was immaculate, and room with the lap bar was insane, and the final airtime hill did something. As Canobie Coaster said, it's a combination between Expedition GeForce and an RMC plus the best coaster trains there are.
Airtimes Layout Ejectors
This might be the most unique, mega coaster in the world, because it feels like an RMC mixed with a intamin blitz wow, starts off with an incredible twisted drop, slightly less raw, then GeForce personally I prefer it however it's totally reasonable do you prefer expeditions first drop when you go into a camelback which is amazing just sustained has B&m hyper Hills just ejector when you go into outer banks Hill, which chuck you sideways next up is the rides signature element, the non-inverting Cobra role which is super whippy going into it and then going out of it. You got a mix of Hangtime and whip what a element once it warms up now, you go into the to are Camelback for the second third of the right to begin, which is a mix of Camelback's Wall stall twisted, hills and transitions that are all taken with a good pace because how low the ground they are the finale is made up of aggressive differently banks bunny hops, which are immense . This ride is an injector Machine has moments of whip and hang time in small doses but the air time is phenomenal best, mega/hyper I've done the reason I prefer this to rides like Shambala and expedition. GeForce is the air time is more modern and just as potent also has better diversity 10 out of 10 before I forget station building in the area are greatly themed which I always appreciate
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Inversions
This is such a fun coaster, like a mini hyperia. Not too intense more of a graceful experience. First drop took me by suprise, there is loads of great floater moments of airtime on this too. Only thing lets this coaster down is lack of inversions, it would work really well with some!
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
I absolutely love this ride! It is intense, but not TOO intense. It is smooth, the airtime moments are crazy and I love the theming as well.
First Drop Masterpiece Ejectors
Positives: Airtimes - Capacity - Ejectors - First Drop - Fun - Intensity - Lap Bar - Layout - Masterpiece - Pace - Smoothness - Theming | Negatives: NONE
Airtimes First Drop Duration
Probably the most airtime on any steel coaster I’ve done with an outstanding first drop and just all round amazing ride with a long layout of variating strong airtime moments
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness
Incredible first drop, almost like a mini Hyperia drop which is awesome. The theming for the whole Kondaa area is amazing which continues on through the station although lacks a little in the ride area which can be expected.
Airtimes Pace Ejectors
Well I have mixed feelings on this ride despite it being the best coaster I've ever ridden. It is amazing up until the brake run, where I just get hit by a feeling of nausea that stays with me for a while after the ride. For me, despite being amazing, it overstays its welcome with the ending. That part, with its repetitive small airtime moments is the weakest aspect if the ride in my opinion, and I wouldn't really miss it if it weren't there. It wouldn't be nearly as nauseous too if it weren't for this part. No other mega coaster (Goliath, Silver Star or Hyperion) made me nauseous like Kondaa, with Hyperion surprisingly being the least nauseating out of all those. But now for the positives, man this is a good ride! The beginning with the large airtime hills is amazing, with the outer banked one being especially amazing. The non inverting cobra roll is a weaker moment for me, and a bit unnecessary like the ending. It is however still good fun and a nice change of pace. What Intamin really got right is the middle section, classically a weaker part of its mega coasters. Here it flows very nicely with very good speed hills, and it doesn't feel like it loses speed like on some other coasters. It is still smooth enough and seems to be holding up nicely over the years, and all the transitions are superbly executed. I would recommend it to anyone except maybe if you're really sensitive to nausea like I am. I rode it with a friend with barely any coaster experience and he loved it, so don't let the height of it intimidate you, it's definitely worth a ride!
Airtimes Comfort Layout
Perfect balance between intensity and fun. It is absolutely relentless.
Airtimes Comfort Intensity
First of all, the airtime on this coaster is INSANE. The lap bars are super freeing and comfortable. The valleys pull some intense Gs and I greyed out on the first one. For those scared of roller coasters, this coaster was so fun I didn't even get scared.
