Detailed user ratings
iSpeed features
Reviews 343
Launch Pace Layout Harness
This ride is so cool, but it would be so much better with a lap bar! I banged my head against the hard restraints a lot and it kinda made the experience a bit less enjoyable. The inversions are really snappy, so as much fun as they are, the harness makes it a bit painful too. Very cool that you can get a video of your ride
Launch Rattle Theming Harness
Probably the best Launched coaster in Italy, it's pretty sad to see that the track Is almost white, because that affect the overall smoothess, please, give this coaster a complete paintjob and new restraints!
First Drop Launch Pace
Rode it in 2017. Very good. The speed stays good for the entire track and it feels like there aren't dead spots. It's definitely worth the long queue
Launch Intensity Layout Rattle Theming
my fisr launched coaster ever,and still on of my favorite,i fell in love with this launch since the first time i rode it in 2010,very strong and intense,but this is a great coaster overall ,fantastic top hat,great layout and super fun inversions. sadly now this coaster is very ruined cause no maintaince in these years,it's almost white!!and this fact make the ride a bit unconfortable with a bit of rattle
Airtimes Launch Intensity Rattle
Ispeed is my favourite Italian coaster, it has a mix of great airtime a punchy launch and good positive g's. Their may be a slight rattle but I didn't notice it that much and a night ride on it is amazing.
Launch Intensity Rattle Discomfort
My former n1 in Italy, it developed a nasty rattles that left me with a terrible headache that ruined the rest of my day. It's a pity because the launch is awesome, but other than that it's only turns and some inversions, nothing special. It's fast, way too much for my tastes, and the inversions and elements are passed too fast that they're made uncomfortable and not enjoyable. I still really like it especially for nostalgia factor, being this my first coaster that deserves a top 100 spot in the world.
Launch Pace Intensity
Amazing launch and whippy inversions. Restraints didn’t bother me that much and added craziness to the ride. A must
Pace Intensity Harness
Old school Intamin greatness that can hold its own against any of today's new hotness. The parts after the first heartline roll are kinda meh, but the entire first half carries that ride so hard. Airtimes weren't as strong as i was expecting but those whips are mental. That heartline roll feels like a 2nd attempt at the maverick heartline. Possibly my favourite inversion on any coaster. A lot of similarities to GCE, but with whip rather than airtime as its principal strength. So much so that i honestly don't know which to put above the other. Either way, it slots solidly into my top 10. 5/5
Airtimes Launch Intensity Harness
Probably the best ride in Italy, I enjoyed it a lot. There are some strong ejector airtime moments and incredibly snappy transitions that make the ride really intense. The Launch was how you could expect from an Intamin coaster pretty strong. The harness is a little bit annoying because it’s right next to your neck so it can cause some headbanging in the transitions. The first half of the layout is pretty much perfect and masterful, but the second half really has unnecessary dead spots. But I am complaining on a high level so overall it’s in my opinion the second best coaster in Italy, just overtaken by Katun so still a close 10/10
Airtimes Intensity Layout Capacity Harness
iSpeed is easily the best coaster in Italy. Punchy launch, amazing top hat. Insane airtime hills, quick transitions intense turns and amazing inversions. Intamin did an amazing job with this layout, but I wish the park could change the over the shoulder restraint with the soft traps at least.
Launch Intensity Layout Theming Capacity
This coaster is awesome! The launch is very punchy, the overal Layout has some intense positive forces and surprisingly some very good airtime! Especially the top hat and the first hill deliver great negatives. the vertical trop in-between these two elements is also pretty exciting. There are some vibrations throughout the ride, but nothing too seriously. The only "dead spot" is the part after the block section about 3/4 through the ride. Sadly, this ride has a bad capacity and nearly no theming. However, this exiting adventure definitely deserves the hype, a 5-star rating and the #2 spot in my ranking (out of 43), and is massively better than Katun.
