• Alexander D.

    Inversions Intensity Smoothness

    This is a true masterpiece. All of the loops and turns are very forceful and the ride itself is butter smooth. It has a pretty great capacity and it looks amazing on the fairs. One little thing that I didn't like that much is the shoulder 'thing'. It stops you from putting up your hands but you don't touch them once with your head.

  • Alexander D.

    Airtimes Location Ejectors Rattle Headbanging

    This ride is very rough in the turns but it has some very good airtime. Best airtime in Belgium in my opinion.

  • Alexander D.

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Reliability

    This ride suprised me. It's a lot better than it looks. The rides suffers from several mechanical issues, it was down for a whole day on 2 of my 4 visits. And when it's up, it blocks sometimes.

  • Alexander D.

    Theming Launch Intensity Too short

    This is my N1 coaster that I have been on. The theming is mostly very well done, the launch is VERY forceful, it always suprises. Then you have the loop. This loop is just so amazing. It's already super forceful when you go through it forwards, but when you go through it backwards (back seat) it's unbelievable. It's just so forceful that I have no words for it. Everytime I get off this coaster, it leaves me with my mouth open. This ride is amazing. Front is very good, But I really recommend riding it back seat because the loop is just insanely forceful backwards there.

  • Gaku N.



  • Gaku N.

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort

    後2つ大きなキャメルバックがあれば世界一のコースターになれたでしょう。 前向きで激しさが足りない人は後ろ向きに乗ってみてください。

  • Manuel G.

    Too short Disappointing! Pointless

    I do not want to sound too harsh, but I am only able to review this from my own standpoint and not trying to think about what the target audience might feel about it. That being said, I found it extremely short, uninspired and I truly did not care for it at all. Only beautiful effect was the smoke coming out of the front of the train. Very underwhelmed even going in with family coaster expectations. Ride is smooth, though - new Vekoma track seems to be fine.

  • Manuel G.

    Fun Layout Duration

    The best mine train I know, featuring a very long layout separated into three parts by two lift hills. Theming is wonderful, but, ironically, where the coaster really shines is the middle part in the dark. Here it is being surprisingly intense, a feeling enhanced by the loose lap bars. It is still only good and not amazing to me, because I find the layout a bit repetitive. Still a quality ride for sure.

  • Manuel G.

    Fun Duration

    This was so much fun. The short little movie is witty and takes every little detail of the ride into account (it uses the roughness of certain parts to its advantage for example). I especially like some movements in the film, that do not resemble the track layout, but feel like they make perfect sense. Everything is synchronized extremely well and the glasses are set up easily. I only wish the resolution - albeit high in this case - would be even higher, as I still feel there is room for improvement there. Ending is a funny surprise...

  • Manuel G.

    Theming Inversions Intensity

    Probably the best smaller-scale B&M invert in the world. The theming is world-class, with an incredible amount of fantastic near misses. While I generally would prefer a larger-scale invert like Katun, for an invert of this size I think it is perfect. The layout to me does not feature a particular highlight, but flows very well and is consistently extremely forceful. Slamming into the pitch black indoor brake run is another fantastic effect. Best experienced in the front row, though the drop is fantastic for its size in the back.