Airtimes Lap Bar Pace Theming
The airtime and speed on this thing is just great. Also, I love these Intimin coasters with the amazing lap bar design; it gives you SO much upper-body freedom, and it makes the airtime even more intense! Theming is VERY lacking though, and I have not yet decided if this coaster being on a deserted grass field is a good thing or a bad thing either. You miss the atmosphere of a theme park, but also it is cool that you're "alone with the coaster". Very good coaster overall. Top 5 material for sure.
Airtimes First Drop Intensity Reliability
Barely ran all day sadly due to heavy rain in the morning and then some other issue with one of the trains, when we got back row it wasn't very warm but still a thrilling ride - absolutely requires a return for a better review.
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar
I was a bit disappointed at first but when it warmed up it was much better. The first drop in the back is really good and the laterals go crazy. The first camelback offers really sustained airtime aswell. Probably the best element outside the drop. Love it. The non inverting cobra roll is pretty forceless altrough the exit is pretty good. The two smaller camelbacks are fun also. The only problem with Kondaa is the second half. On coasters like Ride to happiness or Taiga and more the second half is really good. On Kondaa the second half is a bit lesser. The elements dont have the same power as in the first half. But Kondaa is very fun and great.
Airtimes Location Pace Theming
VERY good! Wish the theming once you're out the station was as good as the rest, but I may just be used to Big Merlin Centerpiece™️
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun
Was expecting a pretty solid coaster but this one really took me by suprise! A cracking first drop (especially on the back), some great airtime, surprising positive forces, and good presentation. It really has a presence in the area!
Airtimes Ejectors Duration Reliability
After a steep climb up, the coaster flies down at a speed of 113 km/h and the coaster repeats this 2 more times. My brace was quite loose, so it was not very comfortable.
Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors
Best ride on park, amazing airtime. The twisted bunny hills at the end were amazing.
Smoothness Layout Ejectors Capacity
This is just another 10/10 coaster for me, it has all it needs: airtime, pacing, speed, smoothness,.... It really blew me away on my 1st ride and still managed to do this after my last ride. Only not as hard as RTH did, which makes this one a worthy no.2 for me. But mind on busy days the waiting times may be up to 120 minutes!
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar
This thing was amazing! One of the best Mega coasters i've ridden. It has alot of airtime, but no inversions. Altho rides very smooth.
First Drop Pace Ejectors Rattle
Great pacing, fantastic airtime, the first drop is wicked. Shame it has the intamin rattle in the back car, which is by the way not bothersome.
Lap Bar Ejectors Intensity
How does a ride provide such strong airtime but feel tame at the same time? It feels controlled, yet out of control at the same time, a weird "in-between" of the two. I really was not expecting to prefer Piraten or even Balder!
Comfort Harness Smoothness Intensity
Without a doubt the best Ride at Walibi Belgium. It's as smooth as a silk towel, the layout is ultra harmonic. Maybe this is exactly, what makes it feel not as intense and overwhelming as expected. The harmonic turns are not sharp enough to rip you out of your seat, even the bunny hills at the end are no ejectors. The non-inverting-cobra-roll is only in the backrow at the last part (dive-loop) intense. All in all a very well manufactured ride, but in my opinion only reridable a few times before becoming "normal".
Airtimes First Drop Comfort
a very smooth and thrilling coaster! the seating is very comfortable, and the first drop is always the best.
Theming Masterpiece Layout
Best mega coaster I've done I think! Amazing layout, speed and theming!
Lap Bar Layout Ejectors
What an incredible coaster for Belgium! Fantastic first drop and an amazing layout. No real dead spots, perhaps in the non-inverting cobra roll. Coaster cred no. 100!
Airtimes Capacity Fun
I can't name it as a con but it's very noticable that the trains are lower to the floor then the ones one Hyperion, Taiga and Taron. Also 2023 it seemed to be a lot faster then 2022!
