• Evan M.

    Airtimes Ejectors Duration

    Front row night ride is absolutely insane

  • David C.

    Airtimes Comfort Hangtime Theming

    This ride has a fantastic layout that offers a great and well-rounded mix of forces, including launches, hangtime, airtime, positives, and even weightlessness. The swing launch is masterful and the backwards ejector airtime hill is unreal, those are definitely the highlights of the ride for me.

  • David C.

    Theming Launch Masterpiece

    Easily one of the best coasters ever made. This ride is an absolute masterpiece and showcases Intamin/Universal at their peak. The first half is well-themed with some great inversions, headchoppers, and airtime moments. The second half is somehow even better, starting off with an insane launch and going into some of the most well-executed elements ever, including a top hat, zero-G stall, and the iconic Mosasaurus roll. Velocicoaster is nothing short of perfection and deserves a 10/10 rating.

  • Carrie C.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Too short

    That drop after the overbank is some of the strongest airtime ever

  • Eloas

    Lap Bar Launch Capacity

    Very cool coaster, cant say something bad!

  • Eloas

    Inversions Launch Intensity Too short

    Very cool coaster, not as rough as many people say. Sadly very short (00:40 seconds)

  • Blake S.

    Rattle Discomfort

    Wow, what is the deal with the track on this ride? There is no doubt some lateral shaking and roughness, as I expected, but the vest restraints help. “Help” is the key word, because it doesn’t completely absolve it of being rough laterally. But what was surprising was how the train seemed to be rough on the track by lurching backwards and forwards. Super odd. The layout on this ride occasionally shines through, with the final barrel rolls being a good moment, with some whip. But if this is the second-best SLC in the country, I'm not sure I want to ride another (besides Wildwood's.)

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Nice surprise! Layout Dead spots

    Finally, a dive coaster that has memorable elements besides the drops. Other divers leave me unenthused, but Striker's layout is creative and fun. The full-360 loop is cool, and I love the whip on the Immelmann. And I don't know why exactly, but the first drop delivers a bigger thrill than other divers. The second half loses a little steam, but overall the ride leaves me with a big smile. It's always been one and done with other divers, but this is the first one I wanted to ride again and again. The single rider line was a big help -- allowed me to get 6 rides in an hour.

  • Carrie C.

    Inversions Comfort Intensity Rattle

    wow. that was intense

  • Rumham

    Smoothness Too short Pointless Layout

    A very pointless ride. It is very short, and the layout is extremely bland and unoriginal. Nothing else to say. At least it is smooth!