Detailed user ratings
Hangtime features
Also in Knott's Berry Farm 18
Reviews 309
Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Rattle Too short
All Gertslauers should have these restraints (Also that one ejector moment was amazing)
Fun Hangtime
Good ride overall, I would just say a little short and for some reason the corkscrew is a little jerky…
First Drop Inversions Hangtime Too short
The ride itself is pretty solid; just a bunch of loops with the expected hangtime and the ocassional drop, but holy crap was it a mistake to go on the front row (in the best way) with just a lap bar I was actually terrified that I would fall out and die, so that was pretty neat. That and the lights bumped it up to 4.5 for me.
Fun Layout Hangtime Rattle
I love how they fit this in Boomerang's plot. It's stunning at night with the lighting package.
First Drop Comfort Hangtime
Its a great ride. The layout is good, first drop good, I didn't notice a rattle. I don't give it 5 stars because I don't like vertical lift hills.
Inversions Fun Lap Bar
i might be the only person to dislike the restraints on this ride but i heavily dislike the lack of security they provide, especially on the lift hill
Inversions Location Hangtime Rattle
Hangime is a very enjoyable ride. In my opinion, it is the better dive coaster of SoCal. The inversions give decent hangtime and the Beyond-Vertical first drop is great. The capacity kinda sucks and there is a small rattle on one of the trains. Overall fun ride though!
Theming Ejectors Hangtime Too short
hangtime at night is an experience everyone should do if they think its mid. i thought it was mid in the morning, at night it was insane with the lightning package.
First Drop Hangtime
Really enjoyed the Infinity format…solid intensity throughout after a climactic start. Much punchier than the Euro-fighters I've been on. Frankly, much better than I expected.
First Drop Inversions Hangtime Too short Theming
A fun ride,i loved the vertical lift and the first the name suggest you have a great hangtime and a lot of inversions. Not very long and some part of the track are almost weak
First Drop Intensity Ejectors Rattle Capacity
HangTime is a great ride. The coaster mixes in great airtime, with fun intensity, hangtime, and inversions, the only issues I have is that it can be somewhat rough, especially on the corkscrew, this ride has pretty low capacity as well, making a pretty long wait. Otherwise, this a very well done ride.
First Drop Fun Ejectors Rattle Capacity Lap Bar
To be frank, I don't remember Hangtime being this rough. Maybe it hasn't aged well like many other Gerstlauers. Hangtime is still a great ride with a great layout, the ejector airtime and the wild first drop are incredible, but there are several bad jolts throughout the ride that causes me to rate it much lower than it should. Still recommend it, but just not the smoothest of the bunch. Also the lapbar tries to cut circulation from you legs so try not to pull it down too far.
First Drop Lap Bar Inversions Rattle Too short
Great roller coaster with an amazing first drop and insane inversions. There's a little bit of a rattle but it's not too crazy. It's amazing how they fit all this where a Boomerang used to be.
First Drop Fun Hangtime Too short Theming
Honestly, I had some expectations for this ride, but thought it was just gonna be an above average roller coaster. Hangtime exceeded my expectations. The first drop was spectacular and the inversions were solid, there is also an intense airtime hill in the middle of the ride. Unfortunately the coaster is too short and doesn’t have much theming. But definitely a great ride for sure.
First Drop Lap Bar Fun
Oh. My. God. I went on this ride because my mom convinced me to. I was very scared. Never had more fun IN MY LIFE. Since then I went to SFMM and after doing so, I can comfortably say HangTime is my favorite roller coaster ever. Better than Twisted Colossus, X2 etc. The first drop gives you the feeling that butterflies aren't just in your stomach, but in your entire body. The Lap bars make it so that you feel every little g that you could possibly feel. The zero-G roll made me feel like I was literally going to die. The ejector right before the cobra roll was so intense I had to grab the handle bars. If you go to Knott's, RIDE THIS RIDE BEFORE ANYTHING (except maybe Ghost rider its a somewhat close 2nd).