Inversions Layout Ejectors Theming Launch Dead spots
It's a great ride. This OTSR are pretty good, they leave you enough room and are quite comfy. However, as this thing has some great ejectors, when you get thrown out of your seat you lift up and the free room disappears, so some of the airtime is partially killed by the harnesses. It would be infinitely better with lap bars, specially having those punchy lateral G's, but this OTSR are okay; better than B&M's or old Vekoma's. Worst part is the entrance and exit of the MCBR, when you bang your neck against the restraints, it's too harsh a transition there. Besides, the part after that is quite dead, the bunny hop gives just some very mild floater. Anyway, both inversions are awesome, one providing sensational hangtime and the other being so quick and intense I don't even know what I felt. Probably the closest thing I've experienced to a mosasaurus roll. Top hat is wonderful, great airtime and some whip, and the following camelback is superb as well. The twisty afterwards disappointed me a bit, probably due to the restraints, but the twisted airtime hill that follows is really outstanding. There's a small pop of ejector with a pop of laterals, and then the overbanked turn. The entering manouver into that element is probably the most intense moment of the coaster, force-wise, but the exit is sort of a dead spot for me. The launch was a bit underwhelming, guess I've been spoiled by hydraulics, and theming leaves a lot to be desired, but it's overall a great roller coaster and probably best in Italy (I've yet to ride Storm).
Launch Hangtime
Great launch and first ascent. Paired with Katun it can make you a whole day in Mirabilandia.
Inversions Launch Intensity
iSpeed is an amazing ride with a sudden, punchy launch, lots of intense snaps and overbanks, and two great inversions. Since it focuses more on intensity and whippiness, iSpeed doesn’t have much airtime at all, which is fine. As for the restraints, I didn’t find that much of a problem with them. As long as you keep your neck sturdy and don’t allow it to get tossed around into the hard plastic bars, you’ll be fine. Overall, iSpeed is a fantastic ride that excels at positives and sharp transitions, and it’s the best ride in Italy.
Launch Fun Smoothness Headbanging
Great Ride but some head and neck banging but beside that its a nice smooth ride.
Launch Fun Smoothness Harness
Great launch, nice top hat and great last inversion. But what is a huge con from me - harness. Cycling this coaster in the end of the day made my neck/shoulders hurts. It is really big deal because it steels a lot from the incredible ride. Still TOP 20 for me a very close competitor for Katun!
Inversions Pace Intensity Headbanging Harness
Fantastic ride as a whole. Huge displays count the exact amount of people to be let into the station, very efficient. Could use a single rider line, though. Theming is meh, but doesn't detract too much from the ride. The launch was probably the biggest disappointment of the actual ride - it is sudden, but rather mediocre and obviously LSM-ish. Going up the top hat is a wonderful mixture of sensations and the view from the top gives a great feeling of freedom, especially at night. The drop does not provide that stomach feeling, more a sensation of smooth falling and some airtime in the back. S-bend at the bottom is almost too fast to be noticed and is G-heavy. First airtime hill provides very strong ejector and is taken at an incredible speed. Change of direction after that is very whippy and is followed by a narrow curve with lots of positives. In general, all the overbanked curves that might look like wasted track or breather section on POVs are so full of Gs, that they don't feel like a waste at all, when you are actually riding. The combination of the twisted airtime hill and corkscrew afterwards is probably one of the best sequences of elements of all time. The corkscrew is mercilessly whippy. The last inversion is a totally different beast, it is taken at a speed that allows for fantastic hangtime. Exiting the MCBR is indeed a bit violent and the hill after that is mostly airless. Although I had the impression on POVs, this ride does not feel too short at all, it is a full coaster experience. As for the often critized OTSRs: They are indeed not ideal. I tend to ride with a lot of muscular tension to counteract forces and thus, for my first morning rides, I did not experience a single problem with the restraints at all, although I had heard the worst things about them. So I took another ride and this time intentionally let loose completely and et voila - brutal neckbanging. So obviously lap bars would be better. But I think it depends on your personal style of riding (and the dimensions of your body), if they kill the experience for you or do not present a single problem at all. Personally, I noticed just a bit of tension in my shoulders after a good amount of rides and did not feel detracted from the ride experience at all.
Launch Pace Layout Headbanging Disappointing! Reliability
I only had one ride on it ever and that was incredibly rough. But I see that the coaster usually isn't like that.
Launch Fun
iSpeeds launch packs some punch! The rest of the layout is full of intensive moments.
Inversions Launch Intensity Theming Harness
Pace Intensity Ejectors
Inversions Launch Pace Theming
Launch Intensity Layout Harness
Launch Intensity Harness
Nice surprise! Launch Ejectors Theming Harness
Launch Pace Masterpiece
Pace Intensity Layout
Airtimes Launch Layout
Airtimes Inversions Pace Harness Reliability
Airtimes Pace Intensity Capacity Harness
Launch Pace Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Airtimes Launch Intensity Harness
Launch Pace Intensity Too short Harness
Intensity Layout
Inversions Launch Ejectors Intensity
Launch Pace Headbanging Harness