Detailed user ratings
Corkscrew features
Also in Michigan's Adventure 7
Reviews 76
First Drop Fun Smoothness Headbanging Too short Harness
This ride is one of the smoother Arrow Loopers, although the layout is very short and there is still some headbanging during the corkscrews.
Airtimes Location Fun Headbanging
Smoother and WAY better than Cedar Point's Corkscrew TBH.
Very old and a decent ride. I thought it was the second best in the park. It’s not too rough but it’s just a short arrow corkscrew. Nothing special.
Cloned corkscrew coaster with basic layout. Still had fun as the corkscrew is a ride i used to enjoy as a kid in the 90’s
Headbanging Layout
My first encounter with headbanging. This ride would be considered too short, but the corkscrews were abysmal and led me to just not liking the layout.
Too short Disappointing! Layout
Too simple of a ride just a drop two turns and two corkscrews.
Inversions Fun Headbanging
Probably the most boring corkscrew coaster I've yet ridden. It's still fun, but when Arrow's worst profiled inversion type is your one and only element besides a drop and turn, no helix or loop or airtime, it leaves a lot to be desired. Still looks pretty though!
Headbanging Discomfort
Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless
Discomfort Layout
Too short