Pace Ejectors Hangtime
Kondaa has everything. The surrounding area and entrance/station building look gorgeous and in-theme. The views of the coaster from there are perfect. The drop and first hill are what you want out of a tall coaster like this, before the ride surprises you with the terrifying outside-banked turn on the second hill. The gigantic cobra roll element feels unique, and the second half of the ride is even more forceful than the first. Only a lack of legroom for a tall person can stop this awesome ride from a perfect score.
Airtimes Comfort Masterpiece
Perfect ride! Smooth as a hot knife through butter! So much airtime
Fun Masterpiece Ejectors
Kondaa is another masterpiece by Intamin. The first drop is just nice, nothing special considering the height of onily 50 meters. But what follows is where this coaster really shines. It's a relentless sequence of elements including lots of ejector airtime moments that is just a lot of fun. During the whole ride it feels like Kondaa is constantly trying to throw you off. Of course the last row is the preferred seating area, but to my surprise also the middle seats deliver a lot of fun and are also recommended. Great ride!
Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors
Going into this ride I didn't even consider that it could possibly be better or even slightly as good as Hyperion. Partially that is true, but only in terms of the first drop and the capacity. The ride itself is a brilliant and intense masterpiece which is action from start to finish, there are no dead spots. All, yes literally all, airtime hills deliver extremely enjoyable ejector airtime (at least in the backseats). Just like Zadra at Energylandia it is a rollercoaster that is as close to a perfect ride as can be. All elements are awesome and supplement each other. If you like ejector airtime (just like I do) this is one of the best rides for you!
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
Really enjoyed this coaster but think it’s world ranking is probably a bit high. Riding in the back gave the best intensity on the first drop and lots of ejector airtime throughout, but I did feel after the first 2 drops the intensity lessened a lot. Some fun airtime hills at the end and some good forces in this section. It a great coaster but has nothing on Toutatis in Parc Asterix for example which is an Intamin masterpiece.
Airtimes First Drop Harness Rattle
The good thing here is: Ride in the front for more aggressiveness and ejector airtime, ride in the back for floater airtime on the first two hills. Unfortunately it already has some slight rattle in the back seats.
Airtimes Intensity Ejectors
This is a worthy successor to Expedition GeForce. It has the strong and sustained Ejector Airtime, it has the Blasting positive Gs in the Valleys and Banked turns, its a Power house like nothing else in the Park. The Return trip packs some really jerky hills which ride funny. But i do Think it is a little overrated to be around in the top 20 of All the coasters in the world. It is objectivly amazing, but it Lacks that real and unique "woah" factor (for me)
Airtimes First Drop Comfort
This is absoluteley the best coaster in Walibi Belgium. The first drop is super intense and the airtime moments on the first camlebacks are wild. A great Fun coaster in my opinion
First Drop Smoothness Ejectors
The King of Intamin Mega Coasters. Everything from the first drop to the final brakerun is pure insanity. The first half is filled with very strong sustained ejector airtime, while the second half is more focused on quick ejector pops. There are also pretty strong laterals and positives scattered throughout the layout. My only issue with this ride is that it has a heavy focus on airtime, while I prefer more variety in a coaster, but that's just personal preference. Kondaa is still an incredible coaster that I absolutely love riding.
Masterpiece Layout Ejectors
Kondaa is new-generation Intamin at its finest. The layout is wonderful, delivering tons of strong ejector airtime and lots of surprising laterals as well. The beginning is the highlight, with the drop, camelback, and outerbank all giving fantastic airtime. The rest of the layout keeps up the pace with more strong forces and definitely cements Kondaa as one of the best rides in Europe.
Airtimes Comfort Duration
A coaster I wish I could put more than 3 pros on. Everything about this is great. Restraints and seats are comfortable, it’s smooth, it has great airtime, short queue, has a decent length… I could go on. One of the best I’ve ever ridden.
