Detailed user ratings
Silver Comet features
Also in Niagara Amusement Park & Splash World 9
Reviews 25
Airtimes Intensity Layout Rattle
one of the most out of control woodies out there, had a decent rattle but the ride is so good that i don't even mind
First Drop Smoothness Layout
This ride starts out a bit bumpy on the lift hill but then it has a steep first drop and is fairly smooth and comfortable while still giving you that rough wood coaster experience. It’s got and interesting layout that is unique and you can tell it’s gotten new lumber here and there to help it run more smoothly. The park on a sunny July Saturday afternoon was mostly empty so I’m afraid this won’t be long for the world so make sure to get over there and give it a few rides. It’s a wonderful wood coaster and you can tell the owner cares. It’s more than I can say for the wood coasters at Canada’s Wonderland with it’s mega budget or a lot of other parks in the northeast for some reason.
Fun Layout Rattle
I did not like the park and will probably not be going back, but I'm glad I went to experience this. Very good airtime and laterals. A bit bumpy, but well-maintained enough to not detract from the ride too much. The small entry price for the park is worth the credit.
Airtimes Intensity
good cci woodie. has parts that evoke legend but really is its own thing.
Airtimes First Drop Fun
This was super surprising to me… such a fun ride with good pops of airtime & nice laterals. Pretty smooth ride as well. Thank God that Gene Staples saved this park, because it’s one of the closest parks to me, but I didn’t ride it until after he had saved it. So grateful I did. Also first true roller coaster I’ve ever gotten my dad to ride. Probably the first & last. Good times.
Airtimes Comfort Intensity Theming Reliability
I ran and rode this thing my entire life, it is a diamond in the rough and easily the best wooden coaster in the world
Airtimes Dead spots
This ride just reopened after 3 years of being closed and it did not disappoint. There are strong airtimes in the back row, and the ride isn’t that rough for an old wooden coaster. This was also the first coaster I ever rode in my childhood so it was very nostalgic. Great to have it back in operation.
Fun Smoothness
Don't remember too much but I do remember it being a nice smooth ride with decently good airtime and laterals with some surprising moments.
Airtimes Ejectors
Silver Comet was the only major coaster at this park. It produced surprisingly strong ejector airtime. The headchoppers were fantastic. Silver Comet was a little on the short end, but overall, it was a very well done coaster.
Airtimes First Drop Layout Discomfort
it might not be the best woodie ever,its might not be el toro,but this custom coasters woodie is worth a visit to this little park at grand might be rough,but still,i found it enjoyable to ride,despite the rough in 1999,this is the first coaster to ever come to fantasy island,however,its a hybrid,since the supports are made out of steel while the track is made from wood.the ride was designed by Larry Bill,which also designed boulder dash and legend,he was really a good designer for yes,lets go to why is this the best coaster at the park.first of all,the ride gave some pretty cool moments of airtime,and the hills were pretty smooth in my opinion and really whippy anf forceful first drop.the layout itself is like a prototype that gci would make,since there are some twisty sections throught but in other aspect it feels like a gci,so you can say its a cross between a gci and a cci,a thing which i really liked.but it was a forceful ride too,really good turns with some cool turns,but here comes my main issue,its isnt that smooth,now i expecte that it wont be smooth,and it isnt,its jerky around some parts and can even hurt,but otherways,its a neat coaster,i doesnt have to be extremly smooth to be enjoyable and yes,if they will smooth it it will be more enjoyable but for now,as it is,its a neat coaster and defenitly the best coaster here.