• Garrett S.

    Launch Fun Intensity Dead spots

    The first half of this coaster is wonderful; Intense, fast inversions that leave you utterly disoriented. Then it hits the trim brakes and the second half of the ride is a slow, not disorienting disappointment.

  • אדר פופקו

    Location Fun Dead spots

    this ride is pretty medicore for me,not good but not bad either,it was just ok.the ride well,have a good location,providing many good views to this park and honesly,some parts were pretty fun at the start.however,this ride suffered from one big issue,the trim brakes,some of those trims were on some drops and man,they just took from the fun and potential the ride had,since it feels like those trims on raging bull at great america,which really took damped the ride.also,there were some moments that lacks in airtime,and it is just sad since it had potential to get a good airtime moments,which could be a good thrill.the ride just had those parts that felt so dead to me,maybe some parts were fun and yes this is an important coaster for this park,but still,it was fairly medicore and not that good.i just wished this ride will get some treatment,maybe even remove those damn trims,which took off all the fun,overall,it could be much better,but right now,it is just ok.

  • אדר פופקו

    Fun Intensity Smoothness Layout

    this is probably one of the better vekoma boomerangs out there,and i think elitch gardens should be proud of this coaster.the ride is well,smooth,unlike many boomerangs in america,this was a good,smooth exprience,well some rattle can be felt,but over all,the ride slided well with the track and it was cool.the ride was quit fun and intense as well,the inversions pulled couple amount of g forces which helped the intensity of the ride,overall the ride is a cool vekoma boomerang,and the only down side is might be the layout.but still,dont worry cause ths boomerang is quit smooth and gives a cool ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Comfort Intensity Launch

    sidewinder is a pretty cool addition to this main park of colorado,and one of the 3 arrow's launched loops modals remained,well,it isnt good as the Schwarzkoph ones,they are still pretty fun to ride as well,the thing that killed the ride for me the most were those launches,the launches were pretty weak and nothing to ride home about,they were so forceless and im hoping that they will get a better launches in the future,since yeah,this honestly didnt even felt like a launch.but overall,the exprience it gave was pretty cool,the loop was fairly forceful and intense,espcially backwards,this ride was pretty comfortable and the ride had some good pops of air on thos drops and ups.well yes,its anything speicel,and the launches arent that great,the ride is doing fairly well and its a unique and fun credit to get.

  • Nicky Borrill

    Airtimes First Drop Location

    Masterpiece, lots and lots of floater, and some brilliant views out to sea.

  • James C.

    Airtimes First Drop Capacity

    The coaster itself is surprisingly good. Not sure why I was surprised given that Gravity Group coasters are consistently very good, but I can say that its simple layout doesn’t hinder its ability to give good airtime on every hill, channelling its inner Phoenix you could say (though not a patch on that gem of course). The hill known infamously for its brutal ejector moment comes out of nowhere to surprise first-time riders, and I honestly can’t decide if it improved the ride or spoilt it a bit; hard to say. I only managed one ride before I had to leave unfortunately, partly because I underestimated how busy the park would be and arrived late, and partly because operations on the coaster were poor. One train ops, an unnecessarily long load/unload process and a break-down totalled up to an hour-long wait, which wasn’t necessary even given the crowds. So conclusion: the coaster was good which is the most important thing; the rest of my experience at the park less so.

  • אדר פופקו


    the ride is actually pretty unique,its the only togo kiddy shuttle that have left and yes you can found this at this park.well for me,it was kinda like an upgraded versions of the sunkid butterflys,a completely similiar model to this one.the similarities are with the layout,you are swinging back and forth just like you are doing on those butterflys but unlike thos butterflys,this have a much more seats,diffrent trains and its not manually operated.steel tho it was a fun rides,the lap bars were comfortable and it wasnt rattley like those togos,yes it isnt intense,it was pretty mild but hey,it was way intense than those butterflys and offer some little thrill as well.well yes,it isnt the greatest ride like steel vengence,but it was still unique enoguh,so,for those who wnat a unique credit,this is a coaster for you and im reccomanding to check this little park out.

  • Kc Coasters

    Airtimes First Drop Duration Dead spots Intensity

    This ride is really smooth and provides so much airtime. But at the same time there is a lack of intensity and it has a really weak second half. The first drop whips you over if you’re in the back and the sideways airtime on the banked turns is amazing. I have only ridden two RMCs and while this is considered weaker and it is a weaker RMC it still lands in my top 5. Restraints were very comfortable and so was just the entire seat. Some inversions could’ve improved the ride’s intensity and it could have better pacing but overall it still is a re rideable coaster with great airtime.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Theming Pace Rattle Layout

    this ride is a pretty fun tivoli and a pretty cool addition to this little park,and a good kiddy coaster for kids and families to ride and just enjoy.well,first of all the theming isnt that bad,for a park like this with its little budget it looks polished and the trees are giving the ride some cool look,and they are in the middle of some turns,making more things to look at.the pace was cool too,it didnt lose that much steam and suprisingly i got some airtimes on this,a thng i never expected on a tivoli.unfortunally,the layout is a cloned one and for some reason i felt some rattle on it,which made it not that much of a comfortable ride,but hey,its still a fun rides and one that kids can enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Location Layout Rattle Dead spots

    this ride isnt the best honestly,but it a fair enough addition to this little family park at france which have some attractions fir the adults.the coaster is have a fairly done layout,the pacing isnt as amazing as other soquet coasters and yes,it does have it own dead spots at some points,but the thing i liked the most about the ride is its location,some points of the ride are in this lake area,which is really fun and even goes through some bushes and even can create some headchoppers like at the end,but the ride is a soquet coaster,and ive ridden many of hose,lets just say they werent that smooth and this one is no exception.its pretty rough and you can feel the rattle through the ride.and yes,the ride is just rough,but overall its a cool family coaster and i can see it as kids first coaster.