First Drop Inversions Fun Too short
Great first drop, but I think it would be even better without the "hang time." Layout is fun with some good inversions and decent airtime. Don't be like me and leave your cell phone in your front pants pocket. The lap bar crushed the screen. The final pictures from my late phone are posted here :)
The first drop is amazing and the rest of the layout is decent. One nice moment of hangtime, and another with good airtime. Rode in the back in 2024 and it seemed perfectly smooth to me
It’s a fun looping coaster with a vertical lift chain hill that was quite the rush and left everyone with smiles afterwards.
Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Reliability
The completely vertical lift and beyond-vertical first drop really caught my by surprise. From there its a frantic whirlwind of tight turns and inversions. Not for the faint-of-heart. Best ride in the park for me.
Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Rattle Too short
No matter where you sit the airtime on the drop is great.
Inversions Comfort Pace Too short Intensity
smooth gertslauer infinity. good inversions and it does not slow down till the brakes, only cons is that its short and that the pullouts at some points are pretty sharp, but overall very good. wish the first drop was just normal instead of having to take a quarter to stop for marketing.
Inversions Pace Too short
This was down when I went to Knotts in late 2021 so I had to do it on this trip. It’s really fun and that hanging over the drop gimmick is fucking awesome, but it is really brief.
First Drop Fun Hangtime Too short
Wow! One of the best coasters at knotts. Definitly up there with ghost rider. What can I say? layout is great, first drop is always great! The only problem would be the lengh of the ride but then again, knotts didnt have alot of room for this ride. One more thing, the lifthill. Awesome! I always put my arms up on the lifthill to dangle around. It almost feels like your about to fall out. I love it.
First Drop Fun Too short
This is a really good ride, the drop is fantastic. Only issue I have is that it is a bit short. But, Knott's had a small footprint to work with, and considering what was there before I think this is about as well as they could have done there. If you count the vertical lift hill as an element (it is literally more exciting then some coasters - I'm looking at you Jaguar!) then the duration is okay. Overall I would recommend this ride if you ever get out to Knott's.
Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime Too short
This ride (as the name says) has LOADS OF HANGTIME! The INVERSIONS ARE VERY FUN! I LOVE THE LAPBAR and it has a surprising amount of airtime! But it is a bit TOO SHORT.
First Drop Inversions Smoothness
Really good got to see at night it is special and great inversions but climb is quite tough going straight up
First Drop Inversions Ejectors Rattle Too short Capacity
Awesome Gerstlauer Infinity coaster has some great moments of ejector, specifically the double down and the first drop. All five inversions are very enjoyable, and the lap bars are freeing and comfortable. My main two issues with this coaster, however, are the rattle in both the valleys and the elements themselves, as well as the ride’s duration, or lack thereof. Even then, this is a great ride that a helpful additions to Knott’s Lineup.
Lap Bar Inversions Intensity
By far the best roller coaster I have ever been on
First Drop Inversions Hangtime
This ride was fantastic. The best and most intense part of the ride is right at the beginning. The lift hill going straight up with decent height is something I've never experienced before and my nerves were super high before the first drop. I never got to ride in the very back or very front but on both rides I had included a very impressive first drop. I think they made the right decision by not only having you hang at a downward angle for an extended period of time but then slowly drop into the near vertical drop which just brings the intensity up high. I also thought the inversions throughout the ride were well-placed and kept the ride fun. The intensity definitely goes down after the first drop and inversion just based on the pacing and high looping aspect but it's still very fun throughout. There was also a quick drop near the end that caught me by surprise and I felt some extra forces. 4/5 stars
Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Too short
It was a great ride, great airtime on the first drop and great ejector airtime on the drop before the cobra roll, very smooth too, just too short.
