• Sam P.

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Masterpiece

    For a ride this old, i was never expecting such a brilliant ride. Amazing heritage of course, but the airtime is fantastic, and it's surprisingly smooth for such an old ride. The brakemen are real showmen, which means you're often going to get a fast run! Really friendly as well. A truly great experience and a ride i'm so glad to have ridden

  • Sam P.

    Fun Theming Layout

    Just a basic layout, themeless powered coaster. But no one can deny it's always fun to fly with the fish!

  • Nan Dave

    First Drop Theming Ejectors

    Wow, amazingly themed ride that looks intimidating.

  • Nan Dave

    Pace Intensity Too short

    So intense and pacey

  • Nan Dave

    Layout Duration

    Wow! Blew my expectations

  • Jannick S.

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    The roller coaster overall was great. The dueling aspect worked really well and the layout is overall pretty good. However i remember this to be the rougher side of the two. They are still both in the same league.

  • Jannick S.

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    The racing aspect works really well with this coaster and the layout overall is very nice. I remember this to be the better side ot the two. They are still in the same league.

  • Kommi

    Airtimes Lap Bar Masterpiece

    The fact that's there's only a buzz bar and no seatbelt makes this ride one of the best wooden coasters out there! If you're planning on going to Knoebels, make sure to come early and on a weekday if they're open.

  • Mikhile Williams

    First Drop Capacity Pace Theming

    Man, B&M knocked it clean out of the park on this one. The single best B&M I've ever ridden. Bar none. The rides I got in 2018 still make a very strong case for the most joy-filled coaster experience I've ever had. If the view of the train flying overhead as we walked into Carowinds's entrance plaza wasn't enough to show that this coaster would be different from other B&M hypers/gigas, then the first few rides definitely hammered in that nail the rest of the way. From the first ride I was floored instantly. The way this thing focuses on a sense of speed and strong forces with low to the ground elements and quick transitions while still delivering great airtime moments, where most other hyper model B&Ms mostly just stick with airtime, sets it apart in the best way. It's perfectly executed while still being completely reridable. There's barely any theming to speak of but the queue line and entrance plaza are stylised nicely enough and the ride experience more than makes up for any need for theming. Night rides are what sealed it as my #1 for a year. I still have yet to get some of the most storied night rides out there (Voyage, Outlaw Run etc) but Fury is truly among the best night time coaster experiences I've ever had, if not the best. A word has to be said about the operations on this thing also. In 2018 it had the best operations I'd ever seen on a coaster. I was enamoured firstly by how quickly it ate queue lines, and then secondly seeing how intelligently the ride is set up, to avoid stacking as much as possible. The ride crew were flying to get guests unloaded and loaded as efficiently as possible. As an ex ride-operator I was majorly astounded and impressed. Lightning Rod might have beaten it to my #1 spot, but I can't imagine Fury leaving my top 5 for a good while. B&M clearly still has the world-class gene when parks want to bring it out of them.

  • Semina S.

    Fun Hangtime Harness

    Can’t really remember this ride that much but it was fun but with unnecessary OTSRs that could easily be replaced by a lap bar, but it is probably there to make younger riders feel safer. I like to call this ride a glorified swinging ship.