• Nathan F

    Inversions Location Discomfort Dead spots

    New Revolution is a classic Schwarzkopf looper. It has some pacing issues. It speeds up and slows down constantly. It's not the smoothest ride ever, transitions-wise. However, it absolutely nails the vertical loop. It slows way down as you face the loop, then goes down very gradually towards the loop to slow the buildup of speed necessary to traverse the loop. Builds a lot of suspense for what was at the time an incredibly unique element.

  • Nathan F

    Intensity Smoothness Dead spots

    I thought Goliath was fine. Not the worst hyper I've ever ridden, but not the best. The helices pull some amaing forces, but that requires the mid-course brake run to kick in pretty good. It wasn't kicking as hard as I've seen in some videos when I went though.

  • Nathan F

    Location Fun Dead spots

    It's not a particularly large ride, but the first drop and helix were pretty fun. It's in a great location though, and it's just fun.

  • Nathan F


    Pretty wild kiddy coaster at the end there, but a kiddy coaster nonetheless.

  • Nathan F

    Inversions Intensity

    Batman is an extraordinarily intense ride. It is relentless from start to finish. This can cause some discomfort through the corkscrews, but it wasn't enough to cause headbanging. It's a little short, but not excessively so. Very good ride.

  • Chehine A.

    Theming Rattle Disappointing! Tear it down!

    this one sucked, the theming was okay, the launch was okay, but then the trains just rattles through the tracks, couldn't wait to get off

  • 手取Fishland

    Pace Masterpiece Intensity

    My favorite roller coaster。理由は至って単純。「これが一番コワかった」。 TTDなんかは一度乗ったら耐性ができて、以降はへっちゃらになっちゃったけど、コイツは三、四度目あたりまで乗る前にハラ括ったのをおぼえている。スリルで噓はつけん。

  • 手取Fishland

    Lap Bar Intensity Duration Reliability

    人呼んで「立ち乗り木製コースター」! とにかくまあ、ハチャメチャなライドなんだけど、それでいて乗り心地そのものは至って良好というのがまたひねくれてていい(ファーストドロップ直後のみ、強めの衝撃がある)。 正しい乗り方はハンズアップはせずに、手は安全バーの上、ただし握りしめず軽く置くだけ、だ。これで仲良く「LET US STAND UP」!

  • Ty Paylez

    Theming Lap Bar Fun

    Fun all throughout. Multiple track changes with good drop speeds and theming

  • Ty Paylez

    First Drop Intensity Duration

    My favorite coaster