Comfort Masterpiece Ejectors
Wow, this thing is awesome. Even in the morning, the ride delivered some great airtime moments - but when warmed up, a last row ride is a must: the first drop is very good (though it is not as intense as Expedition GeForce), but the following hill is one of the best I have ever experienced - the ejector airtime is very long. The first of the two outward banked hills is great, the second one is one of the weaker moments of this ride. I heard many people think the Non-Inverting Cobra Roll doesn't do very much - I think it is a funky element, especially the entry and exit are good fun how you are flung around. And besides these elements, there are smaller hills - many of them: some banked, but everyone delivers strong ejector airtime. An outstanding moment is the twisted hill right before the finale, because this innocent-looking little element has actually two pops of ejector - which catches you off-guard. The rides ends with a series of small bunny-hops which reminds me of the finale of Untamed, but unlike the RMC, you have pleasant restraints which don't ruin the experience. But the trains in general are comfortable and look fantastic, and the station is also nicely themed with atmopsheric sound effects and visuals. Altogether, Kondaa is an outstanding experience for airtime lovers and is a true highlight not only in Walibi Belgium, but also in Europe which should be on the bucket list of every enthusiast around!
First Drop Pace Duration Theming
very strong sensation but lack of theming on ride,far the strongest coaster in walibi belguim but hard to understand how he is ranked top 15 in world...
First Drop Layout Ejectors
Very fun ride with good ejector and floater airtime throughout the layout! Amazing first drop with strong lateral ejector! It does run very slow in the morning but it warms up a lot throughout the day.
Theming Ejectors Disappointing! Discomfort
At first it didn't meet expectations, but almost every time I rode it (a total of 10) I liked it more. This is just an airtime machine, and that's how it should be judged. My issue was I thought it would provide some good laterals and whip, and it doesn't. But the ejectors are awesome. It's a pity, as many say, that the trains have lowered seats (hence the "discomfort" tag), as touching the floor during the airtime really takes away from the experience. However, I found out that, if you cross your legs, the ejectors lift them, so you are only in contact with the harness; a lot more enjoyable that way. The lap bars are great, as expected, but B&M's hyper clamshells provide more room for airtime-aimed rides. The theming is awesome. I love the mini-land and the arquitecture of those buildings. The station is pretty nice, the trains are great, the queue lacks theming but is still not a compact cattle pen and provides great views and ambient "music", and even the merchandise is highly appealing. The coaster itself, contrary to expectations, is similarly enjoyable on every seat. I thought the back would be better, but it doesn't feel like it; only at the drop, which is just one of the 15 airtime moments. By the way, the drop's twist was a disappointment, it wasn't nearly as aggressive as I would have liked. The same goes for the NICR, the side banked double down and the stengel dive, which hardly had any whip. Regarding the NICR, it was fun, though, specially the drop off on the back row. The wall stall is completely pointless, weightlessness in an ejector-packed layout is simply out of place for me. A small zero-g-roll or another inversion would have fitted there way better (not another hill, to avoid repetition). Finally, out of the four last bunny hops, the first was very weak, and the second and third were the best. Overall, Kondaa is a great airtime machine, providing quality ejectors and a lot of fun; once I got over the initial disappointment, it became my top 1 coaster, though it didn't last much, as a couple of days later I went to Plopsaland de Panne...
Airtimes First Drop Duration
My home park is Walibi Holland, so when I saw that Walibi Belgium who get a newer and improved Goliath I was really hyped. People sad you have to do Kondaa a few times before you get it and thrust me it is true, the last time was the best and it was amazing. The first drop and the amount of airtime are amazing. It is really a good coaster and the Mega coaster Walibi deserved.
Airtimes Masterpiece Smoothness
I had high expectations for this coaster and it still blew me away. You can already see that this is a beautiful coaster by the theming: the Kondaa rests in an ancient temple on an abandoned African island with a lot of plants. The queue is simple, has music a mural and a nice view on the first drop. The station has these pieces of cloth hanging from the ceiling that's supposed to resemble the skin that the Kondaa has shed. The ride itself only has positive elements in my opinion. When riding last row you get amazing airtime on every one of 15 airtime moments. The unique side-banked double down and non-inverting cobra roll only add to its awesomeness. I really love the wall stall as well, but not as much as on RMC's. This is my favourite coaster above coasters such as Taron and Untamed because it's in Belgium, so that sentimental value adds :)
Airtimes First Drop Duration
This ride is superb... crazy elements, smooth and very fun. Normally I don't like the bunny hop endings very much, but on Kondaa they are fun!
