• Drive Safely

    Pace Masterpiece Layout

    Taiga is a phenomenal ride that combines everything that makes costers great into one ride. It has perfect seats and restraints, great launches, airtime, whip, inversions, and is phenomenally paced. The ride is extremely intense, especially later in the day when it’s fully warmed up. Taiga’s not necessarily about the individual elements, it’s about how they all fit together to create an absolute masterpiece. While the launches, zero-g winder, top hat, stall, and heartline roll are the star elements, it’s the pacing and the way everything fits together to make this my number one.

  • Isaiah White

    Theming Location Intensity Rattle

    This ride is just amazing from start to finish. Like every disney coaster this coaster has just top of the top theming from head to toe. But overall this ride is fun especially the 2nd half of the ride with the backward section and nice drop. The line also moves so quick a 4 hour line in other theme parks takes them 30 minutes they have great dispatches. Overall an insane and unique coaster and a must do at Animal Kingdom at Disney World

  • Isaiah White

    Fun Intensity Headbanging

    This is actually on of my favorite boomerang out there because of how unique it is. Yes it has some head banger moments but overall the fun of the ride makes up for that. Its also pretty intense for a boomerang which is surprising so that's why I say if you have some time and your going towards that part of the park do it.

  • Isaiah White


    Just a duplicate woodstock like in other cedar fair park pretty enjoyable ride to do with your family if you have some spare time.

  • Isaiah White

    Airtimes Theming Fun

    A top 5 coaster in the park for sure but I still dont know if I think its better than Beast. Best theming out of any ride in the park with Flight of fear. Overall amazing airtimes and layout threw the whole ride and the precise sharp turns feel great. Also amazing how smooth it is for a wooden coaster but not smooth like a RMC Hybrid which is nice because it still keeps that wooden feeling. But overall like a said a top 5 coaster in the park and a must do when you go to Kings Island.

  • Ben Hopson

    Launch Fun Masterpiece

    This ride held my #1 spot for longer than any other coaster, and it's hard to explain why I love it so much. The theming is unmatched for a thrill coaster, and the ride is almost as fun to watch as ride. From the moment you first launch, the ride is just pure fun. It has its intense moments, particularly the second launch and overbank, but overall my favourite thing about the ride is that you can just put your arms up and have an absolute blast. My favourite seat was the front for the better views, sense of speed, and near misses. Can't wait to get back on this ride soon!

  • Ben Hopson

    Had to be done :)

  • Anakin Delle Origini
  • Kw6sTheater

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rattle Dead spots

    Having heard about how incredible this coaster is for years, my expectations were sky-high. While it wasn’t the Voyage-beater I hoped it could’ve been, those expectations were definitely met. The first half of El Toro, namely the drop and first 2 airtime hills, is absolutely incredible - all 3 moments provide sustained ejector air. There’s a particularly rough patch in between the turnaround and next airtime hill, and another on the following speed hill. The Rolling Thunder hill is a surreal moment of ejector, and definitely the highlight of El Toro. I found the rest of the ride (the twister section finale, as well as everything between the turnaround and Rolling Thunder hill) to be pretty intense, but rather rough and lacking in airtime. In conclusion, I definitely prefer Voyage, but El Toro is in my top 10 regardless. It’s not “as smooth as a steel coaster”, but it is less rough than most other woodies I’ve done. It’s the best coaster at Great Adventure for sure, and I’d love to get rerides.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Airtimes Comfort Duration

    I expected Nitro to be weaker based on opinions I’d heard, but in reality, it far exceeded my expectations. I rode twice in the morning, and came back to re-ride later in the day. The first half is pretty standard (but well-done) for a B&M hyper - first few hills providing graceful, sustained floater with an average turnaround - but Nitro’s second half elevates it above the competition for me. That helix into the MCBR is somehow VERY forceful (I’d liken it to a smaller version of Titan’s infamous helix), and the 4-5 airtime moments after that MCBR all deliver sustained floajector/ejector air. The clamshell restraints without seatbelts and the pleasant, forested setting were also a plus. It's my 2nd favorite coaster at Great Adventure, only behind El Toro.