Detailed user ratings
Fianna Force features
Also in Emerald Park 6
Reviews 57
Comfort Pace Smoothness Too short
The only major fault is that Fianna Force is too short. It's comfortable, delivers surprisingly strong moments of airtime, has great pacing, has a glass smooth ride experience, and nice queue line theming. The inversions are very floaty and there are plenty of whippy moments. Fianna Force is better than Hals-über-Kopf and is overall a fantastic ride.
Theming Inversions Layout
This is a great coaster. It has good theming, a nice layout with standout moments including the first drop, outer banked turn, corkscrew and zero-g-roll. The ride has decent airtime at places. The first half of the coaster is just hauling positive g force, the second half has negative g force. Overall a great ride and a great addition to the lineup at Emerald Park.
Airtimes Comfort Intensity
Loved Fianna Force, the Intensity took me by surprise and the best suspended air time I have experienced. Great layout and love the interaction with Quest. Fantastic during the day but the night time ride we had, blew me away. Not the longest, highest or most intense Invert I've ridden but the most enjoyable, my new favourite Inverted Coaster, enjoyed it so much.
Inversions Comfort Fun
Incredible coaster! So much fun, the two inversions feel great, the entire area is coming along nicely, great drop, some nice moments of airtime near the end, some whippy transitions, great moments of high positive G’s, honestly a really really great coaster!
Inversions Pace Layout
Amazing layout intertwined with the Quest coaster, with brilliant near misses! Great Ride.
Airtimes Intensity Smoothness
Generally inverts focused solely to intensity are not my thing. And SLCs provide nothing but pain. Fianna Force however is a thing of beauty, the layout is so good and it runs so well, you get a wonderful mix of forces and sensations. The first drop is excellent, great hangtime at the front and awesome whip at the back. There's plenty of snappy turns that have some great intensity, the inversions flow wonderfully and there's some awesome airtime as well, particularly the final run of kinked hills and dips, it's a great finale to the ride. It's super smooth as well, not a hint of rattle or jolt anywhere on the circuit, and the lap bars and seats are superbly comfortable, up there with Mack and Intamin lap bars in my top 3 train designs. My only criticism, which is the same with all the new age vekomas I've ridden, is that whilst the entire ride is very good, it perhaps lacks that one standout moment, which does just lose it a point. Nonetheless though, it's a superb ride, beautifully themed too, and the best inverted coaster I've ridden to date
Theming Smoothness Layout
Safely the best themeing on any attraction in ireland. The ride is smooth until a senseless left right wave that only serves to make your brain float and your stomach churn. It's also just too slow and I never felt anything approaching the alleged 90kph
Airtimes Comfort Intensity
In all honesty I expected it to feel mild on forces just like one of Vekoma's family suspended coasters. This coaster was defiantly more intense than I was expecting, is it 90's B&M intense? no, but it's just as if not more intense than something like Nemesis Inferno. I could feel quite a bit of force in the valleys and the inversions had a graceful float similar to Monster at Gröna Lund. The hills towards the end offered some quality pops of airtime, a slightly bizarre feeling on a inverted coaster.This coaster is also glossy smooth, which kind of funny when you think out of all the new 2024 coasters, Vekoma is now building the smoothest ones. Due to it's smoothness and varied layout, It's incredibly re-ridable too. Once the park eventually put the second train on, the queue went all the way down to 10 minutes, which meant I could bag a couple more rides in. I would say that the back row is the best, but anywhere is good.
Theming Comfort Layout Too short
Inversions Comfort Smoothness
Comfort Fun Smoothness Intensity
Airtimes First Drop Inversions Too short
First Drop Inversions Duration
Lap Bar Comfort Smoothness
Airtimes Inversions Layout Too short
Airtimes Comfort Smoothness
Comfort Fun Intensity
Airtimes Lap Bar Smoothness
Theming Pace Smoothness
First Drop Nice surprise! Layout
Comfort Intensity Smoothness
Inversions Nice surprise! Comfort
Comfort Pace Intensity Layout
Lap Bar Comfort Intensity
Comfort Fun