• Semina S.

    Capacity Theming Discomfort Pointless

    When I camed in, I expected a really fun zierer junior coaster as I have heard good reviews from them models. However, this one has a much shorter layout and has horrible hard plastic seats which are quite painful.

  • Shadow Plays

    First Drop Fun Ejectors Airtimes

    It was my first ride i went on that went upside down and it made me a bit scared when i was waiting in line but i was happy i went on it! :)

  • Evangelion Martini

    One of my fonder childhood coaster memories. Chill enough to get kids who are afraid of coasters on, fun enough (for a family coaster) to entertain while on it.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Theming Nice surprise! Launch

    This ride is pretty important to me in that it was the first coaster I ever remember riding. I remember riding it right after it opened and being excited to experience The Mummy movies in real life. However, I was a bit too young (like 6) for it at the time, and ended up getting a little traumatized on it; my fear of coasters would haunt me for about a decade until I started riding again. Now grown, I can now appreciate just how awesome this ride really is. By far the best indoor coaster around; Premier's expertise combined with Universal's effects and theming quality deliver an incredible experience. I can guarantee that you'll never forget the oppressive heat on your face as the room you're in suddenly erupts in flames. I sure haven't.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Theming Fun Too short Disappointing!

    While the ride itself is still very fun and thrilling, the overall experience is gravely diminished if you've ridden the version at Universal Orlando beforehand. The version in Orlando is significantly bigger and longer, and during my ride on Hollywood's version I was basically just waiting for my favorite part from Orlando's (the false ending room with the fire) which would never come as that entire section is simply not present on this version. The ride is still fun, and if you haven't gotten to ride Orlando's version I guess you can't really go wrong; but if you've already ridden the superior version, I'd recommend skipping this one unless you're just thirsty for credits or there's no line.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Location Fun Lap Bar

    Magic Mountain's first coaster (operating since opening day, May 29, 1971), Gold Rusher offers a scenic ride around Magic Mountain, offering rare looks at a great deal of the rides you know and love. The relatively chill rides still offers some fun from some great near-miss elements from the foliage and ride infrastructure, in addition to some nice lateral Gs. Just two things to keep in mind: the brake run at the end is more sudden than you would think, and can cause you to get punched in the stomach by the lap bar if you're not paying attention. More importantly, one of the near miss elements has you going right under Superman: Escape from Krypton's track; while the element itself is fine, there's a chance that Superman might launch while you're going through. Be ready to cover your ears if you get unlucky enough for that to happen to you, lest you wish to subject your ears to being mere feet from the loudest coaster in the world.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Lap Bar Launch Hangtime Capacity

    Starting with a fantastic launch that shoots you up the massive vertical loop, delivering some of the best coaster hangtime ever (courtesy of the lap bars), the coaster then dive-loops into a tunnel where the reverse launch into 2nd forward launch occurs. From there, you then use the massive vertical loop as a top hat and dive into the station. Although quite short, and with the brake-run beginning on the way down from the top hat, the sheer quantity of top-tier thrills packed into such a small space proves Premier's mastery of thrilling, small footprint coasters. The hangtime you experience at the top of that loop is magical, even downright religious if you ride at dusk or night. If I had to criticize something , it would be that lines can be a bit long due to the relatively low capacity compared to Magic Mountain's other big ticket attractions; be ready to wait a bit for your turn.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Pace Fun

    A neat GCI woodie that's tucked in the back corner of the park. The ride was probably smoother back when it opened, but I wouldn't call it particularly rough amongst all the other woodies I've ridden. Ride this one at night; it becomes a lot more fun when the indoor sections become near-blackout in the absence of the sun.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Launch Harness Too short Intensity

    While the horse themed motorbike restraints are very cool, the ride itself leaves a bit to be desired in terms of intensity and length (like 30 seconds). To a seasoned coaster-fan, the thrills just aren't really there to make this one stick out. However, this is a perfect ride to bring the younger fans who may be ready to graduate from the Wild Mouses, but aren't quite ready for anything too crazy. Very much a "babby's first launch coaster" kind of ride.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Inversions Location Smoothness

    Really nice B&M Invert that's right at the front of the park. Having the first thing you see when you walk in being people skimming and flipping above the water really sets the tone well, and shows just how far Knott's has come from its humble origins. While it's a bit longer than Batman: The Ride, I found it to be a bit more mellow. This may disappoint some who're looking for something to blow Batman out of the water, but this ride is definitely no slouch. Whether you're looking to jump straight into the thrills Knott's has to offer, or catch one last ride that's on the way to the exit, Silver Bullet is definitely one of your best options.