First Drop Lap Bar Inversions
That first drop was amazing. It provides great ejector and you feel like you’re getting punched in the stomach by Mike Tyson, and it feels amazing. The Negative-G Stall Loop was fun, and the Immelman right after was also great, providing, ironically, the only real moment of hangtime in the entire ride.The Corkscrew and Cutback right after was kinda forgettable. The airtime hill after provided amazing ejector, and I probably wouldn’t have noticed the Cobra Roll unless it was pointed out to me. The ride has a great setting, I love that area. And at night, Hangtime looks beautiful with its light package.
Airtimes Inversions
Excellent forceful airtime filled drop which delivers an excellent gut punch, the next few inversions are smooth and graceful, translating to a forceless ride, albiet in an excellent setting. The small dip providing a break from inversions, unless you have miraculously managed to remain unstapled, will feel like nothing... however, in select conditions, and only in the back row based on my experience, the rest of the ride manages to be forceful, both whipping you pining you to the seat with force, not long but excellent nonetheless. I have warmed up to this coaster just as it has seemed to have warmed up during its cycles, the ride experience this time around was surprising, and cements Hangtime in the spot I thought it should've been in all along
Lap Bar Inversions Rattle Too short
Ironically doesn't give much hang time. I wish there wasn't a holding brake on the first drop, but it is what it is. Definitely has a rattle most noticeable in rows 3 and 4.
First Drop Inversions Ejectors Too short
Best ride at the park when ghostrider, xcelerator, and montezooma's revenge were closed.
Airtimes Inversions Hangtime Rattle
Hangtime is top-notch awesome. The lift is cool, the first drop is phenomenal, and all the inversions just come at you with force. It has the smoothness. Hangtime May have a rattle, but I don’t mind. I love Hangtime, and it’s a little overrated, but not too bad. Oh, and that neon slideshow in the night is amazing. Hangtime is number three, behind Xcelerator, and GhostRider. I think Gerstlauer did a great job with Hangtime at Knott’s.
Airtimes Lap Bar Hangtime
A little short but really fun. There's a little jolt during the Corkscrew but that's it. Hangtime, airtime, comfortable, smooth.
We went here second right after Xcelerator. There was absolutely no one in line. I think we rode it 8 times in a row. I really like the straight up and the more than straight back down. All of the inverts work and the pacing keeps you scrambled up internally from beginning to end. It remains smooth throughout. Great compact coaster.
First Drop Fun Ejectors Rattle Too short Capacity
I really enjoyed the first drop, but I feel like it was slightly dissapointing
Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime Too short
This compact coaster packs quite a bit of punch. The first drop was an interesting experience, but I couldn't personally help but think how the ride might have more intense forces with that extra length from the drop. I will say that the “spaghetti bowl” style layout this coaster boasts has one of the best cobra rolls in terms of head choppers and slight disorientation. It’s a lot of fun but not the best at the park
Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime Too short
Hangtime is a great roller coaster for Knott's. One downside to the ride is that the ride is pretty short, however given how much space Knott's had to work with they came up with a great layout. While not the best the drop is still fun, and all of the inversions are great. Hangtime also gives a great night ride.
Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime
HangTime very good. I felt like the namesake drop didn't do much for me. I think that it would be cooler if I hadn't done a B&M Dive before. However, the inversions are spectacular, and give great hangtime. There's even a few powerful airtime moments. HangTime is a little on the short end, but not excessively so. I also don't like vertical lifts, which HangTime does. However, with a lap bar, a vertical lift becomes more tolerable. The lap bar also exacerbates the hangtime found on the inversions. HangTime isn't perfect, but it's pretty good.
Theming Rattle Capacity Pointless
I personally regard the first drop as trash. There is also 2-3 unusual rattle points during the rest of the ride. The lap bar can staple you onto the seat. On the other hand, this coaster is beautiful to look at especially in the night.
First Drop Smoothness Hangtime
Super smooth, and it has an almost ethereal floaty quality when you're going through all of the inversions, definitely worth the wait.
Theming Smoothness Layout
Nice surprise! Layout Rattle
Rattle Discomfort
First Drop Nice surprise!