Detailed user ratings
Boomerang features
Also in Walygator Sud-Ouest 3
Reviews 138
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
The shoulder harness are old and uncomfortable as hell, your heads will keep banging left and right during the whole duration of the coaster. Positives: It's short. Very short. So at least you won't suffer for too long.
Inversions Intensity Discomfort Layout
welp guys,ive rode it today,and its a pretty bad boomernag.welp,i didnt expect much ofcourse,since its you traditional vekoma boomernag,but it have its good things,i liked the inversion and it was a pretty intense ride afterall.this is one of the two opening day attractions at the park.opening in was relocated from another,defunct france park named zygo park,keeping its originall name and was originally build in 1987,along side with another coaster,a zeirer tivoli coaster named tarzungle.welp,there are couple that had done right,the location gives some pretty decent views,the ride have a fun inversions and it was a quit intense boomerang to be honest,the layout,yes,so repetetive and boring since it has been done 54 times by vekoma,but the ride managed to handle it pretty well,its also pretty picturesc ride to be honest.but man,the headbanging was so bad in this ride,it slams you side to side,espcially in the cobra roll,that i wished it will get some kind of treatmant,maybe those sunkid trains will be good,since there will be similar to eqwilazier at rhone alpes,overall,its not the best,but therill seekers that loves them might want to try them.
Inversions Headbanging
Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
Fun Too short Discomfort
Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Inversions Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
Rattle Headbanging Theming
Fun Capacity Discomfort Pointless
Fun Rattle Discomfort
First Drop Inversions Nice surprise! Headbanging Theming Discomfort
Capacity Fun Intensity Headbanging
Intensity Headbanging Harness
Inversions Intensity Rattle Theming Discomfort
Capacity Inversions Rattle Disappointing!
Rattle Discomfort
Inversions Fun Rattle Headbanging Reliability
First Drop Inversions Fun Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Fun Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
First Drop Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging Harness
Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Fun Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
Headbanging Discomfort Pointless