Detailed user ratings
Uncharted: The Enigma of Penitence features
Also in PortAventura Park 9
Reviews 602
Nice surprise! Comfort Fun Capacity
This ride truly blew me away. Well not that much but it was real fun! The spinning is very nice, the queue is excellent, the theming onride is a bit of a letdown but the ride experience makes up for it. I like the launches and the fact that there is 5 of them. The spike is fun and the way you do a 180 spin while going trough it is very nice and thrilling. Airtime on this ride is unexistent because the lapbar is very tight. Love this ride with my heart, but… THE CAPACITY 😭😭😭 I stood in line for an hour and a half at morning. I reccomend you do this ride at the end of the day or at lunch time since i could ride it 3 times because the line is much shorter at that tod. Bout 30 mins at max
Nice surprise! Fun
This ride is awesome! I don't rate it too highly as thrilling elements are what does it for me, but it's a fantastically themed indoor coaster, and I'd say the spinning cars are used very well, the swing launch sequence is fantastic going sideways, and that final drop is a ton of fun. I will say the corners of the screens are visible and could break some of the immersion if that's a problem for you, but it didn't impact me at all since I don't care much about the dark ride aspect to begin with.
Nice surprise! Comfort Fun Too short Capacity
It was my first indoor coaster that a masterpiece, i loved the scenario, the drops, the launches and defenily the confort!
Lap Bar Launch Fun Layout
uncharted has very good theming in the queue but not great theming on the atctaul ride. still fun though.
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
Surprised by this one. Amazing theming and fun ride with amazing elements
Comfort Fun Layout Capacity
Incredible ride, really fun with lots of launches. You don’t know what way you’re going or what’s coming next, and it’s super smooth. First time going on a ride that does a lateral drop, it felt amazing. This ride is a capacity/operations nightmare so be prepared to queue! The queue is well themed and has air con which is good.
Theming Nice surprise! Pace
Did not know what to expect, I refused to look at spoilers beforehand; and wow was this a fun ride! Twists, turns, unexpected movement, mini launches, the speed. All great! Theming was good too with nice queue and cool visuals during the ride. Recommended for sure!
Capacity Fun Duration Theming
Queue is well themed and tells story for the ride well, even though I don’t speak Spanish it was easy to follow. The ride system was very cool and the launches had a good punch to them, but as everyone else says the theming stops after the first turn… I hope they invest and give the ride the extra theming it deserves.
Nice surprise! Fun
I did not know much about this going into it and I loved all the little tricks it had up its sleeve. There are definitely portions where it feels like you're in an empty black room but there are also great themed moments.
Launch Pace Layout Theming
I enjoyed this. I get what others have said about the lack of theming and the low quality video sections. Improving this may turn this into a standout ride. As it is it was a brilliant layout, launches were forceful and the train spinning at certain points was great. Favourite bit was the reverse drop near the end as wasn’t expecting it. Good but forgettable ride
Smoothness Theming Pointless
What even was this ride? Just terrible. Could see the track... seeing the station as you go vaguely nearby is not a good look. The video sections are terrible. Like some bad projector screen. Story was incomprehensible to a non-spanish speaker. Gave it 1 star as the other people in the carriage seemed to like it.
Nice surprise! Launch Layout Too short Reliability
I think this ride gets too much hate, however it was my first multi dimension coaster. It was a great ride experience, the launches and spike being my favourite. I could understand the theming although it was inconsistent. And on my first day I wasn’t able to get on until around 5pm due to constant closures.
Fun Theming Capacity
While the ride is very cool and the story immersion throughout is great, I really wish it wasn’t just mainly screens, really let down with the actual ride theming. It’s good but could have been great. Queue was also horribly long for a fairly empty day, 25 minute max for everything else, and 1 hour and half for this. Capacity is truly an issue on this ride.
Fun Smoothness Theming
Intamin delivered a very fun ride system here: smooth and lots of tricky effects. Unfortunately, the theming and the video projections cannot hold up.
Comfort Capacity Disappointing!
Uncharted is a dark ride with surprising audiovisual elements and a state-of-the-art ride layout featuring switchtracks, LSM launches, and rotating 12-person trains. The good aspects of this ride first: The ride is extremely smooth, Intamin-like, and the rotation and LSM launches are controlled and pleasant. Designed as a dark ride, the immersive theming draws you into a story that is meant to be experienced. And that's where the major problems start: The story is exclusively told in Spanish, and the theming in the queue line transitions from Wild West to Maya to wild shooting, leaving a non-Spanish-speaking person with no chance of understanding the video sequences even remotely. With almost 3 hours in the queue line, we saw each sequence multiple times, and there was certainly room for an English version. So, after almost 3 hours of waiting and a 2-minute ride time in an incomprehensible story, we left with major question marks. What's the use of such an elaborate production if you deny the story, the heart of such a ride, to the international audience? Sorry, but this is just poor execution of a good idea. One star for the ride feeling, nothing more.
Smoothness Layout Disappointing! Pointless Dead spots
After months of hype, the experience was underwhelming to say the least. Too much light for a dark coaster, so you can see all the structure and rails, which makes it very predictable. Many of the effects do not work half of the time. The theming throughout the coaster itself is very poor. The 2 screen moments feel as if you were sitting in a cinema watching some movie rather than inside the story, and they are completely unrelated to your journey throughout the coaster. It is way too short. It lacks any thrilling sensations. All in all, it is a very bad investment, costing twice as much as an RMC would cost, 25% more than Batman Gotham City Escape, launched a month earlier by its competitor park, which turned out to be a million times better... Uncharted was a very poor decision and if I were an investor in the park I'd really be angered.
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Theming Capacity
Well, wasnt expecting anything at all, after a chaotic 1hour wait i was almost pissed and couldnt wait to leave the ride zone, but the ride took me by surprised. The spinning add some forces and centrifugal feeling, the launches, turns were surprisingly intenses, and the "swing" has so much potential. The operations however are bad as fuck, capacity of the ride is stupid and the queueline felt a bit opprressive and suffocating and the theming in the ride is questionable.
Nice surprise! Launch Fun Capacity
Nice surprise! Fun Layout Theming
Nice surprise! Theming Capacity
Airtimes Nice surprise! Layout Too short Reliability
Comfort Fun Too short Theming Capacity
Nice surprise! Location Fun Capacity
Fun Smoothness Too short Disappointing!
Nice surprise! Fun Layout Too short Capacity
Theming Nice surprise! Smoothness
Nice surprise! Launch Smoothness Capacity
Comfort Launch Fun Theming Intensity
Theming Nice surprise! Smoothness Capacity