• Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensity Dead spots

    Wildcat has a decent layout for the first gci and the rough patches are cushioned by those amazing older millennium flyers. Not a lot of airtime and quite a few dull slower moments but still a fun woodie.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Lap Bar Location

    This nearly 80 year old woodie is a ton of fun and a real classic. Some great ejector on the big drops and hills in the first half, the second half hills aren’t as strong but the laterals are really solid and the buzz bars make the whole ride so much better. I really hope this can stay around for a while longer because it’s great.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Location Intensity Layout Discomfort

    I prefer Batwing a fair amount to this but Nighthawk is still really great. The intensity and flying coaster airtime is super fun on this but the roughness in the back is pretty bad and the corkscrews are horrible.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Intensity Headbanging

    Firebird is a solid B&M coaster for it being the first one. It’s got a pretty simple and short layout but still manages to provide some solid positives and even a pop of airtime in the back to start off the second half. The bit of hangtime in the loop is also a nice touch.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Smoothness Ejectors Dead spots

    The double down is pretty much the only part of this coaster that has any sort of force but it’s so good to where this is still in my top 50% of credits out of almost 190. That strong ejector with only a seatbelt is legit terrifying and those few seconds being completely off the seat feel like an eternity. A classic terrain woodie with an insane airtime moment.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Theming Duration Pointless

    I had more fun on this than the other SBF visa spinners I’ve ridden for some reason. It has some extra theming and it’s longer than the other SBF spinners I’ve ridden but it’s still a relatively lame kiddie coaster.

  • Carter Eckhart


    It’s a three loop SBF spinner so more interesting than the standard layout but it’s still just a credit count booster. Pointless and boring but at least its not uncomfortable.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Fun Layout Rattle Disappointing! Airtimes

    This was definitely a disappointment for me. I had always heard how these family gravity groups had such good airtime but this ride definitely didn’t for me. There was still a good amount of airtime moments but they were all weak floater. This ride also had a bit of a rattle which made no sense. It’s a fun family coaster but nothing more than that.

  • milowo

    First Drop Fun Smoothness Dead spots

    Solid kiddie coaster! First drop has just a smidge of floater, and it was surprisingly smooth for an old woodie. It's tame, which you'd expect from a kiddie, but all-in-all just good fun :)

  • milowo

    Fun Headbanging Tear it down! Dead spots

    It's... bad. It's an old Arrow, so I will always have a soft spot for it- but as sad as I'd be to see it go, I wouldn't protest. Objectively, it's outright ugly, and it wastes such a beautiful section of Kings Dominion's park on a below-par coaster. That first clothoid loop crushes your guts, and the mid brake run doesn't slow you- no, it stops you. Immediately. Prepare-to-snap-your-neck kind of stop. The second half past the mid-break run is rough, but... tolerable. You get a nice view of the lake, and those corkscrews aren't too awful. Brace for the final break run, it'll give you whiplash.