Detailed user ratings
Cobra features
Also in Paultons Park 7
Reviews 157
Airtimes Fun Discomfort
The first time I rode Cobra, it was amazing, and I still think it is. The helixes are really fun and so are the bunny hills towards the end of the ride. The negatives, on the other hand, are it's tight turns which are uncomfortable and it is a tiny bit rough. I really like it though.
Airtimes Fun Theming
Haven't ridden it in a while but it's very fun with some good drops and hair pin turns. Let's hope a retheme happens soon.
Fun Intensity Theming Discomfort
A little bit rough in areas when riding alone. However, layout is very fun and packs a punch in that almost wild mouse fashion, with really good bunny hops. Can't wait to see how it looks in viking land :D
First Drop Nice surprise! Fun Theming
Really good drops and turns, just wish it was as well themed as other parts of the park
First Drop Fun Layout Theming
Cobra is just pure fun, Gerstlauer really do a good job fusing a wild mouse with a more varied layout with their Bobsled models. Nice snappy first drop that's quite floaty, before the wild mouse section that really is pretty wild, absolutely no trimming so it flies through the turns, Then there's the double helixes, a run of airtime hills which are again floaty, before a final helix. Such a simple layout but just super enjoyable. The ride runs nice and smooth as well, probably the smoothest Gerstlauer in the country in all honesty. Unfortunately, being one of Paultons' older rides, it's completely unthemed, and it does stand out like a sore thumb amongst the other gorgeous immersive areas of the park. So hopefully in the future they can integrate Cobra and Edge into a new themed land (perhaps the viking area rumoured for 2026). But the ride itself is excellent and another great family coaster offering at the park
Airtimes Fun Theming Capacity
A good family coaster for Paultons Park. But where is theming. Other than a hut, the queue is more reminiscent of a Ukraine flag than a snake. Please add theming.
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Too short Theming Dead spots
Good Gerstlauer family coaster with good airtime. Theming is terrible by Paultons' standards. Very enjoyable for all ages.
Airtimes Fun Theming Discomfort
As a family ride, this is a great coaster with very whippy turns and sharp bunny hills at the end. The only disadvantages are that the turns can be uncomfortable at the beginning and the ride severely lacks theming considering the rest of Paultons Park and how amazing the theming is. Other than that, it's a fun little ride with very cute trains.
Fun Smoothness Theming
The first hairpin turn caught us all off guard, it was particularly snappy. The rest of the layout was your typical Bobsled Coaster: a smooth and enjoyable family coaster for every age. Theming could be done better, aside from some fancy topiarys shaped like a cobra, most of the ride takes place over some green meadows and the station building is rather bland. I think, the ride's theme will be changed in the future to fit more into the newer concept of this park.
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Theming Capacity
A fun family coaster with good airtime pops, great laterals and positive gs! Theming is non existent which is a shame.
Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Too short
This ride is everything you'd expect from a family coaster. A fun layout with some airtime moments. Only problems are the hairpins that throw you around your seat, and the ride being a bit on the short side.
Comfort Fun Layout
I really enjoy the layout, every helix is so much fun, the hairpins are a laugh, and the hills end things off nicely. A very well put together coaster.
Airtimes Fun Layout
One of the most enjoyable coasters I've ever ridden. A childhood classic for me, and now as an enthusiast I can appreciate the great floater and thrilling drops.
Comfort Layout
Just pure fun. Great family layout, great trains, great interaction with what is around it. Massive nostalgia for this ride, it will forever remain one of my favourite family coasters ever built.
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Theming
This is the 2nd best coaster at the park in my opinion. It has a bit of airtime and a near bus when you go through the shed. I love the small helix. There could be a bit more theming though. It is a nice fun family coaster.
Airtimes Fun Smoothness
Smooth, headchoppers, fun, what else do you want in a gerst bobsled?
Capacity Headbanging Theming Discomfort
Fun Theming
Fun Layout Theming
Fun Smoothness Theming
Fun Layout
Fun Smoothness Theming
Smoothness Theming Disappointing!
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Discomfort
Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun
Fun Layout Theming
Airtimes Nice surprise! Smoothness Theming Capacity Discomfort
Airtimes Fun Capacity Dead spots
Airtimes Fun Capacity Discomfort Dead spots