• אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Pace Layout Discomfort

    this ride,granted,is the best coaster in all of wild waves,and this is the first ever woodie by s&s,and its quiet interesting to see their own take on a woodie.it was build in 2003,right after they build hypersonic and dodo-donpa,two cool rides.however,it seems that s&s doesnt make this woodies anymore,ans there are only 4(including timberhawk)remaind.all of their last woodies were build in 2004 with the last one being hell cat at clementon park at new jeresy.so what are my thoguhts?honestly the ride main issue is that it is a pretty discomfort ride,mustly in the turns,but i will speak on that later.the rides layout is pretty cool and unique,with great and actually pretty smooth airtime hills which provides airtime in its best.some cool headchoppers with the track,good views and drives with a good pace.however,as mentioned,the turns can be painful,unlike the airtime hills,every turn just slams you into the cars,and it isnt that good n a woodie,thats the reason why i dont like bandit that much.still,it is good,just need to smooth the turns and it will be much better ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Theming Comfort Dead spots Layout

    this was a fairly weak wild mouse coaster,like our intamin,this also opened with the park,it is reptetive with the layout,well,i expected a wild mouse,but it could have been a btter layout,it was smooth tho,and had a good theming,but some dead and on interesting spots are here.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Location Layout Dead spots

    welp,honestly this ride is pretty underated family coaster in my opinion,yes,it is not the best coaster,or a top notch experience,but it was still a fun and well done family coaster. so,why is it good?first see when it was build.it was build in 2009 by a swiss company named abc rides,and will be their second tube coaster model.altough it is a pretty rare model,it started to catch popularity in 2018 among small,german parks. so what are my thoughts? the layout is well done in this coaster,here,they gone into a airtime hills and turns model,much like a hyper coaster. hell,i would call it "mini hyper" since the layout is pretty much a bunch of airtime hills,and damn,those hills delivers some good airtime beats,they were much better than expected,and the turns are fun too. altough i admit,it have its own dead spots here and there,it was still fun and smooth.and then theres the location,theming,theres not that much,but the ride located on a beach,providing amazing views of the surrounding lake and the trees. yes,this ride is cool,honestly one of my favortie family coasters to date,it like a hyper coaster but small,and i think will be good to young thrill seekers in the netherlands.

  • אדר פופקו

    Smoothness Layout Hangtime Dead spots

    this ride is a cool ride to this park and a great indoor coaster too.this is an s&s was build in 2013 with the park,altough it was build 2 months after the parks opening,it still count as an opening year attraction here,since it was at the same year of the park.so what is great about the ride,most of its layout,while there are some dead spots,i have to admit,there are its slower moments,but that didnt made the ride doll.those drops are whippy,espcially the first drop which is a beyond vertical drop,and it just filled to the top with those hangtime moments.the dive loop espcially gives ny far,the best hangtime on the ride,if just flips you over to hang there and then drops you with the good whip.altough the layout isnt that unique,since it have been done with most el locos,its steel btter than other things it could of got,and while the ride can be with some slow moments,it never felt doll and as exterimly smooth.plus,the ride have onboard audio too(i dont know when they got that),so overall it is a great ride,and i wish more entusiates will know this one.

  • אדר פופקו

    Theming Smoothness Dead spots Layout

    this ride is such a snoozer,and honestly one of the most boring ass coasters out there.this ride was build in 2013 and its one of many mine train coasters build by golden horse,those mine trains tend to be okay,this one is so broing however,i felt like im going to sleep,hell,even more than their kiddy coaster.the layout is so long,ok,it can be good,but here,its just moves at snails pace that its so unforgiving since with the speed and the long layout,its feels so slow and lng,i just asked my self when the ride is over which rcdb didnt gave an answer,but the ride had 2 lifthills,so i guess it was quiet long.latough the themןng was decent,it didnt helped to the boringness of the ride,yes,some figurines were but it was quarky and dull.atleast the ride was smooth with no headbanging.well,overall i can bring the fact that atleast they tried to do somthing good here,but it came as boring ride with a shitty layout,and i do hope they will fix this ride in the future.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Theming Layout Capacity

    i loved this ride so much and its easily my favorite ride at the whole park.now why is it better than gotterblitz,since i thought gotterblitz lacks some intensity,altough have its highlight moments,rattenmuhle had more.the rides layout,not only is a customized and original layout,but also have some neat pops of airtime,the turns are pretty cool and on top of that,it almost didnt had a moment of almost slowing down which i thought it would but the ride had a good pace and remain smooth throught the whole ride.i liked this alot and the theming too was so neat,i loved espiecially the indoor area of the ride which gave a nice suprise for the start.altough the capacity wasnt good,the operations were nice and the staff here is great.so,rattenmuhle,a great little coaster which ive always like to go and ride again.