Smoothness Layout Ejectors
In contrast with the rest of the parc, this is an incredible fresh and new rollercoaster. Interesting for an Intamin coaster it contains some RMC style elements too. To kick off, this lifthill is fast. I love it picks up the pace suddenly and pulls your over the hill. The first drop though, is not my favourite. Any drop with a twist, curve and so on really reduces the intensity. But after that its madness. The different kind of elements want you throw you out of the train in different ways. The first half of the track is just these different kind of ejectors passing by one by one and at the second half it stays rather low to the ground and briging those curves and bunny hops in for the g-forces.
Airtimes Lap Bar Smoothness
Incredible ride, and the better version of EGF. Managed to get 5 rides on this thing, 2 front, 2 near the back, 1 middle and they were all just great. The twisted first drop and the hills throughout the layout provide some excellent ejector, and the non-inverting cobra roll is probably the best part of the ride. Whips you up and gives some nice hangtime towards the front. The stengle dive afterwards throws you out of your seat and the bunny hops at the end try to kill you. The trains could have been better, as the lowered seats (compared to the likes of Taron and Hyperion) give less airtime than what the layout could provide. Definitely the standout coaster that WB needed.
First Drop Comfort Smoothness
Lives up to expectations! Increadible coaster!
Smoothness Harness Disappointing! Dead spots
Intamin trying to implement RMC-ish Elements into their ride and it didn't go all too well. First drop is probably the biggest disappointement I've ever felt, got nothing on a masterpiece like EGF. Big Airtime Hill is fun (although Intamin has done better hills), Outerbank pretty cool, Cobra roll provides abolutely no forces, no whip, no nothing. Following twister section has some nice airtime pops, Wall Stall is does absolutely nothing (once again). The double down doesn't work in the layout at all, following airtime pop is very good, stengel is... literally nothing and the following few airtime pops are nice with only the last being fantastic. Adding onto that, the trains the ride uses are way too compact to sit in confortably with your feet, leading to a rather uncomfortable ride position. Intamin has done so much better (e.g. the trains on Taron and Hyperion both have a higher heartline and are therefore less compact) and I'm pretty sad this ended up the way it is
Airtimes Lap Bar Pace
Wow, in the front, in the middle, in the last row it is just so awesome. Better than Expedition GeForce, better than Goliath and even better than Hyperion. Much stronger airtimes than I was expecting. 5/5 well deserved. On night rides this is literally beast.
Airtimes Pace Smoothness Reliability
Should have made an inversion somewhere. Gets close to the groud a little too quick, didn't mind a extra big airtime hill.
Theming Intensity Smoothness Reliability
NON INVERTED COBRA ROLL!!! L lots of breakdowns tho
First Drop Comfort Ejectors
This was an insane ride! I've ridden it 6 times, 1 front row (front seat), 4 times back row (3 all the way backseat), 1 middle. This ride certainly warms up hard. the difference when you ride it in the morning and the afternoon is insane! The weather also has a great influence on the ride. My fav part of the ride is definitely the outer banked turn! this is for sure a 10/10.
Airtimes First Drop Capacity Reliability
Probably the best Mega in Europe. Great first drop on the back left seat. Nice sustained airtime on the first 2 hills. Very nice paced layout. You have 0 controle what so ever. Great ending aswel. Would have loved to see an inversion like a zero g stall or something similar snuck into the layout but sadly nothing like that. Operations were a little unreliable in the first weeks but have improved so much right now. Sadly it is closed till October since we wanna get more rides in.
