Detailed user ratings
Apollo Steamrocket features
Onride Video
Also in Kingoland 4
Reviews 109
First Drop Discomfort
First coaster in years ! The first and second drop were really cool, however it was rather cramped. Nothing much happens in between the drops, it's really two drops and that's kinda all.
First Drop Theming Fun Dead spots
Quite a decent family thrill coaster for a regional amusement park with an effort put in theming. Rode it twice and enjoyed it.
First Drop Theming Smoothness Capacity Discomfort Dead spots
I remember the first drop on this was really good. So was the second one. The rest of the ride felt pretty dead though. Thetrains were also really cramped but the harness itself wasn't an issue because that ride is rather smooth. The theming in this coaster's queue line is also really nice for a regional park and that applies to the whole park. There were models that represented prototypes of the ride's cars, which also looked nice. The capacity sucked, though that was mainly due to the train having to be pushed towards the station after each cycle. That's apparently been improved on.
First Drop Theming Smoothness Dead spots Layout
this ride honestly,is not that bad of a pinfary,a company that,lets say,didnt got the best repoitation around and known for building some rough coasters,i had a bad exprience in one of those in superland,my home park,but still,that wasnt to was fairly smooth ill give it that,for a pinfary,it got some rattle but thats all,the ride slides well with the track and thats cool for me.the theme is not good,but a fairly decent theme for this low budget park,i love the cute space theme since it really gives the ride some what of a character,which is fine for me.the layout is reptetive sure,it a zyklon and ive ridden many of those,i do likes some moments here and ther,my favorite must be the first drop,it was fun and gave some good airtime,its also whips you if you are in back seat,the ride,tho,have its dead spots, acommon thing fot those zyklons,overall,the ride is fun,and you should ride it if you are close to kingoland.
First Drop Theming Rattle Harness Dead spots
Theming Nice surprise! Ejectors Too short Capacity
First Drop Theming Rattle
First Drop Theming Capacity
First Drop Fun Dead spots Layout
First Drop Theming Capacity Layout
First Drop Theming Disappointing!
Fun Capacity Harness Discomfort
Theming Fun Capacity
First Drop Theming Harness Disappointing! Pointless
Theming Capacity
First Drop Theming Fun Capacity Discomfort
Theming Capacity Discomfort
Capacity Disappointing!
First Drop Theming Comfort Capacity Intensity
First Drop Theming Fun Capacity Harness Dead spots
First Drop Theming Fun Capacity Harness Layout
First Drop Theming Fun Capacity Dead spots
First Drop Theming Capacity Harness Discomfort
First Drop Theming Fun Capacity Harness
First Drop Theming Capacity Layout
First Drop Theming Capacity Harness
Theming Layout