  • אדר פופקו

    Theming Pace Layout Intensity

    this ride is a Mack youngstar,which are trying to be the new vekoma juniors at the market.altough their are much more rare to find,they still provide a better ride to the kids than those rollerskaters.Gotterblitz is the second mack youngster after pegasus at europa park and gotterblitz was build in 2008.for me this is a step up from pegasus and i felt like they learnd their lessons and improve those youngstars over the years which the last one was build in 2016. the theming is pretty cool for a little family park,which is this greek theme which looks cool and even gives some effects like the little splashdown effect on the ride.the layout is top notch for a family coaster,yes sure,it isnt that intense,but for a family coaster,heck yea it delivers some good elements like the first drop or the banked turn afterwards,all follows a good pace during the whole ride.also the ride went smooth and even smoother than pegasus at some points.overall i enjoyed this coaster alot and you should definetly check it out if you are in austria and have kids with you.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Smoothness Layout Theming

    this coaster is the second of the vekoma family boomerang coasters,a trend that will replace their old,regular boomerand,and for a second prototype coaster,it is done pretty well and good.prototypes can go 2 ways,or they will be good,or disasterous.this one,is not the disasterous type of a prototype,and altough some things could have been done better,it is still a nice coaster.first of all,the ride layout is cool,provides great airtime and some cool banked turns,i rode my first family boomerang in enrgylandia and this is much better,but prototypes are not better than the final results,the layout,might be cloned,but not that much cloned layout,which also was smooth and slides well with the track,one thing i would improve is with the theming,this is a bland ride and i thing they could themed it well like their junior coaster,deval train,but other wise,i loved the fun location it had,overall its a fun shuttle and might be cool for the first kiddy shuttle for the kids.

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Lap Bar Layout Too short

    krater is defenitly a fun ride if you are in colombia,and parque del cafe,yes,is underrated im ny opinion.now what is this coaster exactly,you might ask?welp,this is one of those traditional euro fighters by gerstlauer which was build in 2014,so its quit new and im sure not many people even knew about the ride.but heres the big twist,this is the 380 layouted type of euro fighters,meaning it have the same layout as iron shark and the new tantrum at darien lake.well,i didnt got the chance to ride iron shark and tantrum,but i rode krater and it is currently one of my favorite euro fighters to date.so what about this specific euro fighter that makes it so good to ride?simple,a fun and enjoyable layout.the rides first vertical drop is great like all euro fighters but the rest of the layout is unique and twisty,the inversions are alot of fun and even some pops of airtime in beetween,the ride lap bars are also comfortable to ride in and just adds to the airtime bits.well,i do say,its might be short to ride,but i wasnt that angry by this,the ride,was great and honestly people in other countrys should also go and ride it,you wont be dissapointed by the ride and its small,compact experience.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Location Layout Rattle

    guys,this ride is absolutely amazing to ride.i really want more entusiaste to rate the ride and even ride it,since for me,the experience was amazing.well,what is this coaster you ask?well,this is a gerstlauer family coaster which build in 22.3,2018,meaning thats is the newest coaster the park had got in 4 years.well,it was a great gerstaluer.family coasters ny gerstlauer is one of the best family rides you can ever ride,their smooth and gives a good suprise for first time riders of those rides.and this coaster,is no exepction,it was a ride of a pure geniuslly,well,granted,it isnt in my top 5 family coasters by them,but i belive its 6th in my list.so why is it that great?the layout was good and thrilling enough,consisting of two lifthills,thrilling banked turns,great helix and even some suprising moments of airtime,well,it wasnt the best airtime,but it was still somthing for this ride.the effects of the water were gorgeous,hell,they even had a splash down effect which really caught me of guard.and it also provides great views of the grassy,forest like area of the park.well,it is 4.5 stars since it had some parts with noticable rattle,but overall,i feel this hides in the shadows of other fmily coasters,guys,not only it is better than some,but its moments will give you fun and great ride,a must reride coaster in my book