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Reliability
This is my number 1 ride by far. The first drop is extremely good. The ride smoothness and the outerbank turn on the second airtime hill is on another level. I got 8 rides on this thing Monday and in the morning it was good. But at the end of the day it was on another level! Back row right seat is in my opinion the best spot for this ride. The downside is that fat people may not ride out of safety reasons, and the ride is down a lot during the day.
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Reliability
This ride is a masterpiece. The amount of ejector on this thing is out of this world, backrow is the best on this ride because you get thrown out of your seat on the first drop with insane airtime that continuous forever and this is combined with insane laterals. Each hill on this ride delivers quality airtime. This ride is also really intense in all the parts (I started to gray out on the outward bank) overall a worldclass coaster
Airtimes Comfort Masterpiece Reliability
Kondaa is a coaster that becomes better, faster, and gives more airtime evertime you ride it. My first ride was a tiny bit underwhelming, but I take back my critical notes that I made after that ride. This is at least one of the best rides out there, if not the best.
Airtimes Lap Bar Smoothness
This is an amazing rollercoaster with some awesome theming. From the queue you have some amazing views of the first drop and the ending. The trains are similar to the ones found on Taron but these ones aren't levitated so your feet touch the floor of the train, but it didn't take something away from the experience because these restraints are very comfortable and open. The lift hill is very steep and speeds up halfway trough, you also reach the top very fast. The first drop is amazing, very similar to EGF but the drop starts twisting a bit later so it provides a bit longer of airtime before the insane laterals come. The pullouts on Kondaa are really intense and really push you down in your seats. The first airtime hills gives great sustained ejector airtime and the outward banked airtime hill too but it is cooler because of the weird sensation. After that is the non-inverting cobra roll which was a real suprise, it gives some great floater airtime and you just keep twisting and it gives great laterals too both from the rise into it as the drop out of it. You fly into a small ejector airtime hill and go into a powerful turn to the right, following that is the wall stall which gave 0G in everey row for around 2 seconds. then you fly into the overbanked turn which gives great positives and after that another ejector hill. Following up is a side banked double down, the best experince is near the back and overall this ride is as expected a backrow ride. Then you go into another ejector hill where the onride photo takes place. You fly into a very small stengel dive and then 4 little ejector airtime hills which give great ejector in all rows. Overall this is an amazing ride and you shouldn't judge it after your first ride, Kondaa needs a lot of time to warm up. The ride gets way more extreme later in the day. The ride did breakdown a lot on opening day but I don't think that this will be a problem later on, so I won't let it affect my thoughts on the ride.
Airtimes First Drop Masterpiece Discomfort
Amazing coaster. Top of Europe. Only main con which I have is that it would have been better without floor. Maybe just because I am long, but my feet were in an uncomfortable position
Airtimes Comfort Layout
Kondaa was the first ride everyone ran towards when the park opened. The waiting times were between 30 and 80min. Kondaa is a very smooth and intense ride. The first drop whips you to the side, the airtime throws you out of your seat (and there are a lot of airtime moment). The layout has lots of variation. In the evening the ride felt a bit more intense
Airtimes Fun Intensity
One of 2021's headliner does not disappoint. Never ever i've been waiting that much for a ride since its announcement, and beside my high expectations i wasn't disappointed, AT ALL. The layout is almost flawless (to my tastes) beside its humble height, + some nice surprising moments like that INSANE NICR . Take in consideration that the coaster is very moody, weather conditions and warming change quite a lot the ride experience from amazing to insane.. The package "theme + exiting layout" is well fulfilled, layout smartly executed. This def might give some of the world-standards rides some cold sweats, the future is bright ! However still an Intamin's very capricious children, reliability isn't on point yet but this is going to shift by the time for sure !
Airtimes First Drop Comfort Layout
Airtimes First Drop Comfort Theming
Airtimes First Drop Masterpiece
Airtimes Masterpiece Smoothness Capacity
Airtimes First Drop Layout
First Drop Smoothness Ejectors
Airtimes Pace Ejectors