• אדר פופקו

    Theming Smoothness Layout Intensity

    this ride is pretty much,a france knock off of the SBF spinners,and for that was a much more relaxing than those SBF once.the ride,and shoutout for that,is much more smoother than the other 2 coasters at the park,a thing that i really like since those two were rough and not reridable,this one is smooth and reridabel,and i actually got 3 rides on that,more than nitro and furio which i had 2. since it was smooth,another thing this coaster exited in its the theming,for a park like this,they really themed it well and gave it much more character than nitro,altough,the layout wasnt that good and yes,its not that intnense,its a kiddy coaster and one families sure to enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Location Pace Layout Discomfort

    this ride has same problam that nitro has,the ride layout is pretty cool but the ride itself was pretty rough,but roughness is a pretty common thing that i discovered on those soquet coasters,unlike preston & barbieri which usually have those pretty smooth coasters.the ride is a mixed bag,i can tell beacuse i liked the design.those soquet coasters alaways have a pretty cool and good designed layouts,this one is no exepctio and just shows how good those layouts are.the turns were good and intense,allowing some good Gs go into you,and some fun drops that manage to give the ride an intense exprience.altough the theming isnt top notch,the location is fun in this ride,my favorite part is this lake part,when the train goes over a little lake and this give you a good sensetion of how close you are to fall to the water.and the ride kept its good pace through the layout,i didnt felt any moment of the ride slowing down during the ride.however,the one thing that brings the ride down its that,well,its a rough coaster,hell,some headbangin were around those turns which really doenst helps the ride a whole lot in term of rerideability,a thing that i ahetd to witness since the ride had potential,it could have been a much better coaster if it wasnt as rough as t is,overall its fine,if they will smooth itit will be better but as it satnd out today,its a pretty fine coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Theming Layout Discomfort

    this ride had some potential,not gonna lie,it isnt the worst coaster out there,but still,its far from being perfect,the ride was pretty rough to ride and some headbanging were on the turns,a thing that really is a shame since it didnt was disgined poorly.the layout,that layout is one of the best ive ever saw for little coaster like that,some parts were cool like those little hills which gave some impressive airtime actually,it was more air than i expected it to be. some turns were here too and they were small but intense and provide some good fun for families.altough yes,you might argue with me about some dead spots with the brake runs,but they were understandable at least,i relized why they put those there and they didnt took much from the ride exprience.the theming here was cool too,its not much but still an honest amount of theme for this little park which seems on a low budget,espcialy the station.and the dual espect on this ride is good,actually those brake runs are pretty fun and give this dual exprience a much more thrill.unfortunally,the ride is rough with some headbanging and some rattle,this rattle ruined the ride for me and made it least reridable for me,altough yes the roughness could be fun to some,i just loves a coaster which is smooth,but moreover this is a cool coaster,i just wsh they will smooth the ride in the future.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Location Layout Rattle

    man,this ride,as the only wooden ive ridden in china,is supreme ailte and all of the coaster community must know about this amazing peace of wood.gravity group really knows how to build some alite coaster,hell,for me theyre even better than gci,sins unlike gci,they focusing on something new,like they build a shuttle wooden coaster.this one is just amazing and the amount of rearides ive got on this,just tells you how good the ride is.the ride have a shit ton of airtime packed into this big and quarky layout,the layout akso including so manny turns and for god sake,and inversion in the form of a crockscrew,the whole layout was great without even one dead spot and kept a really good pace throught the ride,the location is also cool,there is some theming but the whole location is great with the grassy area and some views of the swamp,overall,the ride is top notch,altough one downside,i fel some rattle at some arts,but that pretty common from gravity group,but still,every one in china must try out this ride.

  • Raymond Jackson

    Masterpiece Intensity Hangtime

    10 out of 10! This is a perfect coaster with the speed and big jumps like Shawn White in the half pike. For me it is the perfect amount of time you get all of the excitement not too much to be overbearing but you don’t feel cheated. I got to ride this front, back and middle and loved ever location.

  • Raymond Jackson

    Pace Intensity

    8.5 of 10! It is in all of the turns, ride pretty smoothly to be than what I thought it would be. Very enjoyable wood coaster, to take a break from riding the Rod. To many to count but was told there are over 25 turns and right ones too. I felt like a downhill skier.

  • Raymond Jackson

    Theming Fun Smoothness

    8.0 of of 10! Great theming and this was like being a A-10 war plane of the movement of the spins.

  • Raymond Jackson

    Theming Location Discomfort

    6.6 of of 10! Out dated, but great theme and very location of how it runs in woods.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Fun Hangtime Rattle

    Gold Rush is a fun ride and packs a punch in a small footprint. The hangtime right after the backwards launch is blissful, and the layout delivers a couple more exciting moments. Particularly the super snappy Dive Loop! Unfortunately, the experience is marred by several shortcomings: - The track is shaky enough to detract me from fully enjoying the ride, especially towards the back. - Some employees tend to push real hard on your lap-bars, stapling you. - The park has a very strict no-glasses policy, enforcing it even when riders wear a secured athletic strap. Being short-sighted that also affected my appreciation of what is still nonetheless a good fit for the ride

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Fun Dead spots Layout

    this kiddy coaster isnt really the best you gonna get,well i surley think so since ive read manny roller skaters by vekoma,the theming is,ok for the most park,sure its not europa park,but i think its fairly nice for a family coaster.and credit where credits do,the first drop is quit good for a junior coaster,its this twisty like drop and its just a nice drop. unfortunelly tho,the layout is pretty reptetive since it appeared over 27 worldwide,and yes,there is not that much exitment aside maybe from the first drop but i was expecting that since its a junior coaster and those does not ment to give intense ride expeirince,still tho its a fun junior coaster and kids can always enjoy it