• Loïc H.

    Lap Bar Duration Theming Capacity Dead spots

    It’s like blue fire but with dreadful 1 train capacity. It has a long useless and ugly pre show before the launch. Lotte world busan is not worth your time.

  • Chubba247

    First Drop Fun Smoothness Dead spots Layout

    Solid, super smooth family coaster, but lacks a lot of variation. The only sensation you get is the smallest amount of air time over the many hills throughout the layout, but they all feel pretty much exactly the same. The ride lacks any intensity at all. The Wicker Man at Alton Towers trumps this ride in every way other than the first drop on Heidi being slightly better. Theming is cute and the coaster itself looks great, but again, gets out done by The Wicker Man ten fold. However if I had a kid and wanted to get them into bigger coasters, this would be one of the first things I take them on.

  • James Fletcher

    Airtimes Theming Hangtime Too short

    Not the best Mack launched coaster, but it's a solid ride. Some good airtime moments especially in the back. Probably the best spike I have experienced on a coaster, due to the twist which gives some good laterals and floater airtime. The in-line twist and barrel roll gives a decent bit of hangtime. Wish it was a bit longer, but it's a fun coaster all in all.

  • Chubba247

    Launch Intensity Rattle

    Super intense launch coaster, the speed never lets up. While the rattle is uncomfortable it kinda works as the ride really does feel furious, like some sort of explosion. Highly underrated i think, as is Rita at Alton Towers, not sure which I prefer, but this is definitely more intense.

  • Adam Clough

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    This ride is awesome! It seems to get better and better, and for me, my number 1 all time.

  • Chubba247

    Theming Duration Pointless

    3 lift hills? and for what? One very long and very pointless ride. Theming and interlocking with the log flume is nice.

  • James Fletcher

    Fun Rattle Discomfort Airtimes

    Not the worse coaster I've ridden, but it's comically bad. It's almost so bad it's good. Not sure why it's the most popular ride at Movie Park Germany, other than it's entertainingly bad.

  • Chris2626

    Airtimes Pace Intensity

    Never rode with the launch but damn even with the chain lift this thing absolutely slaps. Rode on a 80 degree sunny day so it was FLYING. Did not expect this to go that fast honestly. Top 5 coaster for me 2nd best RMC just barely above IG. My rides on this thing were absolutely incredible

  • Umriss

    Airtimes Launch Layout Discomfort

    I had the opportunity to ride it 4 times during its opening day. Despite some vibrations during the fourth ride it was really smooth. The launches are really powerful and the layout is perfect. Definitely my top 1 coaster.

  • Jonah S.

    Nice surprise! Layout Ejectors Capacity

    So underrated! It's the prototype raptor on steroids. It has everything the old raptor had, but a longer ride.