• אדר פופקו

    Theming Smoothness Layout Intensity

    this ride honestly,wasnt that bad.for all those bad chinese companys,easily the best have to be golden horse.yes,it does creates its own rip offs.but honestly their much bettert than creating coasters than other companys i know. and they can create unique things too.just look at battle of jungle king,easily their best project so far,which even took inspertion from the vekoma only tilt coaster from taiwan,gravity max.this ride,while not their best,is still neat,as a mine train goes.golden horse really knows how to create those things and improve those among the others.the ride was smooth,not headbanger,smooth,slided well with the track and was so fun to ride.the theme,well,could be better honestly,wasnt that bad,espcially the rock work of the mountains.i just wished they could do more with it,but for now,its a fine theme.welp,it wasnt that intense for my liking,but the layout met my expections,it was compact,pretty long,sported two lift hills and overall gave some nice riding.the turns were fun and it does had suprisingly good airtime moments unlike some mine trains.yes sure.vekoma is better than golden horse with creating those mine trains.,but golden horse never gave up and tried their best,therefore,i belive its fun and you must ride it if you are a mine train lover.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversions Harness Layout

    this ride isnt that good,is just another reptetive knockoff of an arrow looper,made by beijing shibaolai.the rides layout is so repetetive at this point,its just a loop,turn,double crockscrew,some turns and thats it.a latout that you used to ride as an american coaster entusiasts.altough the inversions,were,cool.they gave nice hangtime and were comfortable.but the harnsses runined it.those chinese harnesses were so rough and made of metal,i banged my head so much and it hurted badly.but hey,you might got a nice ride,and it helps to chinese who want to exprence how those arrows were,but the ride was so unenjoayble and buring.so yes,i wasnt a big fun of scream valley train,but it might be fun for some chinese residents.

  • Evangelion Martini

    First Drop Theming Dead spots

    As of June 6th, 2019, there's literally no theming at all on this ride. I would have figured that the recent renovations (a new paint-job and new, hideous, florescent green ride vehicles) would have allowed them to repair some of the audio/visual effects, but it appears they've either not gotten to that stage yet, or just don't care. As it is right now, the ride operates in total silence with no effects, as it soullessly drops you twice with like five minutes of dead time in between.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Duration Pointless

    OK at best

  • אדר פופקו

    this ride was somthing unique,and actually reminded me of a bigger wacky worm.ince the layout was pretty much the same with these,only bigger and with more turns and some special things.granted,it was quit fun,but riding it was pretty weird.they didnt themed it at all,so now the ride looks dead,i wish in the future they will give it a theme,since riding it now,feels odd.but anyways,its a wacky worm knock off,only with bigger layout and train shaped cars.

  • אדר פופקו

    Intensity Layout Hangtime Headbanging Dead spots

    that ride went complete shit in my book.it didnt offered much and its a shame,since the ride had potential nad looks far better than averege slc.the laayout isnt a reskin of an slc and offered some customized "slc" layout which was quit intense and with some quit good hangtime.however,i wished vekoma had done this kind of layout,since beijing shibaolai isnt the company i would trust to making these knockoff and it was far worse than a regualr slc,so to all of you who are bitching about the original slc,im sure you didnt come to see what badness this gave.first of all,while the first half was fun,boy,the second half,it was so SLOW and dead,it moved at the speed of snail and even the straight section didnt helped,it was not good.and of course,they have a far worse headbanging than the original slc which ateast didnt losed it pace.i just wished they will im prove the ride or remove it since that was one of the worst inverteds ive ever ridden.

  • אדר פופקו

    Location Smoothness Layout Intensity

    this ride is a pretty unique to the china territory,i think it is the only one of its kind in here.but im sure for a good fun relaxing suspended coaster,forest slide is a good addition for this park and for the families in general.but what so good about it you ask,its not intense,and yes,it isnt that intense and term of ride exprience,but it doesnt have to be intense to give a good ride to its audiences.first of all,the layout was good,it was unique and offered some fun,espcially in those turns which the ride will swing side to side,offering actually a little bit of intensity,not fir me maybe,but enough to make it fun.the ride was smooth as well,and slides well with the track.along side,is the great locations,this kiddy ride focuses much on the views of the mountain that the ark set in,it done well with you fast pacing those trees and even at some points meeting with forest slide.welp yes t isnt intense,but it was a fun and smooth ride and i will be more than hapoy to go back on it again.

  • אדר פופקו

    Location Layout Intensity

    this ride,while not being the best,is still an enjoyable enough alpine coaster by the king of mountain attractions,weigand.of course with those type of coasters,you know how good the setting will be,and like most of those,it is apretty good setting.the ride slides all over those trees and well,concidering it on a mountain,its the most comfortable inviormant for weigand to work in.the layout is fun and original,offering a good pace throught it and some pops of airtime throught,typical weigand fun was spread all over this layout which also the helixes are the weigand fun they can provide.welp,but as aman that rode many alpine coasters,well,it isnt intense.dont get me wrong it could be intense for some people out there but for me,i rode so many so i know what to expect.but that are just my thoughts and overall,this is a cool chinese coaster to ride and enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Pace Layout Rattle

    this ride,holy hell,is one of the best wooden casters in china,and those chinese gravity groups are fenomenal to ride and exprience.welp,i think nobody in china reviewed it in here,but i will give you the reasons why it was so amazing of a chinese woodie.the ride designed as best as a gravity group woodie can be and feeled so great and majestic.yes,it isnt the smoothest and had some rattle,but,it was pretty minor rattle and didnt interoped the ride exprience at all.the rides layout designed as great as a gravity group can be,some fantastic airtime moments throught this all ride,great and intense banked turns,and een some nice headchoopers,espcially with that bridge at the end.the location was majestic,offering some cool setting of the park and even the parking lot,it just swooped over the trees and was so great senstion to me.and it was all done in a great and quick pace throught it all.guys,ive heard not that much people are tslking about the ride,and its a shame,since its a great wooden in china,and im reccomanding to all of you to go and give this a ride,you surely wont be dissapointed with it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Rattle Discomfort Layout

    this ride is just your typical slc coaster,a model which got a repiotation for being so rough to ride and unenjoyable,well,yes,some slcs like condor or mind eraser(six flags),were out right bad,there some good slc,and this,while not being the worst slcs out there,wasnt still a good ride.it was rough of course and the repetetive layout.i have to say tho,the ride didnt had that much headbanging as i thought it would be,but still it was rough..its so ratt;ey its not that enjoyable to ride for how so much rattle this ride have.and even have some mometns of headbanging.altough that,its more like a back forth head banging instead of an side to side banging,like this ride was made with a chewing gums and rubber bands,but yea,its a shitty slc,but,ive ridden worse,and i feeling like those slcs have a room for improvement.